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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders


    This is quite a comeback: 26 years after his first DL appearance! If he was in bad health back in 1989, then it's admirable that he's still alive today. I doubt the committee chose Mr. Cole on the basis of old age, since he was just 63 years old at the time. So what was the deal with Cole in 1989?

    I suspect that the process has become more streamlined in recent years and there was no internet as such so research probably consisted of seeing who looked a bit rough last time they were on telly or who hadn't been around for a few years.


    He looked great a little while back on The One Show. You wouldn't guess he was 90. As much as I'm reluctant to bash "the committee" (or anyone else) for not watching that....... this was probably a bad choice.

  2. For fuck's sake, man. Whatever happened to "rest in peace"? Your "x/50" posts everytime you get a hit seem so heartless. Jourdan and Scott were major stars, WE ARE LOSING ALL OUR MAJOR STARS AND SOON THEY'LL ALL BE GONE.........and they won't return. :rant:

    You really like the old-time film actors don't ya? I agree it looks twatty btw. It's probably just ignorance.... which may be the father of heartlessness.... or summat.

  3. http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/the-dragon-welsh-flag-nothing-8638789


    I can only imagine the UKIP campaign posters for this guy... "we aren't racist, we have black homophobic nutjobs too". If this guy wasn't black he'd be a great Tea Party candidate. Welsh flag a sign of satan... founder of the Christian Party which some of you may know as Britain's answer to the sharia law party for fundamental christians...


    There really is no words for this nutjob except he'll never get fucking elected..... at least I bloody wanking hope so?

    Very brave of the Coventry Telegraph there to take on the frightening religion of Christianity. We all know how they'll break into your offices and shoot you if you mess with them! Oh wait that's the other one.......

  4. Wonder if tonights casualty was based on these two? Really hope he doesn't have telly access if so - can just imagine the kind of sick pleasure he'd get from it.

    Yeah you're right if there's anyone out there twisted enough to derive entertainment from British TV, it's Brady.

    Also, since he's contacting Channel 5 can we safely say he's not seeking an audience any more?

    • Like 1


    (Thanks MH.... although you moved two of my posts from the DDP 2014 thread!)

    Yes, I noticed. Moving the right posts isn't an exact science. Want them moved back?





    I only wanted you to move the ones from the political frailty thread... should have said. :duck:

  6. He looks really weak in this interview for World Cancer Day:

    (can we get the posts about him put into his own thread?)



    And he seems very humble now.... I'm 3 minutes into the video and he hasn't lit up any drugs or belly-bounced the interviewer chick off her feet yet.

    (Thanks MH.... although you moved two of my posts from the DDP 2014 thread!)





    The man's practically at death's door to start with. If two chancers left him alive what kind of "thugs" are they?


    I was half expecting the intruders to be deathlisters after a potential first hit. An interesting thought: if Gabor outlives Anhalt for some reason, who becomes her caregiver?


    Haven't we had enough of those jokes for a while? And besides some pea-brained donut-chomper out there who's just finished watching "The Dead Pool" will probably think you are being serious one day....


    Sam Houston, guitarist with Janis Joplin's band Big Brother and the Holding Company, is currently in very perilous health, having experienced a multitude of medical difficulties in recent months.



    Sam died peacefully on Feb 12th.


    Now he's dead can I point out his name was actually Sam Andrew? Sam Houston was an American patriot back in the powdered wig days or something...


    Also apparently he died after complications of open heart surgery. Y'know, as opposed to closed heart surgery where you operate on it without opening anything up? :huh:

  9. Seen as I'm up at this chose your own diety that you don't find offensive in this context foresaken time of the night. I'll waste a little time feeding the hand that reaches for the grenade launcher at the first sign of a stick being waved..

    Burnout is just an excuse for being a lazy fucker - this applies to absulotely any sport in which you can earn thousands and thousands of pound a match for doing something you enjoyed enough to spurn a conventional career to pursue. Burnout may have been a slight argument during the transition but now we've reached the point where the players should have adjusted to the new regime. One of the advantages from a players point if view of this is they can afford to skip tournaments here and there when they don't suit them - look at the Indian Open draw to confirm that - which would have been a virtual impossibility for all but a few players in the circa 2008 times.


    With regards to your frankly absurd claim Selby didn't win that final on merit well - for the want of a nicer way of saying this - what a pile of steaming fucking horseshit. Selby won that title with some dogged and determined safety play - one of the key skills a snooker player needs is the ability to prevent an opponent from running out full steam when you yourself aren't. That is what snooker is, any true snooker fan would appreciate that victory for what it was rather than attempt to degrade Selby's achievement.


    Yeah Hearns a knob in many regards and a borderline megolamaniac at that. Yes some of the things he's done are infuriating; for example downgrading the UK Champs to best of 11 from Best of 17 leaving us with only one long match tournament. But all in all increasing the amount of tournaments was right, it provides snooker players with more opportunities to earn money which keeps them playing and it provides snooker fans with more opportunities to see their players and in the case of much of europe and a fair whack of the far east the ability to do this without needing a passport for the first time in decades.


    Unfortunately were still in an economic downturn so the companies that do best of out if it are most likely to part with their cash. As evudenced by Germany where they aren't and Kreativ Dental sponsored the event. However given snooker was sponsored almost exclusively by cancer stick floggers for most of it's heyday the class of sponsor has very little to do with the class on the baize.


    That wacky Thai guy is called Dechawat Poomjaeng (although he prefers Jack). The fact you don't know his name and that you seem to be referencing the WC as if it's the only tournament that means anything suggests to me our level of interest in the sport have a significant gap which may explain the gulf between our outlooks. There is more to offer than the bbc events some of it truly excellent (German Masters last week, the Champion of Champions back in November). I suggest you try and catch some of these events more often, the China Open specifically is two weeks before the worlds so should be good proving ground for whether this burnout stuff holds any weight.


    It's funny really that sport both brings people together in a shared passion and interest and makes them completely and utterly disagree with eachother regarding teams/players/firmats/prestige and virtually any other factor. Strange indeed.


    Fuck.... that was a funny description. Thanks. Wasn't really looking for a fight. And clearly, you need to realise my anger there is aimed at the likes of Ecclestone and Hearn not you.... :rolleyes:


    Also, I wasn't dissing Selby at all - I implied he would have won more than one World title by now if the schedule was less hectic. I knew it was Poomjaeng I wasn't trying to put him down either. It's just he hasn't done anything since then so I couldn't recall his name instantly and couldnt be bothered to google it at this time of the morning.


    Also yes burnout does exist. Snooker is an extremely demanding sport nowadays. Maybe you've never played it or don't understand how the modern game does a pro's head in. I know Hearn obviously doesn't. Are you telling me an easy game would drive Ronnie O'Sullivan into fits of insanity during various matches over the 2000s? Like... digging his fingernails into his forehead until it bleeds, and then flinging a towel over it? Or walking out of a match with a fading Stephen Hendry? And the field of good players has obviously expanded since then making it even more stressful.


    Anyway....... can't be bothered to argue any more just wanted to clarify and stress again burnout is real... and denying the problem has cost the sport 3 and probably more decent world championships, and Hearn is a gormless cunt for not realising it.



    Intense Procrastination and borderline obsessive snooker watching habits combined with stuff that actually needs fucking doing.

    It's only snooker. And it's probably only like the Rome Open or some other bollocks like that right now isnt it? If they would only get rid of some of these utterly meaningless tournaments, it would serve two purposes: Stop the players from being knackered-beyond-all-fuck by the time they show up in Sheffield for the longest tournament of the season (so that we might have a World Championship worth watching for the first time since 20-cunting-11) - and let you get on with your homework. So why don't you write a letter to that thick berk Hearn to that effect. If he can actually read that is.

    It was the final group of the CL a tournament which frankly shouldn't exist in the first place. Although don't agree with you on that last bit, the standard has gone up thanks to more tournaments and it's helping elevate the sport to a new level. The old six tourneys a year days are not something we should retrospectively glorify for the sake of making cheap jibes at ole mucker hearn - although saturation point will probably be reached in the next decade or two. Currently in the midst of 20 days of consecutive snooker - longer than the worlds.


    Anyway the players being shit at the worlds probably has more to with the fact two session matches are nye on exclusively reserved for it and tournament finals these days. Also calling the PTCs the bollockstan open doesn't make them actual tournaments although niw there using best if 7s in actual fucking rankers (the welsh next bloody week) i nay have to reconsider that opinion too


    Anyway that concludes my sort of Room 101ish post. Separate topic for snooker discussion anyone?


    No. It's because they're fucking knackered and if that crusty old cunt had any sense he'd listen to the players who have been trying to tell him that. If it wasn't for player burnout I'm sure Mark Selby would have properly won at least 1 World Championship by now (instead of inheriting one from Ronnie cos he decided he'd spend day 2 daydreaming about him and Damien Hirst tandem-biking through the Cotswolds on meth instead of trying)


    Hearn always talks about the Worlds being the "shop window" of the sport, so you'd think he'd.. y'know, realise this problem and do something about it. He's up there with Bernie Ecclescunt in the "Crusty White-Haired-Old Heart Patients Who Think They've Got Everything Running Perfectly and Like to Strut Around Pretending They're Geniuses When They're In Fact Annoying, Entertainment-Killing Old Cunts Who Wouldn't Even Fucking Wake Up If Someone Sprayed a Super-Soaker Full of Ice-Cold Antarctic Springwater On Their Balls" stakes


    Also yeah PTCs have probably helped but maybe when they have some sponsors other than fucking betting companies you can talk about the sport being "raised to a new level"... rite?


    2008,2009,2010 and 2011 WCs were all great, the last 3 have been mostly shit thanks to player fatigue. (If it wasn't for that wacky Thai guy in 2013 and a few other highlights I definitely would have quit watching by now and I may well skip the 2015 Worlds....)

  11. Intense Procrastination and borderline obsessive snooker watching habits combined with stuff that actually needs fucking doing.

    It's only snooker. And it's probably only like the Rome Open or some other bollocks like that right now isnt it? If they would only get rid of some of these utterly meaningless tournaments, it would serve two purposes: Stop the players from being knackered-beyond-all-fuck by the time they show up in Sheffield for the longest tournament of the season (so that we might have a World Championship worth watching for the first time since 20-cunting-11) - and let you get on with your homework. So why don't you write a letter to that thick berk Hearn to that effect. If he can actually read that is.


    I have a feeling that Misao Okawa will be keeping her title of "Oldest Living Person" for a while, she's had it since 2013! That's the longest since Maria Capovilla, in 2004-2006.

    BTW, Misao's 117th birthday is on March 5th and on February 15th she is going to beat Maria Capovilla as the 5th oldest person ever.

    do you think we could have another Jeanne Calment on our hands ? :shock2:


    Well here's a pic of Calment at 117. Make your own judgment.




    I'd say no, Calment looked a lot better at this stage. She might just make it to 120 though.


    IMO "The French bint" will never be beaten during this post-WWII pre-WWIII epoch. For one thing there isn't enough time left.

  13. For crimes against all music, I really want to vote for James Last!



    Good news for you and the others who mentioned him - James Last has announced his... last tour.


    I might add Last to the poll now... let me just cogitate for a couple minutes about how lazy I'm feeling.

  14. I bitched about Tark the Shark not being on DeathList and was told he prolly won't obit on BBC. Guess we are about to find out.


    Are you over that yet? He may well get a notice on the BBC website but who cares. We don't know your "legendary" sports coaches and for the most part we don't care (I've heard a few of their names dropped in American movies or mentioned by commentators during the awesome late 90s/early 2000s broadcasts of WWF, but I wouldn't suggest them). Even people like Dan Marino or John Madden would be considered "outsider choices".


    This is a British site. Sure the internet "brings us all together" a bit more than it used to (gross) but don't get too excited just because some Brits stay up to watch the Super Bowl nowadays. It's just a passing phase (hopefully) because they enjoy the "novelty" of staying up to 3AM to watch Americans maim each other (bit like the old days of WWF I mentioned, except less tasteful, and with suppression of house-waking yawns instead of suppression of house-waking cheers/excitement), and because they need any distraction they can get from their usual worship of unmotivated squillionaire soccer players.


    If you had an American Deathlist I wouldn't ask you to put legendary soccer coaches Sam Allardyce or Alan Pardew on it would I?

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