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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders

  1. Sky News were/are doing the work of whoever makes Satan look good with their "Stand Up and Be Counted" thing about getting young voters involved.


    They had some student fucktards talking to Cameron and some utterly gormless twat said to him "you know, the way they all shout at each other during PMQs is disgusting.........."


    Way to pick a really important, pressing fucking issue in this world & these times you thick fat cunt....

  2. Sutcliffe made the cover of the Sun today, despite the paper banging on about anything to spin out the article - his health, cushy life etc. - the photo on the front which is supposed to be fairly recent simply made him look like a fat, 68 year old version of the classic photos from before he was banged up.

    Haha.... well........ mentally he's definitely not the same. I think that letter about Clarkson I mentioned shows that. He's completely bonkers in a different way now. I almost wanna see him live to 74 just to see what comes out of his mouth in future. :D


    Anyway... given the fact that the only thing more offensive than his antics in the late 70s was disco, he'll surely be last on the list to see "specialists" about his various fat-mad-bastard ailments!




    With regards Facebook: I generally use mine as alternative Room 101 thread....


    Ooh, you're one of those people... that isn't the point of facebook. Do us all a favour.


    Mine, the chat room on here - why does it only ever get used on New Years Eve?


    Erm, actually me and Cat O'Falk were on it last night. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Dummy

    Along with a couple of others who showed up briefly


    Although this time it was his turn to be stupendously drunk (not that I was last time, just throwing a little false "compromise" there or whatever to my critics innit). No seriously I couldn't understand a word he was typing.

  4. Whaddya reckon to Andy Murray as a DL pick for 2016? I know he's healthy, but he keeps choking.

    I'm really tired of bore-face Murray so didn't cheer him on today. First time I've completely skipped a Grand Slam final since about 2010 I think.


    I mean, you'd think that all the money he has and being the one who finally ended that long drought for British men at Wimbledon in 2013 would put some fire in the guy's belly. So so sick of hearing his incredibly fucking dreary voice he's never been half-as-appealing as good old Henman. There's a choker you can love, like Jimmy White.

    Although it's not completely Murray's fault cos the game itself has just become very dull and robotic, Henman was the last gasp of the awesome serve-and-volley era. Still can't stand the dull prick though.


    It's all up to you MPFC to keep us all updated as I'm hating the summer weather I'm having in Zew Zealand at the moment. ;-)

    I look forward to you posting the results and keeping us all up to date. Do you think we should e-mail them to advise them of our support?


    Definitely not, some people - like William Shatner when he records albums - thrive on ironic appreciation. I'm not sure the highland mentality always works in that way.



    Just seen this. Yeah you are 1000% dead right, lol... although Im sure PB only kidding

    On a similar note people should really stop mentioning completely unsuitable people as the "next DL ambassador"...

  6. Just realised I have finally got a unique pick after 4 years of trying :D .


    Thank you mario zagallo .

    I'm only on my 2nd go and I've already had 2 unique hits. :shoot::lol:


    p.s.... thanks for the name add-on TMIB.... didnt ask for the exclamation mark..... oh well. :ph34r::duck:

    • Like 1





    Looks like he might not die soon after all


    He's trying to keep active, but it's evident that he is in failing health


    So is Zsa Zsa gabor... That reminds me Happy 98th next week ZZ !


    Zsa Zsa has been confined to her bed for the past few years. So unless she's got a stack of crossword and wordsearch books by her bed, I don't know how she's keeping active.


    Problem is, she's blind/deaf/mute/paralyzed/almost unconscious/etc. so she can't do crosswords and wordsearch.


    She's still in better shape than the girlfriends of the members of the losing team will be 20 minutes after they get home from the Super Bowl.


    Was he a vice president?


    No, he was Secretary of State under both Nixon and Ford.



    And he was the proud originator of the quote "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac". Which if true is lucky for him because being a big roly-poly 90-year-old who sounds like Woody Allen after a botched vocal cord operation is the ultimate anti-aphrodisiac.


    http://www.theguardian.com/stage/2015/jan/30/brian-blessed-withdraws-from-king-lear-due-to-heart-condition -Brian Blessed`s heart condition "more serious than previously thought".

    As he is not on any of my lists and is totally awesome I wish him all the best. He is always a joy to watch and always seems to be enjoying himself.


    Classy as always Bibs....

    BTW I think we might have to slightly downgrade his national treasure status when you realise the fact that his two hilarious appearances as the host of HIGNFY may have been enough to artificially keep that show on the air?

  10. ^FWIW I actually agree. I was gonna add something like that yesterday but I was busy trying to burp the end credits tune of Dad's Army as a spontaneous tribute to Clive Dunn.


    It's his name, he clearly hates it like I used to regret having an ALL CAPS USERNAME once upon a time on an old forum but hey sometimes bad stuff happens. I can't be bothered to Disqus this any more, it's his biznizz not mine.

  11. Listen up mate im well proper impoverished, once the tags off can you show me how to knock stuff off? you owe me one I created this thread it has turned out to be like the welcoming burger van that greets you on the outside or something. all the gangs here

    • Like 2

  12. Just saw Pistol Pete on Newsnight talking about everyone's favourite World-War-2-winning car-insurance dog.


    Did we know he's the last surviving member of a Winston Churchill cabinet? I suppose it isn't surprising there's only one.


    Also, from the Churchill documentary on BBC last night, I found out about this....... of which Carrington was a member but our other superannuated pal Denis Healey was not.




    Interesting Video about an interesting person. Sir Nicholas Winton saved 669 Jewish prisoners from certain death in a concentration camp. Many of those rescued were at that time even more children and adolescents. For decades Winton lived a life of discretion and confidentiality, up to this special day he was invited and surprised from BBC




    This man has saved nearly 700 people from the worst fate of the earth. This in itself is impressive enough. But almost touching the restrained and modest species, which he has retained.



    So, it's his fault the care system is overloaded with the elderly in 2015, then. Without him more public servants would have had a pay rise this year.



    Do you mean that seriously or is it Satire? I'm assuming you mean that seriously. In this point of view your Statement is just tasteless

    and disgusting :referee:



    I would have got back to you sooner but I was stuck behind a queue of pensioners in the local Post Office. What was that about a saltire? You shouldn't go accusing Cumbrians of being Scots, you might, like, cause offence, or summat.




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