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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders


    I still don't know who to vote for. I did a couple of those internet test things to determine who I should vote for based on my answers to various questions - one test said I should vote for the Green Party and the other said UKIP. I don't really know what to make of that.

    You want less foreigners and more trees.


    Maybe she just wants less foreign trees.


    In which case.... someone needs to start a party called OAKIP.







    Esther McVey, Clegg, Danny Alexander, Douglas Alexander... we might be spoiled for Portillo moments in a fortnight.


    Why does Danny Alexander remind me of Beaker from the Muppet Show?



    A 1000 internets for the person who can rustle up a picture of him in the same shot as Eric Pickles. You have Beaker and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew in full view...



    Is this cheating?





    That's the official photo?


    No wonder they were a shambles...


    Um yeah that's called "pretending to muck about and be all casual so the people don't take you seriously and let their guard down so you can pass loads of laws that fuck 'em over while they're not looking".


    Invented by this guy IIRC...

    • Like 2

  2. Google executive Dan Fredinburg 33 died on Everest.




    Is he Most Famous for dating Sophia Bush or being a Google executive you decide .


    According to some messages on instagram and twitter he tried to climb Everest a couple of times , had bad luck and failed. He should of

    took the hint.



    Oh right, Everest. Boooring. :rolleyes:


    He was their head of privacy apparently. When I saw he snuffed it in an avalanche, I assumed it was cause he opened a cupboard full of our personal data....




    Actor Rex Robinson dead at 88. He was in many Doctor Who stories back in the 70s http://www.doctorwhonews.net/2015/04/rex-robinson-1926-2015.html

    I remember him from The Hand of Fear in particular. When acting was acting and not getting your shirt off to hide your obvious stage school talent...



    A little jealous that you are not Aidan Turner? methinks...


    I don't know who that is, so not jealous at all :)


    Edit: just googled...still don't know who he is, I've seen nothing he's in, and by the sounds of it, he spends his time in nothing but his underbritches lol. I can't therefore comment on his talent or lack of it.


    He's in a "new version" of Poldark where it basically involves him getting his tits out for the lad(ie)s. I only know cos I saw it on the cover of Radio Times while I was on the shitter. Now I think of it I can't even remember the last time I thought "wonder what's on BBC1", if ever.


    Still it's got be a vast improvement on being told asked to worship Cumberbatch and Redmayne IMO.


    Opinion polls indicate that Ed Miliband is going to be the new prime minister. I assume this is something you brits are happy about? I must say he seems like a decent guy

    Ive spent the last few weeks not wanting to kick the TV screen in but I cannae hold it no more.

    Milliband is a massive cunt. Another 'socialist' that makes all the gestures and talks a load of shite about social justice and the like while he lives in a million pound house that has a Kitchen for his missus and himself and one for his NANNY and his kids.

    What fucking planet does this massive tool live on?

    Privileged? Oxbridge? Etonian? What kind of moron truly thinks that Labour is any better/more working class than the Tories???

    As soon as Labour get in the money will fuck off abroad faster than diarrhea down a bog. That's something they don't quite grasp, the wealthy tend to create wealth for the rest of us working classes to live on. DOH!!!

    Ive worked under Labour and the Tories, both are shite but one is massively shite. Labour.

    Greens? Hahahahahashahahahahahahahahahaha.

    Lib Dems? See ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    UKIP? Hmmmm. If you look beyond the mud slinging "They is a bunch of racists innit" they have ideas that are not too bad, I mean, we wouldn't be throwing foreign aid at India anymore, right?

    The worst possible nightmare will be a Labour SNP coalition. I truly wished the Scottish electorate had shown more balls and had voted for independence.

    The Tories are what they are and have always been, rich cunts that look after the rich.

    Having said all of that, what the fuck is wrong with our society?? Food banks?? What the fuck is that about!!!

    Anybody would think that poverty is a new fangled concept, which, well, it must be.

    We have bred a citizen that takes absolutely no responsibility for themselves and expects the state to house them, clothe them and now do the fucking shopping for them.


    Nobody seems to get it, we are all screwed, and screwing the 'fat cat bankers' has more to do with seeking justice than making the economy work. There IS money out there and there ARE jobs, unfortunately, due to the callous treatment and subjugation of the working classes by the capitalist elite, if you don't earn a fat wage, own a house and drive a car that is three years old or newer you are a VICTIM ........... which is great, eh.

    Politics isn't radical, to be radical will require honesty and all Politicians are fucking liars so that's out then.

    Same old shit with a different wrapper then,


    Thanks Alf/Steptoe/whatever.


    Agree about the demented denial of Ed Miliband's poshness though. He's a sheltered, spluttering, wobbly-kneed 45-year-old manchild who makes Moonface look like Abraham Lincoln by comparison. Also, LOL @ going on about "rich people and poor people" or something, when Robosnot will probably pass the "Liberating Those Poor Misunderstood Islamic Geniuses from Horrible Old Nasty Right-Wing Racist Tory Laws About Not Beheading and Stoning Random People At Will Act" on day 2.



    17 days of multi-session snooker, broadcast on free to air tv and a way of avoiding adverts during the breaks. Come on Selby put the curse to death once for all.

    What curse is that? The number of times the remaining viewers are cursed to hear the ratty old BBC commentators mutter the world "Crucible" in a vain attempt to inject some artificial drama into an extremely faded tournament which has been rendered so by a clueless megalomaniac old fart who has so physically and mentally knackered his own already monosyllabic players by making them travel to every corner of Eastern Europe and backwater China to play in meaningless tournaments, that they have literally no inspiration left for what he describes as the "shop-window" of the sport? Or the curse of having the most dull set of qualifiers, and hence first-round line-up, probably ever in the televised history of the tournament.... and which again is probably Bazza's fault for screwing around with the qualifying rounds.


    How is he supposed to break either of those curses, he's just one man! (BTW could someone move this to the Silly Sports thread?)




    Oh for suck sakes Zorders, the qualifiers could be better but I've seen worse - you always get a couple of shit players in the first round. Although losing Michael White, Dechawat Poomjaeng, Jimmy White and Ken Doherty in the qualifiers was a bit annoying. The idea that the players have no inspiration left to win this is bollocks, the fact these long-session matches are so rare is only going to increase their drive to stay in the tournament: these guys grew up on multi-session snooker.


    The curse he's actually trying to break, a I'm sure you a someone so versed in the logistical workings of snooker will be aware of, is the crucible curse that no first time defending champion has won.


    Couldn't agree more, if he had been in Round 1 it would have meant slightly less air-time for his horrendous droning commentary voice. Remember they got rid of Clive Everton to make room for that twat, "just cos he was a World Champ"? Couldn't they have just, like.... told him to go back to his paper-round?


    I put it on for 20 minutes this morning, him and Virgo sound like two concentration camp prisoners.

    This tournament is completely fucking stone fuck Jeff Buckley dead in the water, until Ronnie shows up (we have to wait til TUESDAY for that). And what if he doesn't entertain?

    • Like 1

  6. 17 days of multi-session snooker, broadcast on free to air tv and a way of avoiding adverts during the breaks. Come on Selby put the curse to death once for all.

    What curse is that? The number of times the remaining viewers are cursed to hear the ratty old BBC commentators mutter the world "Crucible" in a vain attempt to inject some artificial drama into an extremely faded tournament which has been rendered so by a clueless megalomaniac old fart who has so physically and mentally knackered his own already monosyllabic players by making them travel to every corner of Eastern Europe and backwater China to play in meaningless tournaments, that they have literally no inspiration left for what he describes as the "shop-window" of the sport? Or the curse of having the most dull set of qualifiers, and hence first-round line-up, probably ever in the televised history of the tournament.... and which again is probably Bazza's fault for screwing around with the qualifying rounds.


    How is he supposed to break either of those curses, he's just one man! (BTW could someone move this to the Silly Sports thread?)

  7. Just a reminder to all the posters here who love discussing the lords (or the elderly ones), if you elect Ed Miliband he will replace the Lords with an 'elected senate' so you won't be able to put them on your teams next year cos the press will probably say your average "ex-lord" isn't famous enough. I can understand why he'd want to do it though, since they have two elected chambers over there in the US and look how totally blissful things are there and nobody ever accuses their politicians of being old, out of touch or not deserving their place in congress!

  8. Those attacks are nothing. (Just like his "personality"). It's an indictment of the gutlessness of modern right-wing higher-ups that they don't have someone like me working on his character "assassination". Instead they have some guy who probably follows John Terry on Twitter....

    Why don't you think of it this way. I was also raised by a demented, dead-eyed, sadistic old cunt who deals with middle age by wallowing in Stalinist fantasy and psychologically pummeling their offspring before they've got a chance to develop into anything other than a stuttering drone who repeats their parents' opinions. (or in my case, she tried to)

    And you leftie cunts wouldn't elect me would you?


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