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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders



    Aye, well, we're supposed to be comparing performane notes on a dead pool on this thread, So, get a grip, eh?



    It's okay Zorders, I think mpfc wasn't seriously offended, he was just making a very subtle and not very funny joke in response? :)


    I dunno, ....... I noticed the "joke", which was actually funny if it was, you don't need to highlight it, but i think you did manage to annoy him but then he pretended it was a joke. Maybe.

    Whatever, still praying for him to run over a nasty pebble while he's on his bike in the Lake District or wherever.




    I can't tell if Maryport was seriously offended or not. But if he was, if he can't take even light-hearted jabs like that (especially from younger members) maybe he shouldn't have posted that retarded-arse drivel a few weeks back about how "easy" things are for young people in the UK..............

    Are you for real??????


    Ehhh... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: just shut up

  2. I agree things do not look good for poor king


    He's not poor. He's very rich. Cos of how he entertained people worldwide with his not-at-all tedious brand of wailing "weeelllllllllllll I got the obese-black-guy-bluuuuuuueess" while strumming and twanging away.......


    It's just related to his diabetes. I have that.It's no big deal.He'll be just fine. I had major chest pains after eating an easter egg. You have to learn to live with these things


    As amusing as this comment is........ let's be honest, he'll probably be dead in 24 hours.

    I did have a mild "pain" of my own, telling me that I should have included him, about 2 minutes after I sent in my DDP entry for this year. And here we are.

    But hey, it's only 6 points so.. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  4. Few days back I heard Robosnot say "Young people shouldn't have to take on a lifetime of debt to get an education".

    But... the Labour party's policy is to merely "reduce" tuition fees from £9,000 to £6,000........ so apparently he doesn't mind them having to take on two-thirds of a lifetime of debt?

    Gormless. Twat.

  5. I can't tell if Maryport was seriously offended or not. But if he was, if he can't take even light-hearted jabs like that (especially from younger members) maybe he shouldn't have posted that retarded-arse drivel a few weeks back about how "easy" things are for young people in the UK..............



    America's most famous sportswoman Lauren Hill gets another notch towards widespread obituaries after being awarded with the Pat Summit Award for Braveness by the US Basketball Writers Association. Presumably this means that Pat Summit herself may get the Daily Mail write-up when she finally goes.

    Again, Sir Creep is not learned on the media of the UK, but goddamit if Pat Summit wouldn't obit no sense in publishing the damned paper. Granted we had this tiff re: Tarkanian a couple months ago and Sir Creep was right, which seemed obvious to him. But she's the greatest NCAA female bb coach ever, what could possibly be the debate?





    Never trust anyone who refers to themselves in the third person. I cna't quite remember where that bit of advice came from but it is worth noting.


    Bill Clinton in 1996 probably?



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  7. If I remember correctly she starred in porno movies after her wrestling career was over, together with Sean Waltman. She looks horrible; well she never was a beauty.

    Er................ yeah........ I think we........ may have just heard of that.... somehow... somewhere along the line.


    She looks terrible. I played it with mute on, not gonna listen to that..........

    This is probably Vince Russo's fault for interviewing her and bringing up all that old shit. Looks like sending Owen to his death wasn't enough for him.....


    Well ISIS have now entered Damascus and the meat grinder will go into full throttle . Was the clearing of Zabadani a path out for Assad and his family? I think they know they are fighting a losing war . Assad won't die in Syria he will leave and go to Russia with his family possibly . ISIS will fully concentrate the efforts on the capital now and no one will help stop them , the moderate rebels won't hezbollah are they willing to risk 10,000s of losses ? Assad's Army is quickly shrinking its a shame really because he was probably the most moderate out of all that are fighting and could of brought peace back to syria . He isn't a good man and his army haven't done good things but he is the best of a bad bunch. This is going to become a wider issue very fast , if ISIS capture Damascus they can launch assaults on Lebanon and Israel and maybe Jordan . The Israeli army will definitely get involved if Damascus falls .






    it's only o ne suburb mate.Damascus isn't about to fall tomorrow


    Why don't you register, Owen?

    BTW engineer, where do you get your info from? Did you do fucking Middle East studies or what? :wacko:


    Are we really gonna classify someone who reads Hansard for enjoyment as "alive"?

    *shakes head*



    Forget Hansard, he reads, as a rule that's a sign of intelligent life!


    my mum has like 2000 books probably. if not more. so..... I'm afraid your rules might need to be re-located to your crypto-cumbrian crevice. =/



    Erm..... edit to add: If he likes the House of Lords so much why doesn't he speak out against Ed Miliband's policy to scrap it? He is a Lord himself for fuck's sake! Where's the intelligence there?

  10. I know it's not new news, but I personally am really glad we'll never have to hear Jeremy Clarkson squawking "INTO GAMBOOOOOOOOOOOOON" again, in that really fucking annoying way.


    Erm....... unless he suddenly decides gay sex with old actors is a good way to spice up his late 50s of course...

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  11. Apparently Nicola Sturgeon "now holds all the aces" in the general election or summat........ *facepalm*


    And I thought my days of having to suffer being lorded over by such rodent-faced, shrill, regionally-accented bints were gone for good when I finished all my GCSE Maths and French classes....

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  12. A guy at work was talking about the election today he seems to think Ed Milliband will be another Neil Kinnock .


    I'm predicting another lib dem / conservative coalition , cons short by 10 to 12 lib dem will retain that amount of seats (they're actually people still dumb enough to vote for them) and the status quo will always be favourable to politicians.

    I think shit's too serious these days for it to be decided on a "We're alright!" moment. Then again, there are some incredibly thick people out there obviously. But IMO, to anyone who wouldn't vote for him because of it, it's already clear that he's a huge dork.


    For those who are struggling as badly as me the choice comes down to do I believe Labour would do enough financially for me to forget about how pro that-frothing-at-the-mouth-religion-we're-not-allowed-to-criticise they are. Or do I think whatever "help" I would get would be worth it for that horrendous price. At the moment it's a major no and I don't believe that will change.


    I've thought for a while, the same as you that Labour would somehow blow it and Cameron will be re-elected....... however don't forget, how many young'uns who've been having their brains pummeled since they were in nappies by the likes of Russell Howard and Mock the Week (and as of more recently, BuzzFeed), who weren't old enough to vote in 2010 but will be voting this time. And yes some of them will even be thick enough to vote Lib Dem.

  13. If David Cameron gets back in as PM he'll be the first British PM in history to have failed to get a majority in parliament twice running.That makes him officially the biggest failure ever as PM surely !

    No, shurely the biggest loser PMs are those who lose a vote of no confidence. Or "win" one if you like.

  14. It takes a truly nasty person to act nice while being nasty........ or summat.

    And by introducing such colossal cuts (especially to stuff like legal aid) while hiding behind his call me Dave, "look at my Blairy, oh-so-care-y hand gestures" act, he has legitimised a "nastiness" that none of us would have thought was coming in 2009. So..... yeah. I don't believe people would be less comfortable with other Tories as leader.


    I've no idea the 118-118 jokes you refer to Dr Z



    I would like to take the time to explain this to you but I fear it would not reflect well on the entire British people if I did.


    Erm, remember his people gave the world "I'm lovin it", so.. easy on the shame there.

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    Minor stuff but...


    There are no paintings from life of Fletcher - Mutiny on the Bounty - Christian and when the navy finally arrived in the Pitcairn Islands several years after the mutiny they found a shortage of men (basically, the blokes had started bumping each other off because there was competition to have more of them lovely maidens for each man).


    The navy were presented with four separate and varied stories about the death at the age of 28 of Fletcher Christian although some believe, on tenuous evidence, that Christian escaped and returned to Britain where he lived out his days in anonymity.

    So he didn't want to stick around for the chicks........ you trying to say he was more like Felcher Christian then?




    Nope, I'm trying to say it's a little known conspiracy theory. I'm assuming once the novelty of the shaggathon had worn off life on the Pitcairn Islands was probably pretty hard and boring (same faces, same struggle to grow enough to survive on, lacking in entertainment).


    Sounds a lot like an island I know. Lucky it didn't take him 230 years to sail back here or he'd have been like "fuck, what a wasted journey!".

  17. Minor stuff but...


    There are no paintings from life of Fletcher - Mutiny on the Bounty - Christian and when the navy finally arrived in the Pitcairn Islands several years after the mutiny they found a shortage of men (basically, the blokes had started bumping each other off because there was competition to have more of them lovely maidens for each man).


    The navy were presented with four separate and varied stories about the death at the age of 28 of Fletcher Christian although some believe, on tenuous evidence, that Christian escaped and returned to Britain where he lived out his days in anonymity.

    So he didn't want to stick around for the chicks........ you trying to say he was more like Felcher Christian then?

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