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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders

  1. The music streaming site Grooveshark was taken down "without warning" last week (although people had been sorta predicting it for a while). The vast majority of the music was unlicensed, so essentially it was nothing more than a streamy, more modern equivalent of Ye Old Napster.


    I think the RIAA is now in the process of suing its corpse. I had lots of good movie music (and other shit like wrestling themes) playlisted on there so I'm a bit annoyed, might not be able to find some of that elsewhere :rolleyes:

  2. Stories like this really piss me off, and I speak as a mammoth fatty myself. I'm fat because I eat too much of the wrong foods, none of the right foods, and sit on my bulbous buttocks all day long. Some people know why they overeat - I don't know why I do - it's not because I was fingered by Ben and Jerry when I was a child, nor did I have nightmares about my favourite childhood pet being bludgeoned to death with a spring onion, thus putting me off salad for life - it's probably just because I'm a greedy bitch who loves crisps.


    It's not the lardasses that get my piss boiling (well, it is a bit), it's the fucking families. 'Oh boo hoo, she's going to die if she doesn't stop eating' - yeh, well how the fuck is she getting hold of all the shit food if she's so fat she can't fucking move? YOU'RE GIVING IT TO HER YOU MASSIVE CUNT! Stop giving in to their pleas for KFC and say fucking NO! Bring them a plate of veg and if she's that hungry she'll fucking eat it eventually.


    I feel slightly sorry for heffers because if you're addicted to food, you're fucked, because you can't live without eating - an alcy can still live without booze, a smoker can still live without fags, but nobody can live without eating something. Having said that, one has to exercise (pah!) a degree of self-discipline and moderation, and that's what tonka-trucks don't do. Bottom line is, her mum needs to stop ENABLING her.

    Agreed. They need to get rid of the enabling act.

  3. "Scary events" and "Paris attacks" ?


    You are a ginge Dr, aren't you?


    Wtf are you on about? I don't know one person that "really" gives a shit about the World's events. It's there for shits, giggles and point scoring.

    I haven't speaked to any Halibuts in a while either


  4. Erm, anyone notice how people are a lot less whiny about the DL hit count this year?


    This time in 2014, guests and users alike were all "waaaah, why aren't we already on 12 hits! etc."


    I'm guessin the scary events of last summer and the Paris attacks put a few things into perspective... :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    (Although lookin at how high Ayatollah Milibandi is polling, maybe not the second one? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: )


    I used to argue with the SNP candidate for Glasgow South on Bebo many years ago. He seems likely to win.


    A claim to fame? :P

    Not really.


    There is gonna be 50 odd SNP winning candidates. Chances are we've all argued with one of them at somepoint :)




    but, probably not on bebo...


    Just had a look at his Twitter, "argued with him on Bebo" is quite poss. just a euphemism for something...... well it probs is for others anyway.


    I realised the reason they don't call it the Scottish National Independence Party is cause it would make the witch's English castration fantasies even more obvious than they already are.


    The massive irony is that Mel Gibson bitterly hates the fact that Hollywood is run by left-wing gays, but now because of that stupid film England is about to be turned into a Haggis Republic by pigshit-thick Holyrood gays who think nuclear weapons are "so 80s darling" but gay-killing Halibuts (who will shortly be more nuclearly armed than we are) are just fine... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

  6. Weird how there's a very good argument to be made for Greaves being the greatest English footballer of all-time, yet he's going to be remembered as a piss-head proto-banter merchant pundit.

    So? Gazza's gotta be in the top 10 and he's gonna be remembered as a piss-head proto-Amy Winehouse tear-spraying Raoul-Moat botherer.

  7. What slug changes their unseen vote? It's for fun anyway who cares.

    To that extent, I still say BBKing reads Al Molinaro's obit with his morning paper and feeding tube before he passes.


    I know. But people would be much less likely to pull that lame trick if the thread creator would just simply click the "make votes public" when making the poll, as I used to always do when I made these threads. Apparently it's a completely unknown concept for The Unknown Man.........

  8. http://www.euronews.com/2015/05/01/frankfurt-may-day-cycle-race-cancelled-after-terror-threat/


    Erm..... terrorists threatened to bomb a cycle race in Frankfurt. And even though the culprit was arrested before he could attack they still cancelled the race anyway.


    It'll be "back next year" apparently. (I think that statement is more about trying to kid themselves their country will still be recognisable by this time next year than anything else. I mean if you have a policy of cancelling everything and staying indoors every time some fucking medieval mong makes a half-arsed plot.)


    And these are supposed to be the "most logical" people and Europe, and it's supposedly the "strongest" country in Europe.......

  9. Oh also, old fart makes unfunny posters criticising his money-grubbing councillors so they send the Stasi round.




    Faversham councillor Tom Gates, 73, a retired builder, said he and his colleagues believed the posters were a criminal matter.
    He told The Mail: “I had one of these brown envelopes through my letterbox. It just got way out of hand. I’ve never been offered a bribe.
    “I would certainly like people to be prosecuted. We’re in a democracy but shouldn’t have abuse or derogatory remarks thrown at us.”

    This is the commie version of "I'm not racist but........"


    "Derogatory remarks", gasp....! In politics? No, we can't have that! Bet he said that shortly before he went on Twitter and called Farage a "racist closet loonie", the monumentally demented 215lb bag of cancer-pus.

  10. So erm, the latest from Squeezedbagofjellybabiesface is he's going to introduce more laws to make it even more illegal to criticise people who try to force their medieval lifestyles on everyone else. Apparently he doesn't think the existing thought cr er, hate crime legislation is enough.


    I'm mostly just posting it as a warning to people on the board really, you might have to rename the Terrorist thread the "Misunderstood Freedom-Fighting Heroes" thread if ya don't want to be the subject of a show-trial, that's all. If it was gonna be any kind of turning point in the election it would have been more of a story by now. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

  11. Sadly it appears that Orville will finally be able to fly - Keith Harris has got his wings...



    I'll never forget that time he appeared on "Celebrity Pointless" with Orville. I don't think I've ever scrambled so hard and fast for the Sky remote, or did that "mash any and all buttons until something else appears" thing so ferociously.

    • Like 1




    Her sisters alive.




    Aye, but some of those currently alive still have to negotiate the descent without the fixed ropes and marked route that got swept away in the avalanche. If only we'd been notified of this impending disaster on 31st December, eh?


    I was thinking about this.

    Lets say that the authorities know that, say, 22 people are missing presumed dead BUT, as they start finding the bodies they I.D one and find out that that its somebody that died up there in, say, 1988.

    We know that the place is heaving with 'left where they died corpses' maybe, as part of a cleansing process, most of those bodies have now come down in the avalanche.

    Could 'appen.


    Erm, yeah there's a simple way to tell the difference - the fresh corpses don't have massive perms/mullets and Def Leppard cassettes heaving out of their jacket pockets........







    (*Although, now I think of it, this probably isn't 100% reliable for German corpses)

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  13. I see (John) Hinckley is possibly getting a release decision this week, even though he is almost free all the time any roads.


    Very low profile.

    The parole board types have massively failed to consider the potential consequences when he finds out Jodie was a lesbian all along.

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