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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders

  1. it's an okay name bro, we like it....

    deathray I mean. the new one is too long. Since you said something about my mum once I think its fair for me to interject or something and try to change ur mind before you "go through with it" (signed, som1 who doesnt want you to become something you accused me of being)

  2. Yeah but erm............... y'know.......... why would the 83-year-old rumpled-albino-pancake-faced multi-squillionaire CEO of NewsFuckinCorp need to pop down to the post office when he can send one of his unpaid slave interns to fetch his totally unnecessary/non-existent winter heating allowance/pension payment?


    This is either the lamest wind-up ever or you badly need a bracing-cold jet of shower water sprayed on/up your back-passage (or whatever 19th century shit they used to do for people who needed a nice "wake-up"........)


    (Now come and have a go at me again when I'm just trying to fuckin give you some nice free helpful advice in my own inimitable style...)




    For those of you who like me couldn't care less about American football you might not have heard about this yet:


    The sport is currently trying its best to make cricket controversies look non-silly with a "balls not inflated enough" scandal.


    That's pretty much all we've been hearing about on the news here in Minneapolis. Since most of the people here either support Green Bay Packers or Minnesota Vikings, it dominates the news.

    What I don't understand is why each club provides the balls, but instead have the NFL say these are the ones you're playing with and kick all the others to one side.

    I thought the balls had been inspected (oooer missus) before the game and found to be fine, but it was during the game there's the accusation that they were deflated?



    This kind of bullshit is so tedious. It won't affect a sport as "big" as NFL (i.e. one where tons of idiots blindly worship it no matter what).


    But I remember as a young'un in the mid-90s when I saw the TV news reports of Michael Atherton getting in "major" trouble just for rubbing a bit of dirt from his pocket on a cricket ball....... I've never really been able to take cricket seriously when that is pretty much my first memory of it, lololoolo. I've watched the Ashes but never felt really comfortable doing so.


    F1's popularity has been severely hobbled over the last decade by this kind of petty rule-infringements type of thing too. Although, there's plenty of other issues too (hence dropping viewership and a considerable sense of panic in the sport right now) but I'm not telling a squillionaire like Bernie, or his gormless subordinates, what they're doing wrong for free thats for fucking sure.


    There was that and also the controversy about a few bowlers keeping bottle caps in their pockets to gouge bits out of the cricket ball.

    Ever since the whole thing with match fixing involving fooball players such as Bruce Grobbelaar, it ruined my enjoyment of the game. I was never sure if players were really trying their best to win or if there was a promise of a big cash bonus if they let in a few goals.



    Well Grobelaar was cleared. Also I think you'll find that's only the second-most odd thing he's ever been involved in.




    Can wrestling go into this topic please?


    So it is not discussed at length elsewhere.....





    Come on, I think a lot more threads end up in lengthy discussions of Dr. Who. Not sure how serious you are there.......


    I've been thinking about making a wrestling discussion thread here on extra-curricular for a while. I just thought it would annoy or spook some of the.... well, types like you, I guess. But to me it seems nonsensical, surely if "they" can handle the DDP being dominated by someone who seems like some sort of e-robot built by the denizens of the CookdandBombd forums, and sit there fawningly congratulating him at the end of each year, I honestly can't see how they would consider a wrestling thread "more" tasteless than that.......


    Still not sure if you're seriously angling for wrestling to be "segregated" though


    It was really an atempt at a humorous anotation to the discussion we are having on the 2015 Deathlist thread.


    I don't have any interest in Wrestling (or really sport for that matter) and I have no idea who most of these people are and once I know they are Wrestlers I have no wish to know more.


    Live and let live.


    They are not going to end up on any of my teams and I will moan about them if they appear on the main list (in a 'well I wouldn't have' way) but there is nothing to stop you filling your own teams with them and them being discussed in their own threads . I will skim over them as I do the American Football and Ice Hockey threads.


    It got quite grumpy after I left yesterday.



    Yeah..... ok I wasnt sure if you were kidding or not. The other reason I haven't made one is I find the current state of it terrible (the extremely few times I actually care to notice/check in on it, I mean) so that's why. After all, the corporate behemoth "WWF"/WWE bought-out all their competition/rivals nearly 14 years ago now so maybe it's not really surprising.

  5. Can wrestling go into this topic please?


    So it is not discussed at length elsewhere.....





    Come on, I think a lot more threads end up in lengthy discussions of Dr. Who. Not sure how serious you are there.......


    I've been thinking about making a wrestling discussion thread here on extra-curricular for a while. I just thought it would annoy or spook some of the.... well, types like you, I guess. But to me it seems nonsensical, surely if "they" can handle the DDP being dominated by someone who seems like some sort of e-robot built by the denizens of the CookdandBombd forums, and sit there fawningly congratulating him at the end of each year, I honestly can't see how they would consider a wrestling thread "more" tasteless than that.......


    Still not sure if you're seriously angling for wrestling to be "segregated" though


    DDP updates happen as manegement sees fit. During the year, it's something like every few weeks.


    Since the initial release no updates have happened yet, I presume because TMiB is busy getting the write-ups done.





    Appreciate the response and information! I'll practice patience and restrict my check-ins accordingly and be both surprised and pleased to see the refreshed updates when they do appear - unless, that is, one of my picks is announced as dead and then I'll run like a screaming schoolgirl to the nearest screen to login and sit and wait impatiently for the update! One's first blood should be especially exciting after all!


    Okay no need to rag on about it. Although for some reason it feels oddly ironic that you have a period photo as your avatar. Can't think why.

    And yes there is a big sense of tension preceding an update, whenever it happens in the month.


    For those of you who like me couldn't care less about American football you might not have heard about this yet:


    The sport is currently trying its best to make cricket controversies look non-silly with a "balls not inflated enough" scandal.


    That's pretty much all we've been hearing about on the news here in Minneapolis. Since most of the people here either support Green Bay Packers or Minnesota Vikings, it dominates the news.

    What I don't understand is why each club provides the balls, but instead have the NFL say these are the ones you're playing with and kick all the others to one side.

    I thought the balls had been inspected (oooer missus) before the game and found to be fine, but it was during the game there's the accusation that they were deflated?



    This kind of bullshit is so tedious. It won't affect a sport as "big" as NFL (i.e. one where tons of idiots blindly worship it no matter what).


    But I remember as a young'un in the mid-90s when I saw the TV news reports of Michael Atherton getting in "major" trouble just for rubbing a bit of dirt from his pocket on a cricket ball....... I've never really been able to take cricket seriously when that is pretty much my first memory of it, lololoolo. I've watched the Ashes but never felt really comfortable doing so.


    F1's popularity has been severely hobbled over the last decade by this kind of petty rule-infringements type of thing too. Although, there's plenty of other issues too (hence dropping viewership and a considerable sense of panic in the sport right now) but I'm not telling a squillionaire like Bernie, or his gormless subordinates, what they're doing wrong for free thats for fucking sure.




    Every year there is a "surprise" death, one from your childhood perhaps who suddenly curls up after being out of the spotlight for a while or one who is incredibly active and just goes too soon. If they survive this year, my suggestions for the ones that make you go "Awww!!!" are:


    Heinz Wolff (Egg Race);

    Brian Cant (Play Away, etc.);

    Jim Dale (Carry On Actor);

    Derek Griffiths (still voicing ads in the UK, amigo, Kids' TV presenter);

    Julia McKenzie (Fresh and French Fields);

    Miriam Margolyes (almost anything you've ever seen).


    You could add John Noakes (Blue Peter) to that list. I didn't realize until just now that he turned 80 last May.


    You mean we could "Go With Noakes".



    Well, he did look...tired on Pointless last year.


    You can't judge a person's health or will to live based on their appearance/demeanour after they've spent an hour in a make-up room with Richard Osman.

    • Like 4


    Oh ok... apparently we "can't just"....... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


    as though wrestling is somehow the only "silly" thing that gets discussed here or elsewhere on the web. If you really think I'm an idiot just for having pro-wrestling knowledge you have absolutely no idea the depths of dorkitude out there.

    I guess we'll just have to change it to "can't I just walk away cos if I be as needlessly spiteful to you as you are to me you won't be able to handle that and it'll just fill you with even more needless outrage".


    Which I can!

    Yes I'm fully aware of the depths of dorkitude. The very first call I got when I started working for an internet provider many years ago was someone asking if there were many fan sites set up for the tv show "Saved By The Bell".

    And I think you'll find it was a statement that was in truth, I never watched wrestling once I hit puberty. Simple reason was, I had just lost interest in it. And since I hit puberty over 30 years ago, anyone that's appeared on the scene since the days of Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks, I neither knew nor cared who they were. I only know who Hulk Hogan was because his occasional antics would get reported on the news or he'd crop up in the occasional movie.


    Well you came across like you were trying to have a go at me because you wrongly thought I'm trying to make fun of Ian McLagan I wasn't. I was just giving an example of a dead person.... there's nothing worse than trying to tell a person they need to chillax and then they get more angry. And you seem kinda sensitive for an old rocker.....


    How about getting over it..... cause having to deal with these "misunderstandings" really deflate the sense of fun faster than a New England Patriots football!

  10. Oh ok... apparently we "can't just"....... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


    as though wrestling is somehow the only "silly" thing that gets discussed here or elsewhere on the web. If you really think I'm an idiot just for having pro-wrestling knowledge you have absolutely no idea the depths of dorkitude out there.

    I guess we'll just have to change it to "can't I just walk away cos if I be as needlessly spiteful to you as you are to me you won't be able to handle that and it'll just fill you with even more needless outrage".


    Which I can!











    How about voice actress June Forey? She'll be 98, this year, and 99 next year.


    I've suggested her a few times, but since she's still alive I guess the committee have been wise to leave her off the list. Putting her on for next year might be a good option.


    come the fuck off it...


    We're really Foray-ing into obscuro territory with voice actresses aren't we? What is it with Disney fans around here.


    Just my opinion anyway



    Not entirely obscure, she was the voice of Rocky the Squirrel from Rocky & Bulwinkle, and also Jokey Smurf.

    I'm far from being a "Disney Fan" as you put it. They're just a notable name and sure to get an obit.


    While we're on the subject of voice actors, William Woodson might be worth going on the list. He narrated the mini-series The Winds of War.


    No way man we can't put him on, that hit would crash the server!


    So basically you're implying that if you've never heard of them, they don't count as a viable suggestion.

    Not everyone on the list has to be a house-hold name. They just need to be known in their field to qualify for an obit.


    For the main Deathlist I think there needs to be a fair degre of noteworthyness. People are free to play obit Russian roulette with their DDP picks but I would expect someone on the main list to be UK obit worthy without a doubt. Those that I have never heard off are not automatically bad picks but I then research them and then decide. When Sam Simon was first discussed on this forum I thought he was someone really obscure but I have been won round. Still not sure about Jake Roberts though.



    LOL, fucks sake man. Yes people do know who he is/was.


    If it's a bad pick it's because he's actually fairly okay.

    He's definitely in much better shape now than he was shortly after Stone Cold Steve Austin beat his ass down in the final of the 1996 King of the Ring!


    Helpful pic included to demonstrate:


    (WTF... Austin actually looks more like Goldberg there for some reason. He had a cut in his mouth so he looks a bit retarded or something)


    Wrestling: - This is an area that is completely off my radar. I do not watch it and have no interest in it. However unlike other topics which I have no interest, soaps, sport, ballet etc, it does not receive coverage in the mainstream UK press therefore I cannot see picks like Jake Roberts in the same way as someone like JvdW.


    If he dies during the year fine good call by the committee but I would prefer to see that place taken by someone else.... Peter Sutcliffe maybe?






    Man. Stop that, it tickles!


    I dont know how the hell you know who Van Der West Who-zen is. Do you watch "Invictus" on DVD all day? Jake the Snake Roberts was/is one of the most colourful and memorable characters in pro wrestling. I think more people know who he is. You obviously just think your blind spot is shared by more people than it actually is.... oh well whatever, doesnt matter. Oh and yeah here's a tip if you want an idea of who someone is maybe Google/Google Image search them instead of waiting for Snoozenight to run a report on them!


    Perhaps you do the same, instead of making shit statements when someone puts forth a suggestion.


    Can we just put this one down to "people of different generations having different opinions" again, and all shut up?

    You suggest someone who's only remembered for a voice-over (and not anything as famous as Scooby Doo!) then you're gonna get a few (mostly light hearted) jibes? Why is that so hard to take. Unless we want to ban anyone who jibes? That'll be fun!


    Chillax the fuck out before you end up like that fucking keyboard player who liked his guinness (and obviously no other fluids).









    How about voice actress June Forey? She'll be 98, this year, and 99 next year.


    I've suggested her a few times, but since she's still alive I guess the committee have been wise to leave her off the list. Putting her on for next year might be a good option.


    come the fuck off it...


    We're really Foray-ing into obscuro territory with voice actresses aren't we? What is it with Disney fans around here.


    Just my opinion anyway



    Not entirely obscure, she was the voice of Rocky the Squirrel from Rocky & Bulwinkle, and also Jokey Smurf.

    I'm far from being a "Disney Fan" as you put it. They're just a notable name and sure to get an obit.


    While we're on the subject of voice actors, William Woodson might be worth going on the list. He narrated the mini-series The Winds of War.


    No way man we can't put him on, that hit would crash the server!


    So basically you're implying that if you've never heard of them, they don't count as a viable suggestion.

    Not everyone on the list has to be a house-hold name. They just need to be known in their field to qualify for an obit.


    For the main Deathlist I think there needs to be a fair degre of noteworthyness. People are free to play obit Russian roulette with their DDP picks but I would expect someone on the main list to be UK obit worthy without a doubt. Those that I have never heard off are not automatically bad picks but I then research them and then decide. When Sam Simon was first discussed on this forum I thought he was someone really obscure but I have been won round. Still not sure about Jake Roberts though.



    LOL, fucks sake man. Yes people do know who he is/was.


    If it's a bad pick it's because he's actually fairly okay.

    He's definitely in much better shape now than he was shortly after Stone Cold Steve Austin beat his ass down in the final of the 1996 King of the Ring!


    Helpful pic included to demonstrate:


    (WTF... Austin actually looks more like Goldberg there for some reason. He had a cut in his mouth so he looks a bit retarded or something)


    Wrestling: - This is an area that is completely off my radar. I do not watch it and have no interest in it. However unlike other topics which I have no interest, soaps, sport, ballet etc, it does not receive coverage in the mainstream UK press therefore I cannot see picks like Jake Roberts in the same way as someone like JvdW.


    If he dies during the year fine good call by the committee but I would prefer to see that place taken by someone else.... Peter Sutcliffe maybe?






    Man. Stop that, it tickles!


    I dont know how the hell you know who Van Der West Who-zen is. Do you watch "Invictus" on DVD all day? Jake the Snake Roberts was/is one of the most colourful and memorable characters in pro wrestling. I think more people know who he is. You obviously just think your blind spot is shared by more people than it actually is.... oh well whatever, doesnt matter. Oh and yeah here's a tip if you want an idea of who someone is maybe Google/Google Image search them instead of waiting for Snoozenight to run a report on them!

  13. Lol, you don't even like footie dr, iimr.

    Well I do like old-style footy. i.e. pre-squillionaire days


    I just felt, y'know, since the world's going all 1930s at the moment I'd stroll into the cultural ghetto that is this thread and give some of its inhabitants a deserved slap-around just for a bit of fun.


    (p.s. I'm very anti-anti-semitism, just sayin that as a convenient metaphor...)

  14. Wilfred Agbonavbare, Nigeria's backup goalkeeper in the 1994 WC, dead at 48.

    Aren't you even gonna post the cause of death? In his case it was cancer. Which in a 48-year-old man is probably a more notable thing than his extreme World Cup footnote status.


    Maybe I can try this one from another angle too - perhaps it makes you look slightly racist to report an African chappie has died aged 48 without listing the cause of death. As though, y'know, we're not supposed to be surprised or something?


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