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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders



    Well maybe you lazy fuckers better put deaths in the Dead of 2015 FIRST where each and every 'celebrity' death qualifies, and this subcategory shite later. I'm not obligated to do a name search. I look in Dead of 2015. It ain't there I'm posting.





    Why do you have to be an ass? I got no problem with a death that big being also posted in the "Dead" thread but it was already being discussed here... way before you posted here......... fucknut


    "Don't fart outside my trailer and tell me there's a tornado comin'" as you guys might say over there....





    Former home secretary Leon Brittan dead at 75. What an utter inconvenience for those investigating his links to child abuse. Ah well, thankfully nothing will come out in the papers about him over the coming days.

    oh well, it's a hit for 7 teams on the DDP. I had no idea he had been diagnosed with cancer.



    Why I didn't go with my gut feeling on this I have no idea.


    Highly convenient exit, this.




    Aye, shrewd career move. The Deathrace scorers are on the case and have duly noted he died "last night" so appears to be worth 344 points.



    I predicted it on here should of put him on my list he was in my 30 I whittled down to 20. I didn't think they had the brazenness to do it though. Thought it would be too obvious .


    Who's next ?


    Lord mcalpine accused dead within 18 months , was he innocent maybe? The witness Paid to falsely accuse someone and retract it later to put off others making similar claims about other MP's and to make it look like a witch hunt .


    As MSC said Leon Brittan's death is a very convenient one , and if you had any doubts about a peado ring or the cover up going on leon's death should remove all that.


    I hate to tell a fellow conspiracy theorist off but.... maybe it is very convenient for someone but that doesnt necessarily mean it was "too convenient"? I mean the politicians of that era seem like a crusty old bunch to me, who've generally spent less time in a gym (or the "healthy eating" aisle of Sainsburys) than Brian Blessed. Cancer at 75 isn't too hard to believe.... little bit of a lardarse too.


    Well, it doesn't bother me too much either way I'd rather ignore the whole fucking nasty thing.... just sayin'


    Not hospitalised but, Brian Blessed collapsed on stage yesterday with 'an apparent heart problem'.


    He was, however, fit to continue after a cup of sweet tea.

    Tha'ts AWESOME he's on my Life (and Death) of Brian theme team!!




    You obviously have no idea how we feel about him here in Britainland.......


    (or more likely you just dont care either way lol)


    However given his age+weight I'm sure maybe a few have been expecting something a little like this.

  4. And now for those who can take it, some Noam Chomsky....... (warning don't read if easily depressed)


    Article annoyed me at first cos he spent so much time going on about the bloody environment, I mean who gives a toss after the events of the last year, build up of big tensions around Russia and Syria, and ISIS nutters and what not? Not me anyway.


    Did you know Castro is an anagram of Sac Rot?

    Did you know Dr Zorders is an anagram of Massive Twat?

    Gotta love the English language! :lol:






    And youse is "Roll, Flee, Old Onanist!"


    So roll off innit, flabby (probably)

  6. Is King Abdullah is on life support? http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/egypts-sisi-visits-ailing-king-abdullah-saudi-arabia-2025095065


    rumor has swirled that the king is unconscious in hospital. The @mujtahidd Twitter account, which has on occasion leaked accurate information from the royal court, said Abdullah has undergone endotracheal intubation, a procedure to aid breathing that requires general anaesthetic. - See more at: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/egypts-sisi-visits-ailing-king-abdullah-saudi-arabia-2025095065#sthash.rsXhznUT.dpuf


    Shudder to think, who will succeed him. Saudi A-Rape-Ya, hellhole of all hellholes.

  7. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg apparently got some flak on "social media" last night for appearing to fall asleep during Obama's State of the Union speech




    Although personally I've always thought falling asleep at Obama's speeches was a good sign of mental wellbeing.


    Here's some of the other fucking Supreme Court codgers, seems like RBG is the only one who grabs the attention with that crooked-necked "ohh sonny could you be a doll and pass me those mint humbugs" look.




    Edit: yeah... that second pic must be from last year's or summat. Sorry I just took the images from the twitter search results.





    I'm sure once the Scots achieve independence, the foaming-at-the-mouth members of Al-Qaeda/whoever will find that to be an incredibly meaningful development, and they will make a maximum priority of ensuring that they only use some special dirty bombs which magically stop themselves from spreading their radioactivity as soon as they reach the Scottish border.


    In the late 70s I went to commission some electrical equipment we had supplied to a U.K. oil refinery. The equipment was certified for use in an area that is likely to contain an explosive gas and it was plugged into an ordinary 13 amp socket. When I queried this I was told that one side of the painted line on the floor was considered hazardous whilst the other side wasn’t. “Does the gas know that”, I asked.


    Yeah there's lots of fucktards around. The worst are the ones that actually think they're smart. (*motions/gestures vaguely towards his 'ma even though he's not really sure where she is*)


    Was this refinery in Scotland perchance? Some might say it's about the only fucking thing that's "refined" up there :)


    No, it's south of the Scottish border and east of the Welsh border. Ask Lindsey, she knows which one.






    I'm sure once the Scots achieve independence, the foaming-at-the-mouth members of Al-Qaeda/whoever will find that to be an incredibly meaningful development, and they will make a maximum priority of ensuring that they only use some special dirty bombs which magically stop themselves from spreading their radioactivity as soon as they reach the Scottish border.


    In the late 70s I went to commission some electrical equipment we had supplied to a U.K. oil refinery. The equipment was certified for use in an area that is likely to contain an explosive gas and it was plugged into an ordinary 13 amp socket. When I queried this I was told that one side of the painted line on the floor was considered hazardous whilst the other side wasn’t. “Does the gas know that”, I asked.


    Yeah there's lots of fucktards around. The worst are the ones that actually think they're smart. (*motions/gestures vaguely towards his 'ma even though he's not really sure where she is*)


    Was this refinery in Scotland perchance? Some might say it's about the only fucking thing that's "refined" up there :)

  10. It was really quick too. They're really dumb, why not announce it in advance and then people can get all weepy about it and make a big deal about buying the last ever "topless" issue.


    Oh well long live Sunday Sport. Oh yeah and there's this little thing called the internet that has tons of free boobs on it....

  11. Fuck, even 16 year olds get the vote up here.


    Eh, on topic, ukip, tory, labour.


    Any of the above will end in more terrorism, as they are all globalisation wankers.



    Liberal? Lol....


    Do what the fuck youz want, Scotland won't be a part of it shortly, and when you burn in the self made Hell of fire, please, please , please take Richard Madely first :)

    I'm sure once the Scots achieve independence, the foaming-at-the-mouth members of Al-Qaeda/whoever will find that to be an incredibly meaningful development, and they will make a maximum priority of ensuring that they only use some special dirty bombs which magically stop themselves from spreading their radioactivity as soon as they reach the Scottish border.

  12. Why is everybody suddenly so convinced Doris Day is gonna die?


    Also, there seems to be less brand new never-been-chosen picks than last year, with those blank bios... that's good for those compiling the celeb info I guess, and we will have less to wait for a "finished product" this time.


    You probably would get more responses if you'd just also designated it as a general general election discussion thread. Which you can still do with the handy editing feature.


    People are maybe sick of being asked to parlay this and that into deathpooling terms. Almost as sick as they are of being asked which Stephen will die first, etc...

    Agreed. This'll be the first general election I can vote in if some if you want to feel bored. No idea where my cross is going at the minute.


    I'm voting for whichever party wants to make the biggest pension cuts to Norfolk telephone-pole spanner-monkeys.

  14. One third of WCW wrestling faction The Jersey Triad, Scott "Bam Bam" Bigelow 8 years ago



    2007 was a bad year in deaths for me, lots of people I liked died. And it seems like many wrestlers died. Mike Awesome was another one, I didn't like that news.


    There was also that one other wrestler whose name I can't quite remember, it's almost as if he's been erased from history or something...

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