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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders

  1. My mum loved this guy, round here it's gonna be like that special time in North Korea after one of their leaders dies - for the next few days, anyone not caught looking sad enough is gonna be "for it" or summat.


    Mad cow......... refuse to ever read anything she likes that much, I'm volunteering to pour petrol on his corpse if he wanted cremating.


    Paul Gascoigne speaks about his involvement in the Murdoch Press hacking scandal:




    He says the hacking turned him into an alcoholic and made him consider suicide...



    So doubtless the same office conversation I'm enjoying is going on elsewhere. Sympathies for Gazza and no love for the press activities but...



    His journey off the rails was already underway when the phone hacking started, right?


    Erm, maybe, maybe not. He was already supposed to have an alcohol problem even during the mid or late 90s right? But maybe it turned a medium-sized problem into a huge one..............


    If he still wants to off himself, holding his breath waiting for an apology from the therapist would probably be a good method.

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    Before I start I want to point out that I am not being Luddite about the whole remake of Thunderbirds. I frankly couldn't care less.


    However there are some things you do need to get right LADY PENELOPE. She should be classy and aloof and be able to convey the impression with one look that she is out of your league, even if you are a billionaire athelete with a PhD and a Knighthood. She should NOT look like a pissed off secretary

    Hey, you guys are the ones who have spent a whole century and more trying to make it illegal to be posh...... check yourself before you wreck your self maybe?


    This is cultural not political. No-one wants to see Bertie Wooster wearing a back to front baseball cap.


    And on the day when ITV BBC3 Channel 4 Channel 5 Netflix HBO and BBC in a joint production make such a thing a reality, I'm sure if you and Phantom and the like show up outside their studio waving your arms and worriedly explaining "uhh no, uh I think you uh missed the point, uh it wasn't supposed to be a cultural thing, it was just supposed......." they will say "oh, right sorry!" and cease immediately or something..



    I do not have a problem with people being posh. I realise that people can't help where they were born or how they were raised. What I don't like to see if privilage denying opportunity to people who may be more talented.


    Lady Penelope was a bloody puppet the point I was trying to make is that she does not exist in the real world and should not be made to.


    There again I imagine I am not the target audience and those that are will know no better.


    You mean like union privilege? Yeah I agree with ya there.

    Oh well, whatever. I could have also said "you should have thought of that before".......... that would have been the short version but I just always crack up at the image of certain "do-gooder"-type people (no offense) being surprised at the results of their own political movements


    A bit like the whole "We need to ban smoking cos it kills", and then 50 years later "God why are there so many old people around? Where did they all come from? Get lost you bunch of sad old coffin dodgers!" thing. Just sayin'.



    Before I start I want to point out that I am not being Luddite about the whole remake of Thunderbirds. I frankly couldn't care less.


    However there are some things you do need to get right LADY PENELOPE. She should be classy and aloof and be able to convey the impression with one look that she is out of your league, even if you are a billionaire athelete with a PhD and a Knighthood. She should NOT look like a pissed off secretary

    Hey, you guys are the ones who have spent a whole century and more trying to make it illegal to be posh...... check yourself before you wreck your self maybe?


    This is cultural not political. No-one wants to see Bertie Wooster wearing a back to front baseball cap.


    And on the day when ITV BBC3 Channel 4 Channel 5 Netflix HBO and BBC in a joint production make such a thing a reality, I'm sure if you and Phantom and the like show up outside their studio waving your arms and worriedly explaining "uhh no, uh I think you uh missed the point, uh it wasn't supposed to be a cultural thing, it was just supposed......." they will say "oh, right sorry!" and cease immediately or something..

  5. Vince McMahon is now the same age that his father was, when he died.

    Vince McMahon Sr. died of cancer. And Vince Jr. doesn't have/hasn't had cancer as far as we know.


    On the other side of things though, Vince Sr. wasn't a puffed-up, steroid-addled old blowhard.

  6. I don't know this bloke [barry Scott] but surely the hoi poloi does, I just found it all quite amusing, from the 'dirt can suck Cillit Bang's dick' to the company spokesperson taking this opportunity whilst speaking about the fate of a former colleague to sell their new product offerings! What a silly lot.



    What you just did was the equivalent of me linking you to an The Onion story about the Pillsbury Doughboy ODing on icing sugar.

    Except possibly even less funny.

  7. Okay...... don't get too excited, I meant take a break. Just until either your bum-rash wears off, or the day when your wife comes on and says "I know Steve posted here, well he was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimers today, so I'm afraid..........." etc. Whichever is first.


    So er, did he present any other "Play for the Day" episodes, or was the moon landings the only one?


    Google is your only friend


    Hey Phantom, if you're so sensitive that you hate me that much, I'll leave just cos you said that if you want. :)

  9. Well you would probably like it if you were 20 years younger or something. But hey you like Dr. Who and that's for kiddies, so.... (*holds up shield for expected wrestling barbs* ....... christ, "shield" I might as well be playing D&D.)


    He made a guest appearance as himself in an episode in like series 3 or 4 something. The central character goes back to 1999 to try and stop himself being frozen in time and thus ending up waking up in the year 3000 (which was what happened in Episode 1 and was basically the premise of the series). Somehow Al Gore and Gary Gygax show up and lecture him that he was "meant" to go to the future and he needs to stop trying to mess with events. When Gygax shows up he says "Hi it's... *rolls dice*....... nice to meet you!". The fact that I'm actually recounting it should indicate I think it's one of the more enjoyable and clever scenes that I can recall. If you want a cringefest you'll have to seek out Bender singing "She'll be coming round the mountain" yourself..

    • Like 2

  10. Before I start I want to point out that I am not being Luddite about the whole remake of Thunderbirds. I frankly couldn't care less.


    However there are some things you do need to get right LADY PENELOPE. She should be classy and aloof and be able to convey the impression with one look that she is out of your league, even if you are a billionaire athelete with a PhD and a Knighthood. She should NOT look like a pissed off secretary

    Hey, you guys are the ones who have spent a whole century and more trying to make it illegal to be posh...... check yourself before you wreck your self maybe?

  11. Got to be the lamest auction ever. Rob Ford memorabilia? Wow..... utter shite, especially offensive to someone as financially fucked as me to think people out there have money to spend on such crap.


    Although I suppose his undies might come in useful if someone doesn't want to shell out for a proper beach towel.

  12. In the early 70s my friend Tim received a detention for originating a note passing in class. The teacher saw it being passed, took possession of it and realised from the handwriting it was Tim. Written on the piece of paper was peen wank.



    Okay, you ever heard it any other time? I still think had a very low and borderline-cryogenic status until the age of "4chan" super-dweeboids who all somehow manage to hack impenetrable US security computers AND Hollywood starlet's dirty phone pictures at the same time using only one hand.

  13. Can I just throw the term 'peen' in Room 101? It has neither the strength of the word 'cock' nor the accuracy of 'penis', and it makes me heave a little every time I read/hear it. Thank you.

    Good change from the usual Room 101 stuff...

    It was probably intended (semi-consciously) to make people feel uncomfortable. It's definitely an internet-era coined word, coined by someone who batters their own about 50 times a day..... or did when he invented it.

    I'd be amazed if there's any record of it before 2000....... or even 2005 for that matter.

    There's many reasons why it makes you feel so grossed out but I don't wanna go into them, maybe someone else who does feel like being gross and is also thinking the same as me about it, will do so. :)

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  14. So, Cameron will do a seven way 90 minute sound-bite fest, or nowt.


    How's this gonna work itself out, then?


    The Miliband vs empty chair debate would be a PR disaster for Cameron and probs worth staging because the world-wide rights to that footage would earn decent money (how many other precedents are there for a leader who refused to turn up and argue for his current job back?)

    The real debate story MPFC is how Cameron suddenly and hilariously decided that the Greens (and every other shitty little party) were oh-so-important and desperately lassoed them into the picture like a shoplifter jumping into a crowd of hobos to hide himself from the toddling security guards, because he was too scared to debate Farage effectively "one-on-one" in a triple-threat debate with Wallace in which Wallace's role would ultimately end up being about as memorable and meaningful as Ken Shamrock's in the brilliant three-man cage match between The Rock, Shamrock and Mankind at WWF's "Breakdown" PPV in September 1998


    BTW, speaking of Wallace, how fucking shit is his party and its supporters in the media and general populace that they can't even manage a poll lead against a pale ghoul of a human being who looks like he dines on bats, and his deranged mates who enjoy tipping crippled fuckers out of their wheelchairs into the gutter just for the sick amusement and the paltry few quid it saved?


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