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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders

  1. Terribly humourless write-up on the front page. Didn't see any reference to nerds or the, er, "varying quality" of the Star Trek movies.... (so I read, not really from experience, although would definitely watch those over Star Bores any day). Just because news people are overly reverent of a lot of nerd stuff these days does that mean "we" have to be?

  2. The green crusader. 5 ops in 4 days, howfin up blood etc.


    He's fucked :)

    Green is the environ-mentalists........ animal supremacists are like.... I dunno, "browns" or something. They like spewing a lot of a certain brown substance anyway.

  3. Fucks sake... 1/50 for the committee, hate it when those bums catch up with me.


    Also just shows you what a crapshoot death is, to think this guy's gone while fatty Shatner's still out there somewhere getting Jim Beamed up.

    • Like 1


    It's the economy, stupid.

    16-25 year olds are experiencing lower standards of living than pensioners for the first time in generations, on the extreme margins you'll get more jumpers.



    Yeah but...


    They're young, raging with hormones, capable of monumental sexual athleticism and provided with computer games and other levels of entertainment (including freely available weed at - relatively - affordable prices). Who wants a job?



    Dunno how you managed to do that Deathers but you had a conversation there with someone who's stuck in February 2008.... did you invent time travel, or doing some mad sorcering of some kind? Well whatever it was, very well done.

    • Like 1

  5. "A day after quitting as Chairman of UN’s prestigious Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), TERI Director General RK Pachauri has been admitted to a city-based hospital for cardiac ailment. “His condition aggravated suddenly a few days back and he was rushed to hospital. He underwent stent procedure in 2010 and has been under constant medical monitoring since then,” said Pachauri’s lawyer Shankh Sengupta."



    They should fly him to the University of East Anglia teaching hospital.


    BTW don't we have a thread for conmen or whatever?

  6. Boy, where to begin....


    I was working part time reference desk at a university law library and it was a relatively quiet night, a few students studying etc, on computers and such (this was like 1998). In walks this short black lady, probably in her 40s, and is a bit scattered and crazy, telling me she needs me to call security for her cuz (I can't remember, people following her, stalking her, etc), and she basically wanted security to drive her to her vehicle or drive her vehicle to her, or something bizarre. I'm sorry I don't recall the details as it's been 17 years. But anyway she came off as a crazy person. I call security and tell them a lady is at the reference desk, explain her problem, and they ask what her name is, so I ask her and she says (in a condescending YOU DON"T KNOW WHO I AM? tone), 'I am Anita Baker'. In the end as I recall she was petulant about them not coming within a couple minutes and she left, and they showed up I'm like sorry, she split. I had some doubts as to her claim, though we were in Detroit where she is a resident. But I came to the conclusion that it was her indeed, as she had been in the library before.

    An aside -- twice I saw Dr. Jack Kevorkian doing legal research in our library too!


    Sir Creep

    Obviously he didn't do enough.



    soon January and February will pass with no deaths. we are in dire straights. only 6 times before in deathlist history has March dawned with no hits. What is to be done ? Are members of the committee considering their positions??????????????? :referee:

    Well they will probably all come soon in one big ugly clump. You wanna know what things feel really dire to me?:


    1. Hearing an annoying lecture from a guest who says "we", when he's a guest.

    2. How many boring New Zealanders (double negative?) there are on the list that we've never heard of.

    3. How Simon's selection for the DL is "making" me read his Twitter feed constantly. If I wanted constant gross health updates from an ignorant old fart I'd take my ear-plugs out when my mum is in the room.


    you should have more respect for your mother !


    Maybe you're right, Mr. Quest........... she's got a pretty scary glint in her eye when she's holding a big carving knife.

  8. soon January and February will pass with no deaths. we are in dire straights. only 6 times before in deathlist history has March dawned with no hits. What is to be done ? Are members of the committee considering their positions??????????????? :referee:

    Well they will probably all come soon in one big ugly clump. You wanna know what things feel really dire to me?:


    1. Hearing an annoying lecture from a guest who says "we", when he's a guest.

    2. How many boring New Zealanders (double negative?) there are on the list that we've never heard of.

    3. How Simon's selection for the DL is "making" me read his Twitter feed constantly. If I wanted constant gross health updates from an ignorant old fart I'd take my ear-plugs out when my mum is in the room.


    I think the problem is no-one was ever as good as getting info about him as BHB, and since the master-baiter left it's all gone a bit quiet.


    I'm guessing he is the sort of guy who has good days and bad days. None of which changes in any way the obvious trajectory that he still has many years to live. We just need word about major health issues to be certain to think about listing him for a real reason.

    Not necessarily. Here's another "early stroke sufferer":




    Dickie O's stroke was serious to the point of leaving him in need of sheltered accomodation several years ago, though. There hasn't been much evidence of improvement. He can walk, talk etc. but everything is in slow motion. So, he's clearly coming from much further back than Taverner was.


    I think you probably misread. I wasn't saying "he'll be fine"...



    I dunno if this has been posted anywhere else, yet, but American Horror Stories star, Ben Woolf, has died, from injuries that he got, while being hit by a car, a few days ago. TMZ announced it.

    It's true. He's dead http://www.tmz.com/2015/02/23/ben-woolf-dead-dies-american-horror-story-hit-by-car/

    Lots of good material here.

    1) "[TMZ was] told Ben's organs are being donated and will help about 50 people"

    Do they for into normal size people? Who wants a mini-kidney?


    2) It's gonna be tough beating this for strangest death of 2015 "dwarf gets hit and killed by vehicle side view mirror while crossing the road".

    Sir C


    What about other midgets? Verne Troyer used to be a raging alchie, he might need a liver transplant at some point. I think Old Man Ecclestone* might suffer some sudden organ failure from shock, if/when F1 goes his-daughter's-tits-up some time this season (which I'm highly anticipating).




    *You don't know who that is. But we don't know who the legendary Chippy "The Torque" de Torquemada (or whatever his name is) was either so, y'know, swings and roundabouts

    • Like 1

  11. This is gonna sound really weird but I have this strong desire to visit the North Sentinel Island. I'd probably get :dead2: if I tried to get close, but it'd be worth the risk! B)What I want to know is why they hate visitors. Are they hiding something supercool over there that they don't want anyone to find out about? :24087468:

    I was thinking about this last night, my theory is they actually have captive the original funny Jim Carrey - you know the one who seems to have disappeared a long time ago. And he entertains them to no end with his zany antics, just like that African tribe in the 2nd Ace Ventura movie.... so they don't want to let him go and anytime someone approaches the island they think it's "da white man" coming to get him back.





    p.s. Mind providing a Wiki link next time for stuff like that? Or at least telling us where it is..... (I took care of it)

    • Like 1

  12. Stephen Hawking is said to be too frail to travel to tonights Oscar awards. Make of that what you will ...

    I think it means he can't be bothered to fly all the way to LA just to see a gormless-faced, 30-year-old lost child pick up a golden statue for playing "him" in such a piece of crap film.

    • Like 1

  13. That was a sad one. All those photos of his family/friends laying in bed with him make me kind of rethink playing this game.. Sucks when any young person dies.

    Boo fucking hoo..... at least he wasn't a cancer research campaigner. Then we could all actually feel bad about "predicting their demise". That's been part of the DDP (or at least part of it for the "winners") for a few years now (*vaguely motions in "our" champion's direction*). But you feel bad about some rapper despite that?


    If you had said "The rise of radical, frothing-at-the-mouth fundamentalism all around the world, while we live with the delusion that it is only limited to about a dozen guys tooling around a small part of Iraq in a couple of Toyota pick-ups, makes me feel stupid for sitting here playing this game, or any other game for that matter" I might have agreed.

  14. I could have sworn there was a Sky news "reporter" (lol) named Martin Penny. But I googled it and nothing came up. =/


    Well anyway......... when we was all 10 & 11 me and a couple of friends used to kick each other in the balls a lot....... er, that's all I guess.


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