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Posts posted by dean1991

  1. Sir Christopher Lee has made a worrying statement in his 2013 Christmas message saying he hopes to be around this time next year to see the final Hobbit film.

    I'd be saddened to see him go one day, one of the last quintessential British actors.


  2. I think that the only name on the list that will trump Thatcher for significance this year would be Prince Philip.


    Not Mandela?


    I did think about both Mandela and George Bush Snr. The latter can be dismissed as a one term president against a 10 year stint as Prime Minister but Mandela could be a challenger. The real question is what is South Africa's place in the world compared with the UK & USA?


    Bush Snr & Carter would be big in the states but thats about it, both would receieve a couple of hours of breaking news feeds on Sky as opposed to the two days worth for Thatcher, in terms of most significant on the list i do think Mandela would beat Thatcher as would Prince Philip. Mubarak, Castro and Stan Lee are other possible contenders.


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