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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders







    How about voice actress June Forey? She'll be 98, this year, and 99 next year.


    I've suggested her a few times, but since she's still alive I guess the committee have been wise to leave her off the list. Putting her on for next year might be a good option.


    come the fuck off it...


    We're really Foray-ing into obscuro territory with voice actresses aren't we? What is it with Disney fans around here.


    Just my opinion anyway



    Not entirely obscure, she was the voice of Rocky the Squirrel from Rocky & Bulwinkle, and also Jokey Smurf.

    I'm far from being a "Disney Fan" as you put it. They're just a notable name and sure to get an obit.


    While we're on the subject of voice actors, William Woodson might be worth going on the list. He narrated the mini-series The Winds of War.


    No way man we can't put him on, that hit would crash the server!


    So basically you're implying that if you've never heard of them, they don't count as a viable suggestion.

    Not everyone on the list has to be a house-hold name. They just need to be known in their field to qualify for an obit.


    For the main Deathlist I think there needs to be a fair degre of noteworthyness. People are free to play obit Russian roulette with their DDP picks but I would expect someone on the main list to be UK obit worthy without a doubt. Those that I have never heard off are not automatically bad picks but I then research them and then decide. When Sam Simon was first discussed on this forum I thought he was someone really obscure but I have been won round. Still not sure about Jake Roberts though.



    LOL, fucks sake man. Yes people do know who he is/was.


    If it's a bad pick it's because he's actually fairly okay.

    He's definitely in much better shape now than he was shortly after Stone Cold Steve Austin beat his ass down in the final of the 1996 King of the Ring!


    Helpful pic included to demonstrate:


    (WTF... Austin actually looks more like Goldberg there for some reason. He had a cut in his mouth so he looks a bit retarded or something)





    Peter William Sutcliffe


    Will rip cute, fit, females.

    I've got MPFCitis again. That's the acute feeling of admiration for the creativity and "cleverness", but serious nagging discomfort at the actual joke at the same time.




    You sound like all my therapists!



    And your history teacher sounds like he was about as "funny" as most of mine were.... :)




    To be fair to "Dave" as we came to call him later on, he was genuinely a character. After me and my equally lazy mate both scraped E grade passes in his A' level he came over to us in the local rugby club, insisted on buying us both a pint and called a a pair of "lucky bastards." I'd say he was an excellent judge of character.


    I'd buy most of my A-level teachers a pint. I mean it's just rude to splash something on someone's face that you haven't paid for.


    On the previous subject though.... in fairness it's always me bringing up Sutcliffe innit?



    Peter William Sutcliffe


    Will rip cute, fit, females.

    I've got MPFCitis again. That's the acute feeling of admiration for the creativity and "cleverness", but serious nagging discomfort at the actual joke at the same time.




    You sound like all my therapists!



    And your history teacher sounds like he was about as "funny" as most of mine were.... :)

  4. Or you could keep your 50 lines in the signature but hide them with spoiler tags. But I guess that's not "exhibitionistic" enough since everyone seems to think that their lists are interesting to others. :lol:


    I think I'll probably have to take responsibility for every man and his dog now going around with a "shadow list".

    People always be copyin me. What am I gonna do.

    Although I got the idea from Windsor originally, he was the one who I first saw with one so... y'know, if you don't like it, maybe tell him to go fuck himself.




    With all the fawning jingoistic shite about the 50th anniversary of Churchill's death myself and the Voice of Young Maryport were speculating what would happen if this dirt-digging about political paedos finally got to some doddery old git just before he died and was given hard evidence of Winston being a kiddie-fiddler.


    I stress I have no reason to believe he was but...



    In that situation, do we rethink our great national hero or rethink our revulsion to paedos?


    Just, innocently, putting the thought out there, like.


    That's so edgy..... in 1975! Did you ever think anniversaries like this might be the first time some people have heard of the fucker.


    Given the average outlook/intelligence of the Mirror/Sun reader these days, I'm sure this list of 10 things you didn't know about Churchill could just as easily be

    1. Who he was
    2. When he lived
    3. Why anyone even remembers him



    Although it all pales in comparison to this piece of demented chav hilarity (which also proves how badly Mirror wants to be a left-wing equivalent of MailOnline.)



    Don't youngsters get taught arithmetic any more?



    Don't oldsters put their reading glasses on any more?

  6. Besides what COF said, some of them also have memorable appearances in movies that are almost as cheesy as pro-wrestling, like Andre the Giant in "Princess Bride", Roddy Piper in "They Live" and many many more. So mods please ignore him. When I first came here you didn't see me demanding people rename this and that. Fucks sake.




    How about voice actress June Forey? She'll be 98, this year, and 99 next year.


    I've suggested her a few times, but since she's still alive I guess the committee have been wise to leave her off the list. Putting her on for next year might be a good option.


    come the fuck off it...


    We're really Foray-ing into obscuro territory with voice actresses aren't we? What is it with Disney fans around here.


    Just my opinion anyway



    Not entirely obscure, she was the voice of Rocky the Squirrel from Rocky & Bulwinkle, and also Jokey Smurf.

    I'm far from being a "Disney Fan" as you put it. They're just a notable name and sure to get an obit.


    While we're on the subject of voice actors, William Woodson might be worth going on the list. He narrated the mini-series The Winds of War.


    No way man we can't put him on, that hit would crash the server!


    How about voice actress June Forey? She'll be 98, this year, and 99 next year.


    I've suggested her a few times, but since she's still alive I guess the committee have been wise to leave her off the list. Putting her on for next year might be a good option.


    come the fuck off it...


    We're really Foray-ing into obscuro territory with voice actresses aren't we? What is it with Disney fans around here.


    Just my opinion anyway



    With all the fawning jingoistic shite about the 50th anniversary of Churchill's death myself and the Voice of Young Maryport were speculating what would happen if this dirt-digging about political paedos finally got to some doddery old git just before he died and was given hard evidence of Winston being a kiddie-fiddler.


    I stress I have no reason to believe he was but...



    In that situation, do we rethink our great national hero or rethink our revulsion to paedos?


    Just, innocently, putting the thought out there, like.




    That's so edgy..... in 1975! Did you ever think anniversaries like this might be the first time some people have heard of the fucker.


    Given the average outlook/intelligence of the Mirror/Sun reader these days, I'm sure this list of 10 things you didn't know about Churchill could just as easily be

    • Who he was
    • When he lived
    • Why anyone even remembers him


    Although it all pales in comparison to this piece of demented chav hilarity (which also proves how badly Mirror wants to be a left-wing equivalent of MailOnline.)

    Given the history curriculum is world wars centric most people will at least know who he is.


    Right..... just like simultaneous equations were on the curriculum and I still know how to do those....... :rolleyes:

    (And I actually showed up to classes... and "paid attention", well kinda.....)

    You have no fucking clue.




    The next big anniversaries will be 65 years on the throne in February 2017 and the 70th wedding anniversary in November 2017.

    By that stage she will be 90/91, and he will be 95/96.


    If I'm honest, after the age of 90 I think its her duty to give serious consideration to abdicating.

    The thing is Prince Phillip will probably be dead by November 2017.




    I see no reason for that statement.


    He still keeps himself busy, he still seems to have his marbles, and he is still physically fit for his age.




    Indeed, his frailties have brought on the odd hospital stay but he's still got his wits, and seems to have the focus and discipline his navy days gave him.



    Maybe his navy days gave him something else too? "Blast this syphilis!"


    BTW the Queen has already started "a transition" of duties to Charlie and announced a slowing down of her own duties. If she's feeling like being a silly old bint she'll retire one day after she beats Queen Victoria's record or something which is a really stupidly Richard Osman-like way of doing things.


    If she wants to be sensible she should just announce she's handing over to Charles in April or something like that.


    With all the fawning jingoistic shite about the 50th anniversary of Churchill's death myself and the Voice of Young Maryport were speculating what would happen if this dirt-digging about political paedos finally got to some doddery old git just before he died and was given hard evidence of Winston being a kiddie-fiddler.


    I stress I have no reason to believe he was but...



    In that situation, do we rethink our great national hero or rethink our revulsion to paedos?


    Just, innocently, putting the thought out there, like.


    That's so edgy..... in 1975! Did you ever think anniversaries like this might be the first time some people have heard of the fucker.


    Given the average outlook/intelligence of the Mirror/Sun reader these days, I'm sure this list of 10 things you didn't know about Churchill could just as easily be

    1. Who he was
    2. When he lived
    3. Why anyone even remembers him



    Although it all pales in comparison to this piece of demented chav hilarity (which also proves how badly Mirror wants to be a left-wing equivalent of MailOnline.)



    With all the fawning jingoistic shite about the 50th anniversary of Churchill's death myself and the Voice of Young Maryport were speculating what would happen if this dirt-digging about political paedos finally got to some doddery old git just before he died and was given hard evidence of Winston being a kiddie-fiddler.


    I stress I have no reason to believe he was but...



    In that situation, do we rethink our great national hero or rethink our revulsion to paedos?


    Just, innocently, putting the thought out there, like.

    Could we even contemplate such a possibility?





    Well...try Googling the photos of the packed streets in Leeds paying tribute to Savile their fallen king of the people. Wonder how those people feel now.



    To be fair if they're gormless enough to do that they can probably also forget about it really easily.


    I didn't have a clue. Before 2012 I thought the "suggestions" were just said as a sick joke by wacky internet types. Of course, If I'd come on the DL forums and read the hints here I would have taken them deadly seriously!

  13. My turn to be "the stat guy" (but not really)


    Here's all the non-theme teams who finished with 0 hits, 0 points in 2014


    1 Dead In Ohio
    5 Feet And 1 To Go
    Aardvark's Bupa Listing
    Dead And Don't Know It
    Dead Cats Won't Play Fetch
    Freddie The Cat
    Heads In A Bag
    I Told You They Were Sick!
    I'm 85 in March and Still a Sicko! (he isn't in this year........ RIP? :()
    Insert Name Here
    Last Train To Palookaville
    Melon Smashers & Melon Heads
    Next Must Be UZI Right?
    Papaoutai Temps
    Pearly Gates
    People Who Will Die Before Abe Vigoda
    Rotting Kanzlerin
    Say Hi To Uncle George
    Tango Uniform
    Tick Tock
    Today Is A Good Day To Die!
    Trojan Hearse
    When You've Gotta Go, You've Gotta Go
    Where's My Damn List?
    Wrong But Right 2014
    You Ain't Seen Me, Right?
    ZZ Topped
    No offence but... hahahaha. (im only jokin I love you all especially Trojan Hearse the nutter)
    • Like 2

  14. The Saudi King gets me hit number 2 and I've already equaled last years disaster in terms of hit numbers. 2014 was that bad I have even lost my little DDP team bio this year.


    Feeling confident about a good number of my other picks this year though and confident of a good finish again a la 2013.


    Blip in my research though with my only unique pick Jamie Dimon. Didn't realize he had overcome the big C and announced the good (bad) news well before i even submitted my team.


    Shall just sit back now and wait for WCIA-TV to make an announcement.


    Nicely done on the speedy work BTW TMIB. Superb stuff..

    Did anyone else find it funny that there's a CEO of a major Wall Street firm named Jamie? I remember when I first saw that a few years ago I thought "wow, that shows time's moving on/I'm getting older. Aren't all those guys supposed to be called Charles and Dick, etc?"


    Of course events like LFN using the world's lamest picture of a "tumbleweed" to try and make fun of someone for simply attempting to restart a thread that was "cleaned up" (i.e. deleted) when no-one asked for it to be cleaned up........ and erm, every single instance in which I speak to my unbelievably daffy old ma who almost relies on me as a de-facto carer while giving me absolutely zero per cent of the standard support that kids get from their families in this country and then wonders why I'm not CEO of GoogAppleSoft yet (silly bint) remind me I'm not really old at all....


    Also, veterans like you making fun of me for picking a reckless fag-smoking, pot-bellied supercar-skidding 50-something-year-old as my joker but then ending the year with 2 fucking hits, that's another one.

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