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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders


    Hate it when the guy on the news says "Parliament has been dissolved" and you wait for him to say "..... in acid" but he doesn't. :(


    Seen as it's the day of dissolution I'm going to come out and say it... I prefered it when the PM had control over when to call and election, it meant elections were generally more frequent (something I prefer as a keen political watcher) and there was a lot more suspense involved in government difficulties, the fact I haven't experienced a snap election yet ( the last being 1974) probably has something to do with it.


    At this rate 2001 will go down as the last non-multiple of five election.


    Been sitting on that controversial nukeshell for a while have you?


    What I'm saying is........... erm, yeah no shit. It was an absolute stitch up cause they wanted to squash the people's hope of the coalition going down in flames. And the MPs like it just cause anything that gives them an extra sense of 'job' security is good to them.





    Cameron has just visited the queen to inform her parliament has been dissolved, first time that she's not been required to dissolve it herself - reckon she's butthurt.


    This is quite likely to be the closest elections in several hundred years.

    That might be hyperbole.


    The 1992 election was very close. The BBC were planning to go to broadcast with a picture of Neil Kinnock to start with but at the last minute they changed it for a split screen of both him and John Major.


    The two elections of 1974 are of course very close and the 2010 election was the closest of them all resulting in the first formal coalition for over 70 years.


    The question is why is this election close we have had five horrible years where it has become evident that we are not "All in it together". My only conclusion is that the Conservatives have created an illusion that it is all the Lib Dems fault and it will all be great tomorrow.


    Just a note on Cameron and the Third Term issue. What you have to remember about Cameron, for all his faults and insincerity he is as nice as the party gets. If you take a look over the possibly replacements bastards to a man (including Theresa May). Cameron is there because his party need him, not because the want him.




    Cameron isn't A. Nice or B. a Tory...........


    Not reassuring to know we have such ignorant people running the civil service.



    If I read that piece correctly ("Today is the day I have chosen to pass away with dignity in the face of my terminal illness, this terrible brain cancer that has taken so much from me - but would have taken so much more.") her death was a case of euthanasia/assisted suicide. Half a year ago she advised Brittany Maynard against such an end. I conclude that that woman subscribed to the moral school of "Do as I say, not as I do". Such hypocrisy isn't rare in Xians.


    Let me assure you all, there is absolutely NO fucking dignity in death, none whatsoever.

    The only thing that death does is reaffirm the utter absurdity of life.


    What in the fuck? Is that you Tempus?



    Well anyway. Obviously there is some dignity in it or else the Swiss wouldn't have invented assisted suicide would they. They don't invent shit things do they. See: Toblerone..... and also, probably the kind of winter-sports bravado that almost got Schumacher killed.

  3. Alberta Watson, Actress of La Femme Nikita and 24, dies. http://globalnews.ca/news/1897540/canadian-actress-alberta-watson-dies-at-60/

    Hmmm. Just checked and she played the head of CTU in my favourite season of 24. Thought the name sounded vaguely familiar.


    Wow it's a long time since I've seen it, those early-2000s series must look so out of date now, what with non-smart-phones, older computers and government agents who put a higher priority on stopping terrorist atrocities than raiding your phone for nude selfies.

    • Like 1

  4. Hey I was only kidding around........ you watch what ya like. I mean I've already blown most of my contempt-spunk on the company themselves and I know you're a reluctant/skeptical viewer :lol:


    Seems beyond analysis or criticism to me. Other than.... they need to let the whole Undertaker thing go before something bad really happens because by all reports he is in amazingly shit shape. Wasn't it enough that they ransacked his dignity by giving his streak to a part-time twat who needs a blubbery seal to do all his talking for him? Don't want him to snuff it in the ring too. And who the flying fuck is Bray Wyatt? :rolleyes:


    Saw Dusty Rhodes on RAW last week. He's only a shadow of his former self. He looks more like a zombie than a human being. He's probably not long for this world.



    I just been catching up on raw and came here to post the exact same thing, does he have cancer ? I would say he has a 2 or 3 years by

    the looks of him.


    You actually... watch that shit? :dead2: *hovers over "remove friend" button*


    Well anyway. If I can just go back to speculating about Vince. I've always thought that this kind of stuff (clip from late 2007)....... was an on-screen representation of his real-life sadness/anger at his complete inability to once again raise WWE to the heights of the golden Austin/Rock era.... or the heights of, I dunno, supposedly WrestleMania 3 (if you're into that, not judging).


    I do think it actually ate away at him for a while in the 2000s... perhaps stopping at some point a year or so after they made the transition to PG. That's got to count for something as well as the steroids..







    This one breaks my fucking heart :-(((

    Anyone notice the founder of the band Gong died on the same day as Gene Gene the Dancing Machine from the Gong Show?!!

    Wth is going on ?!!!!!!

    Sir Chttp://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/gene-patton-dead-gong-show-781394?utm_source=Microsoft&utm_campaign=Syndication&utm_medium=Gene+Patton%2C+Gene+Gene+the+Dancing+Machine+From+'The+Gong+Show%2C'+Dies+at+82

    What is going on is whatever is keeping your addled brain whirring at 2:37 am.

    Moot point, since for SC it wasn't 2:37am, it was anywhere between 4:37pm and 9:37pm depending upon his precise location (not allowing for any local daylight saving times that are due around now which I cba to look up). That's the internerd for you, people posting from just anywhere....

    Excellent deduction. It was 8:37 as I am CST and with daylight savings (according to my post). I was sitting at my regular pub and someone in my DP posted this one so you know me, I have to share with my awesome British/European friends here in DL site. It's the least I can do. I was probably only about on pint #2 of what would become a dastardly evening of dubauchery at the time of this posting.

    Sir C

    So you're a debauched american insomniac.

    American? Since when do Americans sit in "pubs" and drink "pints"? He's one of y'all I think.

    That comment speaks volumes. It's where I go and what I drink. I also will kick butt and take names at steel-tip darts. See, the difference is that I've actually been to Jolly Olde England and enjoyed myself thoroughly but regardless any opinion I have is first hand. My sister lived over there for a few years and got married to a Limey (lol). I couldn't care less where a few here get their animosity from re: Americans. It's their personal prejudices they can wrestle with. I find the angst terribly amusing and smile each time. So keep it up :-)

    But yes, we have pubs that serve pints over here (not everyone drinks fahkin Budweiser), but sadly no Viz magazines way back when.

    Sir C


    This must have been a while back then...


    Reports are coming in that Vera Lynn has fired her cook for giving her the same dinner every day. She was heard shouting angrily ' Veal meat again !!'


    Call me crazy but I like this.


    Erm..... yeah I thought it was funny too.

    This just shows how guest-hate goes too far. Can't even just flat out say you thought it was funny, have to say "call me crazy" etc.. :blink:


    Going to Thailand in few weeks. Would be interesting to see him die while being there.

    You might wanna keep off this thread during that time. Better safe than sorry...unless you've already been since posting this and are now in a Thai prison. Hate to say I told you so...


    Jeez, what are the stereotypes for a Thai prison anyway? Do humiliating punishments include sex with a non-tranny?


    how is the system unworkable? :scratchhead:

    Socialism relies on private financial interests to generate the tax revenue for public industries.


    Stop feeding uncomfortable truths to a community full of lefties you like-whore!

    (oh wait you're just saying socialism should be replaced with full-on communism but whatever, it vaguely looks like you "admitted" something so I'm happy)

    • Like 1

  10. I know this is a big, big, BIG discussion that can't be solved within a few posts on a message board, but being as the DDP site is, as we can all agree, what happens when a website is set up for a fun game between a few friends in Derby and then 20 years later has 400 competitors... is there something to be said for converting the site into a wiki? Each celebrity and team would be an individual page, which would mean formatting of the teams and celebrity lists would be done automatically and there'd be no need for a process of copy/paste/copy/paste.

    Bond rating: Junk

  11. rumours continue to spread that Vladimir Putin has indeed died ! http://beforeitsnews.com/israel/2015/03/unconfirmed-russian-internet-rumors-that-vladimir-putin-is-dead-2449902.html Very interesting !

    But a short announcement of Putin’s death was seen briefly on Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s website early Thursday, only to be removed after 20 minutes. According to officials in Moscow, Putin was expected in Kazakhstan Thursday for meetings with its leaders, but failed to turn up.

    Odd. Surely if they were trying to delay announcement of his death for whatever reason, that wouldn't have made its way onto the interweb.


    Maybe what's happened is some of those 4chan nerds that were mentioned in the "The Interpreter" story hacked his website and put that false announcement up... you know, "for the lulz".


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