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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders


    Gary Gygax died on March 4th 2008. He created the roleplaying game Dungeons and Dragons




    He failed his saving throw.


    Gary is part of the reason I am here. Only one person at my work had heard of him.


    Well..... shall we have a dice-throw to decide whether that's a good thing or not?

    Since the first place I saw/heard of him was his guest appearance on Futurama, he always reminds me of the irksome fact that I used to watch it, I'm probably gonna have to give him the thumbs down overall =/




    Stop being daft or we'll give you the shaft.


    Hahaha..... that's rich.

    BTW you may want to investigate how that PM function works instead of mucking up a perfectly good thread with superfluous noise. No one else wants to see all that.

    Lastly, your complaint was that it 'wasn't wrestling related', now once that's shot down your target has moved and you complain that it's 'tenuous'. Could be your just jealous you didn't find the link. Or are a horse's arse. Anyway, I'll take my own advice, I'm done posting OT nonsense here. Message me if you need to Dr. Z.




    Rich..... rich....... how about I shove a Rich Tea in each of your eye sockets, shove forged bearer bonds in your mouth and tie you to a safe? That rich enough for you?


    Also, I got a clogged PM in/outbox, I'm not gonna delete a moderately amusing conversation I had with Predictor like in December or something so I can tell you how to handle the forum equivalent of wiping your arse


    Quit hatin on me man you're dancin on the edge.

  3. No it is with you.....


    If I posted every extremely tenuous thing I saw on the internet here, I'd have you all believing in man-caused-climate-change and a peaceful religion named Islam by next week!


    Stop being daft or we'll give you the shaft.




    TTT isn't gonna let Phantom have that "dullest suggestions" trophy without a fight.

    let me guess, you've not heard of them so they're "dull suggestions"



    Actually the funny thing is, I can admit I got mildly carried away by bashing some people mentioned here because I forgot this is for just general suggestions, not suggestions for the front page of DL. And yes actually I did know he was the director of some old Bond movie..... But that doesn't stop it being dull, and actually I don't think he's at all guaranteed to get a qualifying obit for the DDP either.


    Why should I have heard of him? I can remember tons of movie "facts", but remembering which generic nobody directed which old Bond film is a pursuit probably too lame even for people who think Richard Osman appearing on Football Focus to give his tips for the weekend's fixtures is a "telly highlight of the year".


    And anybody could have directed Alfie too, movies like that aren't about the director.........


    At lot of journalists are massive nerds and if a Doctor Who actor or a Bond director dies it is very easy copy they could write in their sleep. Gilbert will obit big time.


    In addition to being thickos


    But yeah I see what you mean.

    • Like 1

  5. If you were saying that it looks a bit like the guy in my avatar....... thats just some guy from a film :rolleyes:


    Also, I would have been far too young to be able to get along unmolested in the world of TV in 1994.

  6. Hey Doc!

    I stated a couple weeks ago re: Deaths is 2015 thread and all the other threads/forums. At the school I went to we learned about sets and subsets and teacher drew big circles that would intersect or would be (as in this case) completely encircled by the larger circle.

    As I claim, every single person who dies that we care to post is a member of the set 'Deaths of 2015'---that HUGE circle on the chalkboard. They may also be a member of a subset small circle inside that big circle. I will be posting them I their appropriate subset, if any, as well as the Deaths of 2015. That should be one-stop shopping for a list of the dearly departed, so as I don't post about someone who's even mentioned but buried in some other thread. The search function isn't very useful seeing as it doesn't sort them by date. Anyway.... I got lazy today cuz I had three to post (you know, racing to be first pfft) and cut/pasted the damned things. It was a first for that. I'm disappointed in myself too :-(


    As for any frays around here I've no part nor care to be but I am happy to point out when someone is wrong--about anything. I'm an argumentative sonovabitch like that. I'll leave you two lovebirds as you were.


    Dad, I couldn't care less about how your sweater-wearing sunday school teacher taught you to draw concentric sphincters on a chalkboard during the few moments in the late 50s when you weren't doing duck and cover drills! It has no meaning! And like anyone who has half a brain worth saving Hitler-style, I only see whirring spiral vortexes when people try to start explaining stuff with circular bullshit.


    The only reason why you should post something in the Dead of 2015 when you've already posted it in the relevant thread is because you think it's notable enough that it should go on there so people can scroll through at the end of the year and remind themselves which big names died. Since the most memorable thing about that senator is the funny joke you made, he definitely doesn't count. Okay? YOU SWIVEL-EYE CROP CIRCLE MOTHERFUCKER.


    Also suggest I'm gettin jiggy with Deathray again and I'll do another complete 180 and call for your banning

  7. Hey SC that made me laugh but why did you post it in two threads? Just to annoy the baying mob?


    You shouldn't get involved in spats over posting you'll end up obsessed and unable to speak about any other topic, like rockhopperpenguin.....
    Anyway if you want my stance I don't really care too much about stuff being posted twice but by the same person is unnecessary.....

  8. 49 is like 99 in fat rapper years and he's probably just a big bag of diabetes.

    So it's probably a statement of truth as well as a lame attempt at pretending it was an accident. :)

    • Like 1

  9. I often like to just "walk away" and "be the bigger man" in these arguments.


    So I won't point out that Jake Roberts is a completely different case because that was a user complaining about not knowing someone who was picked by our "esteemed" committee , not me complaining about random people listed here. And if you can't be bothered to google someone who our precious retired-New-Zealand-sportsman-hocking geniuses selected I think that's the real laziness/arrogance right?


    oh wait oops






    TTT isn't gonna let Phantom have that "dullest suggestions" trophy without a fight.

    let me guess, you've not heard of them so they're "dull suggestions"



    Actually the funny thing is, I can admit I got mildly carried away by bashing some people mentioned here because I forgot this is for just general suggestions, not suggestions for the front page of DL. And yes actually I did know he was the director of some old Bond movie..... But that doesn't stop it being dull, and actually I don't think he's at all guaranteed to get a qualifying obit for the DDP either.


    Why should I have heard of him? I can remember tons of movie "facts", but remembering which generic nobody directed which old Bond film is a pursuit probably too lame even for people who think Richard Osman appearing on Football Focus to give his tips for the weekend's fixtures is a "telly highlight of the year".


    And anybody could have directed Alfie too, movies like that aren't about the director.........


    Ok let's get one thing fucking clear. Just because it's dull to you, doesn't mean it's not interesting to someone else.

    Maybe the "one thing" you (or TTT) should have made clear was that he's actually directed three of the more well-remembered Bond movies as well as a bunch of other stuff? As I just found out via Wikipedia? Because then it wouldn't seem such a crap suggestion.....


    Maybe next you can make it "clear" to me why the onus should be on us to have to Google every obscure name instead of posters actually making the reasons of "interest" for their suggestions more clear....


    Oh I'm ever so sorry to have to get you to actually look something up yourself. perhaps I should spoonfeed you the complete biography next time, because obviously it takes time out of your day from being a complete w***er.


    No, just the fact that he has actually directed more than 2 or 3 nameable films was all I was after actually..


    Maybe JFGI should stand for Jonny Fantom's Geriatric Indignance.




    TTT isn't gonna let Phantom have that "dullest suggestions" trophy without a fight.

    let me guess, you've not heard of them so they're "dull suggestions"



    Actually the funny thing is, I can admit I got mildly carried away by bashing some people mentioned here because I forgot this is for just general suggestions, not suggestions for the front page of DL. And yes actually I did know he was the director of some old Bond movie..... But that doesn't stop it being dull, and actually I don't think he's at all guaranteed to get a qualifying obit for the DDP either.


    Why should I have heard of him? I can remember tons of movie "facts", but remembering which generic nobody directed which old Bond film is a pursuit probably too lame even for people who think Richard Osman appearing on Football Focus to give his tips for the weekend's fixtures is a "telly highlight of the year".


    And anybody could have directed Alfie too, movies like that aren't about the director.........


    Ok let's get one thing fucking clear. Just because it's dull to you, doesn't mean it's not interesting to someone else.

    Maybe the "one thing" you (or TTT) should have made clear was that he's actually directed three of the more well-remembered Bond movies as well as a bunch of other stuff? As I just found out via Wikipedia? Because then it wouldn't seem such a crap suggestion.....


    Maybe next you can make it "clear" to me why the onus should be on us to have to Google every obscure name instead of posters actually making the reasons of "interest" for their suggestions more clear....


    TTT isn't gonna let Phantom have that "dullest suggestions" trophy without a fight.

    let me guess, you've not heard of them so they're "dull suggestions"



    Actually the funny thing is, I can admit I got mildly carried away by bashing some people mentioned here because I forgot this is for just general suggestions, not suggestions for the front page of DL. And yes actually I did know he was the director of some old Bond movie..... But that doesn't stop it being dull, and actually I don't think he's at all guaranteed to get a qualifying obit for the DDP either.


    Why should I have heard of him? I can remember tons of movie "facts", but remembering which generic nobody directed which old Bond film is a pursuit probably too lame even for people who think Richard Osman appearing on Football Focus to give his tips for the weekend's fixtures is a "telly highlight of the year".


    And anybody could have directed Alfie too, movies like that aren't about the director.........


    All the rest of their games will carry a 3-0 defeat and they'll be automatically relegated at the end of the season.


    Sounds like Aston Villa to me but they will still turn up


    God, these lousy fucking quote box issues (that have repeatedly popped up since they "upgraded" the forum software) are making some of our middle-agers look even more confused than normal aren't they?


    Let alone a NATO member. All for one ...

    Ah, now, that's an interesting remark. I won't say NATO's dead, but it sure smells funny.


    Erm....... you saying the armies of Europe are weakened by cuts following the financial crash? Or just NATO as an alliance is loose or something?


    Anyway another thing, US military action still hasn't even gotten rid of ISIS so how can you say US-led NATO action removing Russia from Poland would be some sort of swift and easy thing?

  15. I live in Poland, we border Ukraine and Russia (via Kaliningrad) so Putin might invade us too if all the rumours about his plans to invade more countries is true.

    How close are you to that border? Does your gut instinct say it's just speculation or do you think he might really do it?

  16. Well I dunno what to tell you Deathers. There's just something about the concept of sitting here spelling it out, when it's not that hard to understand........ that's so offensive to me. Why don't you scroll through the Guardian comments someone else might have pointed out the observation that I made about the headline but chose not to include here. Cos I'll be damned if I'm doing that either.

  17. Wow, this thread is nearly abandoned. 8 posts in 11 years!


    Anyways, I hope Warren Buffett stays with us for a long time. He's a billionaire AND a Democrat. You don't see that everyday!

    Yeah some of those Democrats in congress and guys like Michael Moore are like, only stuck in the $200-300 million range, those poor impoverished bastards.....


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