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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders




    Sheila Kitzinger - British natural birth advocate.........

    Hope she had a natural death.

    What, down on all-fours on her carpet, screaming loudly?




    If 200 people gathered in the crematorioum did that as the coffin was whipped behind the curtain...



    The way she'd want it, surely?


    Surely you mean "she should be buried at home in the backyard..... without anesthetic"?


    That's the lamest misfired joke I've seen/heard since my one about Patrick Moore on eclipse day when I should have posted "his arse is blocking out the sun".


    Lisa Simon, stalwart of Sesame Street, dies at 64. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/lisa-simon-dead-sesame-street-787606


    Edit: It appears she pooped all over her birthday too.


    Not a good time to have the surname simon. Third well known simon to die in 8 weeks.






    now lisa .


    I bet Paul Simon is shi##ing himself !!


    Nova from ECW is really glad they didnt call him Dean Simon.

    Or... not. Depending on how he's finding life at the moment, I dunno.





    Mourning everyone.




    State funeral planned in Australia.


    Would any sports figure get close to that in the UK?


    Can't think of one.


    Well so far all that's happened is Abbott's offered his family a state funeral, which "surely" they will turn down as he probably wouldn't have wanted one. I think he just wanted to prove once again that outside of being awesome for repealing the previous government's utterly horrendous climate five-year-plan legislation he clearly has the world outlook of a P.E. teacher.

    Still....... you expected us to be envious that we're not (yet) sappy enough to have state funerals for sports figures, no matter how good they obviously were? :rolleyes:

  3. With all this talk, I'm reminded once again how ironic it is that most of the shrug-happy people here who think the DDP would/will have a long life expectancy when we get to the stage where the Drop 40 consists of a bunch of 19-year-old, female basketball players and young doctors who could chirp for England are the same kind of people who would lecture us about capitalism being "unsustainable".

  4. ^LOL! wtf?


    Anyway, despite my previous tasteless joke about her I'm sure she's probably quite personable and nice. But it's true a lot of her photos do make her look like a black, female version of Abe Simpson who's just found out from HuffPo about her culture being stolen by white gay men.


    Do any of the SNP supporters here have any actual opinions on the Trident issue outside of just being gleeful that it's another thing you might get to boss us around on via coalition negotiations?

    I mean, surely you can't be insane enough to want our country to be less nuclearly-armed than a horrendous medieval one where they still stone women to death for incredibly petty reasons? (Just to be clear I'm talking about Pakistan there not Scotland)

    In return, I would ask why these WMD aren't at Portsmouth, Southampton or even just situated outside our Mother of Parliaments? You know Costa Rica? No army, no weapons and has land borders with Panama and Nicaragua. I see the WMD are doing a fine job of deterring terrorists, no wait...hang on....and not only that but they are a target for terrorism and sabotage. Without ever being used. Tell that to the folks of this country working at suppressed wages, unable to put food on the table or nappies on their wains and getting prescriptions from the doctor for household essentials...like toothpaste. I'd be against WMD no matter which party I supported.


    But hey, we'll never compromise our security, says Ed and Dave. One wanted to go into Syria, one did go into Iraq...oops, compromised! As long as Russia doesn't have theirs pointed at the South East, it's ok to have them? I'll sleep safe knowing I'm "protected" by things which could cause holocaust 35 miles from my front door.


    Rant over and no offence meant btw....


    Except it's just another drop in the ocean of our huge budget....

    If you really want to save that cash we could drop the bird-shredding... I mean "wind farm"........ subsidies?

    Those starving people are really not likely to have any better of a time under an incoming Labour government, Syriza is the most left-wing party elected in Europe in decades and....... erm, as far as I can tell, they're still starving their Greek arses off over there.

  6. Do any of the SNP supporters here have any actual opinions on the Trident issue outside of just being gleeful that it's another thing you might get to boss us around on via coalition negotiations?

    I mean, surely you can't be insane enough to want our country to be less nuclearly-armed than a horrendous medieval one where they still stone women to death for incredibly petty reasons? (Just to be clear I'm talking about Pakistan there not Scotland)

  7. Why does the headline suggest he might be "ashamed" of his job? I thought it was the UKIP people who are supposed to be the unpermissive Middle-Englander types and the BBC who are supposed to be the carefree urban geniuses or something?


    Or maybe.......... well, I can't be arsed to click the vid, but did the reporter have a big beard and suggest that he should tell the girls to "cover up" in future videos?







    Why couldn't you put "accidentally" killed himself? It's a big difference.
    Afterall, who hasn't accidentally poured themselves a cup of polonium-210 tea?
    I was just trying to rescue the difference between time's intellectual aspirations and a shit-brained Chelsea season-ticket-holder who says "well if he 'andled it wrong then be basically killed 'imself dinnie?". Y'know since almost all people immediately associate the phrase "killed himself" with an intentional suicide.
    If you were to get your head out of your arse long enough, you'd see I was quoting the BBC. If you have a problem with the way its reported, its with them. End of story.
    I'm so sorry I infringed on your O'Briain- given right to expect to be able to just copy & paste shit headlines without someone complaining, just cos it was your precious Beeb.


    If we're gonna set our standards as low as them why bother having an internet at all?

    This is slightly off-topic, but I wish that every other news site (or newspaper) could meet at least those "low" standards... Kovtun's claim is quite ridiculous even if you consider this an accident (ie. "death by misadventure" instead of suicide).


    How would someone "accidentally" get their hands on a rare radioactive element like Po-210 without even knowing he is in possession of it? What could be the mysterious thing that he regularly brought with himself and was leaking? That element doesn't really occur naturally in macroscopic quantities and only has niche applications.


    And the guy even went on to claim that it was "gradually accumulating" in Litvinenko's body, for heaven's sake, he had 200 times the lethal dose in his body, I'd consider that fact to be inconsistent with any kind of gradual, lengthy process.


    Umm..... yes........ we... can tell that....... but over here in not-so-jolly old England we don't have anything better to do than humour the Russians' latest Bart Simpson-esque "i didn't do it! nobody saw me do it you can't prove anything!"-type excuses. :rolleyes:





    Why couldn't you put "accidentally" killed himself? It's a big difference.


    Afterall, who hasn't accidentally poured themselves a cup of polonium-210 tea?


    I was just trying to rescue the difference between time's intellectual aspirations and a shit-brained Chelsea season-ticket-holder who says "well if he 'andled it wrong then be basically killed 'imself dinnie?". Y'know since almost all people immediately associate the phrase "killed himself" with an intentional suicide.


    If you were to get your head out of your arse long enough, you'd see I was quoting the BBC. If you have a problem with the way its reported, its with them. End of story.


    I'm so sorry I infringed on your O'Briain- given right to expect to be able to just copy & paste shit headlines without someone complaining, just cos it was your precious Beeb.


    If we're gonna set our standards as low as them why bother having an internet at all?

    • Like 1



    Why couldn't you put "accidentally" killed himself? It's a big difference.


    Afterall, who hasn't accidentally poured themselves a cup of polonium-210 tea?


    I was just trying to rescue the difference between time's intellectual aspirations and a shit-brained Chelsea season-ticket-holder who says "well if he 'andled it wrong then be basically killed 'imself dinnie?". Y'know since almost all people immediately associate the phrase "killed himself" with an intentional suicide.

  11. Don Looney of the Pittsburgh Steelers--former record holder in receptions--dead at 98. He had to be about the oldest NFL player around .



    That does seem like a shocking age for NFL until you remember he's from the pre-roid days.

    You ever seen the episode of The Simpsons where they go to the Superbowl? ("Sunday Cruddy Sunday") There's a great gag along those lines.

    Also, love the guy's name...

  12. I can't stop thinking about those pictures, who are those fuckers lining up for the "honour" of meeting him? They're sadder than the queue for a half-time hot dog at a middle-of-League-2 football match on a freezing cold mid-November afternoon. In the away end.

    • Like 2

  13. They forgot one square.......


    When charon or whoever made that actually convincingly explains how and why those things are invalid or untrue points rather than just hoping you'll presume they are because someone put them in an oh-so-witty and not-at-all tedious-and-worn-out "bingo card format":

    Drink the entire wine supplies of France and California.


    If that's really true (dont think so) maybe you should have said it louder instead of under your breath? Don't ask don't get etc.

    You shouldn't try to be nasty to me LFN, I'll have you know you were one of the first people I "unconsidered" for my 10 thickest DLers list that I compiled the other day but chose not to post.

    Im not surprised you "unconsidered" it.

    You realised that you were top of the list. :lol:


    Yeah but....... you see, even if that was true there still would be 9 other spaces on the list wouldn't there..........?

    Are you trying to get on it or what?


    I'm top 3 material smug.gif

    No you're not on it. Although the fact that you so swiftly jump to that conclusion makes you predictable and presumptious or summat, at least. But not thick enough for me to promote you onto it. Cos I can't be arsed to go back to it anyway.

  15. If that's really true (dont think so) maybe you should have said it louder instead of under your breath? Don't ask don't get etc.

    You shouldn't try to be nasty to me LFN, I'll have you know you were one of the first people I "unconsidered" for my 10 thickest DLers list that I compiled the other day but chose not to post.


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