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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders


    rumours on the internet of a massive death. if true it is stunning. don't want to say who till I check to see if reports are true or not yet though. will be back later

    Well, who Goddammit?


    I'm going for Eric Pickles or Michael Moore.

    • Like 1

  2. Just a thought: if someone started a thread about an individual and 12 years later you're still talking about his impending doom, it was a stupid fucking thread to begin with started by a damned fool who jumped the gun. Reminds me of the totally needless Angelina Jolie thread.

    You should be chastising the person daily, not having actual discussion giving credence to the fool who posted the thread. Damn glorymongers, just want to start threads for no reason.


    You obviously haven't read through this thread....... or seen the "recent" pics of the guy? (2009)


    Note how he's got a walking stick that looks like it's probably called a "HobblePro" or something. and a look on his face like an angry obese rat who keeps having his food stockpiles raided by squirrels. It was clearly some sort of nuclear megastroke and he's "lucky" to still be here (or... maybe unlucky).


    Your latest thread-police raid is about as misplaced as one of Mr. Roper's attempts to curb the wild hedonistic lifestyles of his tenants!

    • Like 4



    Billy Graham's daughter says that judgment is coming, so let's pray. Interestingly, some consequences of the Rapture will be that "Institutions will collapse. Banks will close. The stock market will plunge."

    I don't know why I should care about my investment portfolio at the end of the world, but other signs are that "Planes will fall out of the sky." and "Cars will crash on the road." So be prepared that the next traffic collision marks the end of the world."

    Also, God's judgment will apparently only affect the USA since "In the unprecedented turmoil, our nation will be vulnerable for our enemies to seize the moment and attack us." It sounds as if she means other countries, not demons from hell.


    The only person who is close to judgement is her 96-year-old asshole of a father!


    That picture shows that she is a ditsy broad! Both of You have excellent comments.


    How come people always go on about America being full of dumb people but then ridicule the suggestion that it might not be around forever?


    Just cause she believes in that Chris T. guy? That's religious discrimination that is, you're tramplin' on 'er yooman roights.

    • Like 1


    And folk still wonder 'why?'...

    I think that's just about killed her leadership hopes stone dead...


    Erm, it was actually a tweet from a joke/parody account. There's no way they'll pick her though. They tried the dorky kid and they got their arses handed to them, "surely" (that word again) they're not gonna try the bitter-faced teaching assistant next. It's Chukka all the way....


    "We have a black guy so if you don't vote for us you're racist", I think that worked for someone somewhere.


    Eric Pickles has been axed from the cabinet ! http://www.ciwm-journal.co.uk/archives/13430


    This one's real.


    Btw BG if you're gonna insist on that contest can you, like, at least get the wife to spray some Febreeze on it?





    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3075597/Burt-Reynolds-79-cuts-frail-figure-walks-cane-meeting-fans-Wizard-World-Comic-Con.html -Burt Reynolds looks incredibly gaunt and frail .Reminds me of Robin Gibb and Dennis Hopper towards the end.A must have for next years list judging by these pictures.

    Looking at those Photos i would be surprised if he lives to see next year he looks as if he is near the end, wouldn't be surprised if he had Cancer.


    Must be something like that.I know he is 79 and has had infections but I doubt that alone would make you look that ill.


    I just saw these pictures before seeing your post, and I said exactly the same to my old man - he'll definitely be on my list if he sees January 1st.


    I might even make him my joker.He is an awful yellow colour as well.Liver cancer maybe?Or Stage 4 cancer that has spread to the liver.Whatever it is though I think it must be very serious.It is sad to see him like this.


    You mean the photos, or did Cannonball Run II come on ITV4 just before you typed that?


    Caught up on sleep, morning everyone.


    The votes per seat in this election say everything you need to know about the legitimacy of this Conservative government. It's pretty clear from last night we cannot change the electoral system at the ballot box - which is a fucking tragedy.

    Sorry,thats an absolute crock of shit.

    People got the opportunity to vote on an alternative in 2011 and a whole 42% of the population managed to drag themselves away from the telly and overwhelmingly reject a change.

    THAT is democracy, not perfect by any stretch but democracy all the same.

    Im getting massively fucked off at all of the whinging about the result.

    The Tories polled the most votes under the system that WE wanted to keep.

    If things here were that shit there wouldn't be hundreds of migrants across the channel risking their lives to get here let alone the millions trying to get into Europe with the main aim of getting into our social and economic utopia.

    On a personal level, laying my cards on the table, Im grateful that a Political ideology that should have been left back in 1973 hasn't got into power to arse rape ordinary folk like me. There are multitudes of people out there who have worked their fucking arses off to make their lives as comfortable as possible while significant amounts of people around me look on in resentment that I have dared to buy a home and have two holidays a year and a new mowtah on the drive etc etc. The fact that I shifted my arse from my bed at 4.30am to go and put some hours in at work to pay for these 'luxuries' has fuck all to do with anything, right?

    I used to laugh about my much missed Dad and the amount of 'Angry from Tunbridge Wells' letters he used to write about all manner of things.

    Thing is, when I really think about it, here was a man who came home with ingrained oil on his hands, smelling of Engines who spent his life working his arse off through the grim times and the hard times. No summer holidays, no new cars and the council house that he bought off the Council was repo'd back in the 80s because the small business he tried to build couldn't survive that recession.

    So it was back to a council house and two years unemployment for a highly skilled man.

    A life where he was loved and a life ended in a hospital bed in the lounge of his and mums council house.

    Angry of Tunbridge Wells was actually angry at the hand wringing 'oh woe is me' food bank society that have grown up completely unable and unwilling to take any responsibility for themselves, instead blaming governments and resenting those that wanted to get on with things.

    Truly pathetic.




    Many people using food banks are actually in work. So......... you're just going off the deep end there (which means anyone within 50m will get soaked).


    I'm still mulling over this election. However, we should just be very glad we're not Mullah-ing it over as we would be if Miliband got in. The dozy fuckwit. He really is a fucking thick cunt. I hate that he's so rich from a non-career of not ever helping no poor person ever. Just wanking around in London and jizzing over his dad's commie memoirs. :smiley_f::smiley_f: :smiley_f:


    I had a funny dream last night that his wife left him and he offed himself but, y'know "if she's thick enough to marry him in the first place", etc, so forget it...... :(

  7. It'll certainly be a culture shock for the Libs when Parliament resumes business on May 18th. Lowest number of MPs since 1970...

    Simon Hughes won't even be there, and he's been there longer than the fucking mace.


    I wonder who BBC/Sky news channels will get now as their "bored MP who'll come on and just discuss anything".

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  8. They don't need to be snooping on us.... they need to be snooping on who's coming off those fucking Mediterranean boats the dumb fucks. It's Jihadi Central out there.

    But at least thanks to Ed's cunt-tacular failing we won't be getting that fucking "Islamophobia" law :smiley_f::smiley_f::smiley_f::shoot2:

    oooh I bet they'll smack his arse until it's no-longer-red down at the next Fabian society meeting, for that



    In other news this is my first experience under a full-blooded Tory government while having pubes. I feel oddly uncomfortable with Cameron in full charge I have to admit, but there's other things I'm glad Clegg won't be influencing on. With the coalition it was always the worst of both worlds.....



    As Chancellor I would cut death duty...;-)

    lololol.... Really surprised to see you "up and about" and joking.... (not trying to rub it in, jus' sayin. You and half the userbase actually)


    When that exit poll came out that's the biggest sudden "hush" I can remember from a crowd since when wrestler Owen Hart plunged from the rafters back in '99.


    On the plus side I wonder if the shock of the tory victory might finally kill off Denis Healey... we badly need a 3rd hit to cheer us all up !

    I thought the same thing. That's the spirit!

  9. They've got some really hilarious stuff on Channel 4's "Alternate Election" coverage. Some bloke going on about how the seas are gonna rise cos of car emissions or something!


    TV people seem to be all talking about the exit poll as gospel now, bit shocking.

  10. Paul Nuttall of UKIP on TV and even he says he doubts the poll is right. Says he can't see Labour being under 260 or Cons being over 300. No-one hates Labour more than UKIP, so.......

    Anyone know why Sunderland is "always first" to declare, btw? I guess it's cos they're the most eager to prove they can count?

  11. Just had a text message from Liz (you know her a her Majesty) she is a bit worried about what will happen and Phil found this website by googling his own name and thought that in the event of protracted negotiations following an incoclusive election she thought we erudite individuals who are keen on facts research and considered decision making could run the country in the interim.


    I have taken the liberty of suggesting roles that we each could play in the emergency deathlist cabinet.


    Prime Minister - MPFC


    Deputy Prime Minister - Paul Beaerer


    Chancellor - TMIB (after running the DDP the countries finances should be a doddle)


    Foreign Secretary - Rotton Ali


    Home Secretary - Shaun of the Dead


    Health - Lard Bazaar


    Culture - YoungWilz


    Transport - Charon


    Education - LFN


    Defence - Dr Z


    Work & Pensions - RadGuy (Because he'll be doing all the work when we are drawing our pensions)


    Environment - Bibliogryphon (who else)


    Justice - The Engineer


    Apologies if I have missed anyone out but please feel free to suggest roles.


    Anyone not happy with thier job will have to wait until MPFC decides we need a reshuffle.

    Shouldn't charon be Deputy PM? I mean, he's an oaf who's been on a boat.....


    Deathray should be transport since his unconditional love for snooker is on the same level as trainspotting.


    Toast should be head of Rural affairs and Cheese-rolling.


    Also I tried to think of a better PM then I realised I wouldn't wanna serve under any of you really so I'm officially doing a Heseltine. MPFC would be better as some sort of left-wing version of Norman Tebbit I think, with yourself as PM. All I ask is that you don't mind if I roll a few barrels into the Commons basement at night, while dressed in a curious early 17th century outfit, without too many questions. It's just beer that's all.


    The music streaming site Grooveshark was taken down "without warning" last week (although people had been sorta predicting it for a while). The vast majority of the music was unlicensed, so essentially it was nothing more than a streamy, more modern equivalent of Ye Old Napster.


    I think the RIAA is now in the process of suing its corpse. I had lots of good movie music (and other shit like wrestling themes) playlisted on there so I'm a bit annoyed, might not be able to find some of that elsewhere :rolleyes:

    I bet you are a blast at Parties. :lol:


    oh yeah. you been to any lately?


    (p.s. I have tons of "normal music". I just like to remember that Billy Gunn was "an ass man" that's all.)


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