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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders


    Bundaberg, that is the funniest fucking place name in the world. Cheers for reminding me of it.

    Oh I dunno; Pratt's Bottom springs to my mind.



    Yeah I meant funniest "normal" place name. Ones that aren't generally found on those lists.


    Now I think about it there's probably a hundred other places in Australia that are equally hilariously named. All those "Cock Bottom" type places in England are so 2006!

    • Like 1

  2. A report by the imperialist Yankee wankers? :D :D


    Aye, jog on.

    To be fair, you just say that for everything involving the US.... that doesnt mean its necessarily false does it

    If it's true I don't really see what the point of this info is other than to suggest "he's a weirdo!"

  3. Former Queensland Labor minister Nita Cunningham dies, age 75.




    "Junita Irene "Nita" Cunningham was a member of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland. She was first elected in 1998 as the member for Bundaberg. A former minister for Local Government and Planning, her resignation in 2006 due to severe skin cancer triggered the 2006 Queensland state election."


    Bundaberg, that is the funniest fucking place name in the world. Cheers for reminding me of it.



    BBC Four is having a short blues season in late April/early May and 2nd May sees a mini-Mac evening, with a new Peter Green documentary, a Rock Family Tree edition and some Bluesbreakers stuff.


    Don't expect any Tango in the Night.

    Sorry DDT, despite an abundance of chrome domes and grey beards, pretty much all of Mac Mk I looked hale and hearty. Green and Spencer seemed surprisingly sane as well. Producer Mike Vernon, John Mayall and ex-roadie/tour manager Dennis Keane also in good form, and all had hair.

    The only one missing was Danny Kirwan.


    I'm trying to think who McVie reminds me of - snooker loopy John Virgo, perhaps?


    When the cocaine was getting passed around in the 1970s, was McVie asking "Where's the White going?"



    Up Stevie Nicks' bum.

  5. "most likely February 29th birth". God what are you guys on.


    When I mentioned that whole "most likely 1932-born person to die next" I wasn't trying to start something for fuck's sake.


    All of you get back to the casino your brothers need you.

  6. I think the problem is no-one was ever as good as getting info about him as BHB, and since the master-baiter left it's all gone a bit quiet.


    I'm guessing he is the sort of guy who has good days and bad days. None of which changes in any way the obvious trajectory that he still has many years to live. We just need word about major health issues to be certain to think about listing him for a real reason.

    Not necessarily. Here's another "early stroke sufferer":



    Glad we are getting some more "comedic" ones coming up again, like old uncle Jimmy - ... Glitter, Talbot.

    Was so shite watching Harris hobble his ancient arse into court every day on TV last year. He was the one that annoyed/depressed me most, something really terrible in that guy's half-dead eyes.


    On the Glitter front, I thought maybe the stress of it is catching up with him - here's the mugshot from today. Looking like he's gained weight.


    But then I realised before he used to just look like Yasser Arafat so fuck knows


    In the mugshot he looks a bit like George Galloway apart from the hair.


    You mean he looks like what George Galloway looks like first thing in the morning?

  8. Glad we are getting some more "comedic" ones coming up again, like old uncle Jimmy - ... Glitter, Talbot.

    Was so shite watching Harris hobble his ancient arse into court every day on TV last year. He was the one that annoyed/depressed me most, something really terrible in that guy's half-dead eyes.


    On the Glitter front, I thought maybe the stress of it is catching up with him - here's the mugshot from today. Looking like he's gained weight.


    But then I realised before he used to just look like Yasser Arafat so fuck knows

  9. BBC video:



    He didn't so much "trip" as just stagger over. He was already looking light-headed at the top of the steps, then tried to jog down to look like he had no problems..... classic delusional old dictator stuff, trying to act more youthful and casual than he actually is. His bodyguards don't even look surprised, probably comes down for breakfast like that every other day.


    sumtimes I think yous people secretly support terrorists like ISIS :shock2:



    Of course we support them our tax money set that group up and is paying them. Jihadi John's pension is quite impressive too , he gets a nice top up if he beheads a certain number of people.

    This could be one for the conspiracy theory thread, or maybe even worse the Henry Kissinger thread, but....


    anyone else believe "the west" funds terrorists?



    Churchill's biography writer and noted historian, Sir Martin Gilbert dead.

    Another "serious illness" that killed. Another PSBO.


    Not quite as obvious as some, though:









    Awesome, is this the work of the same people who pointed out Ayrton Senna was alive until he hit the tyre wall?


    It's a pic of a 2007 edition of Private Eye.


    Maybe in 2017 someone should make a "Private Eye was funny hours before it wasn't" headline.


    You and Spade have been really trying way too hard since I took the mantle of edgiest poster here.


    It's not a "show" either. I could spell out why that's a wrong remark but I "win't" as charon wid say.



    Hadn't noticed that I'd changed to become edgier, I'll ask the missus for a reality check once her handcuffs are off and her gag is out.


    Before your time we used to have Monkey awards for the best posts, threads and the like, I don't recall we ever rated edginess or identified a forum leader in that dept.


    No I don't suppose ya did. Well, I'm not the one who brought the word into the consciousness here. And besides I wasn't after awards anyway... we all know winning Best Picture Oscar doesnt necessarily make a movie the best of that year does it.


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