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Posts posted by Primordial

  1. Ooops - forgot to login before posting last time :angel3:


    There are now 80 names in the Dead Pool and i've given nominator status where appropriate.


    The application is very simple and driven by your email address. The one you supply when placing a bet or the one you supply when registering on the forum.


    Whilst Windsor, Football Fan and Banshee all have nominations in the Dead Pool :D at present only RottenAli can claim 10% because he's registered on the Dead Pool forum (hence we have his email address).


    I'll build on the application if we grow and prosper :huh: but for the moment we figured the easier the better.


    Cheers, Prime :D

  2. Hi guys,


    Millwall32 - you have put together a well presented and well worded argument but I also feel you have far to quickly dismissed the contribution to this website of 'dreamland bouncing jugs'. Ignoring Spooks possible wet dream status for the moment; most women have them ('dreamland bouncing jugs') and they are known to have a profound effect on the elder celebrity.


    Remember when Anna Nichole Smith married that wheelchair-bound codger aged about 999 (we'll call him Yoda). I'm absolutely sure that Yoda shot straight up the ranking table of most the day it was announced.


    What killed Yoda? In the court proceedings that followed when asked exactly how she had contributed to Yodas life and what she had done to deserve such a huge settlement Anna Nichole stated in court that whilst Yoda lay dying in hospital she bared her 'dreamland bouncing jugs' and let him play them them .... :skull:


    In my hunble opinion this is not a bad way to spend £30,000,000 on your way to heaven (or wherever) if you can afford it. Especially considering it was back in the days before Anna Nichole turned into a elephant. Whether it acted as a Catalyst towards his demise our experts can only guess. However, dreamland bouncing jugs can smell death, they attach themselves to the dead and dying celebrity. The more dead than dying the better ...


    My point is .... When a woman with 'dreamland bouncing jugs' dates/marries/gets pregnant by your choosen celebrity its a very good sign and should be noted on this forum ... most experts will probably agree. Rod Stewart is the one exception to every rule (but he's no spring chicken)


    Surely this website can afford 1-forum where Spook and others can keep an eye out for marauding 'dreamland bouncing jugs' and warn others of their intended and possible impact on DeathList 2005/2006??? A website must expand and evolve ...


    Just thinking out loud ...


    Cheers, Prime.


    PPS> John Inman - Good call :o


    PS> Is this an exact science?

  3. Hi Guys,


    Guess what, we received 40+ anonymous nominations last night so we have a complete listing - I just need to add them to the database :( Thanks for all the help :D Keep them coming though, always looking to keep the Dead Pool topical with regular fatalities ;)


    Windsor : The position of Sihonouk at '61' merely reflects the current betting of the Dead Pool :o I'm sure he''ll die soon :huh:B) (but will he die next?) :D


    Cheers, Primordial ...

  4. OK guys - i'm new round here but, drunk at the weekend and looking for a daft idea we built our own 'lesser' dead pool of 60 with slightly different rules - you bet on the first to die. We're looking for another 40 names and this seemed the perfect place :rip:


    Hope I don't off p*ss off the 'Grim Reaper' ;):P but the link is here.


    Any help coming up with another 40 is appreciated, we're suffering brain drain over here :(


    Good luck.


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