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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders

  1. Can you ask Spade to be (as-)sensible(-as-possible) with his bio-writing? If we wanted to find some bios that make the current/existing ones look like they weren't written by Owen Jones himself whilst riding a Malcolm X dildo we could all just go to Wikipedia.


    (ok only joking with that ending remark, that only applies to a few of 'em, just saying)

  2. You probably would get more responses if you'd just also designated it as a general general election discussion thread. Which you can still do with the handy editing feature.


    People are maybe sick of being asked to parlay this and that into deathpooling terms. Almost as sick as they are of being asked which Stephen will die first, etc...


    A$ap Yams, one of the roughly 700 members of A$ap Mob that isn't A$ap Rocky so nobody cares about them, dead at 24.

    Lead poisoning, I presume.


    No I'm gonna guess it was lard-poisoning actually given how much of a fatty he looks.




    A healthier diet would have helped. Maybe he should have said "yams ASAP", when the waiters used to ask him for his order

    • Like 1


    Funny team names noticed so far:


    The Good the Bad and Cliff Richard

    Puke on My Grave

    The Policies of Benjamin Netanyahu (WTFF?)



    Have to say I liked the Cliff one as well. Also like 'One scythe fits all' and ' No, I don't want to build a f*****g snowman'


    Yeah One Scythe has always been a favourite.


    I just spotted "Book of Revel-asians" (lofuckinl)


    Also, we still have Carker's Convention 2014 for some reason. Your fault MIB, or did whichever moron owns that rubbish team make the mistake? Also, it wrongly lists William Hague's Special Friend is a "first year" competitor.


    And, I can't believe I forgot to mention but Jean Nidetch's birth name was Jean Slutsky. I think that actually beats Little Dick Jimmy or whatever the fuck that country shuffler's name was.

  5. He doesn't appear to have tweeted in well over 24 hours now. Usually he tweets more than a hyperactive songbird who has big opinions about who will win the Premier League this season.


    Either he's croaking or busy preparing a brilliant essay for HuffPo about why sperm whales still not being admitted as full members of the Augusta National Golf Club is more of a moral outrage than the Manson-family-esque "upbringing" my mother dealt me. And just general world hunger/mass scale religious oppression/war.

    • Like 1


    Two names I saw on other teams lists: Rona Barrett and Dr Ruth Westheimer. I'd have bet your life they were both long gone.

    I also saw a couple days ago the accordion player from The Gong Show, Milton DeLugg, is kicking it and still performing at 98!

    Sir C

    Cheers, with that 98 year old squeeze box fiend I duly start my 2016 possibles file.



    Ya fucking weirdo. I won't be starting my list of random famous people who look old/ill/so-old-it-must-be-makin-them-ill until about May. Have some fucking decency innit?

  7. Anybody see the Oscar nominations were announced? It's a shame cause they snubbed this great independent movie..... about a Jewish crossword champion. No cinemas will show it either, for some weird reason. "The Final Solution" it's called. Fuckin travesty.

  8. So.. I was deprived of a unique on Jean Nidetch by some goofball named Fireball. And Paul Volcker isn't unique cos some exciting chappy decided to enter an economists theme team............... happy days


    Funny team names noticed so far:


    The Good the Bad and Cliff Richard

    Puke on My Grave

    The Policies of Benjamin Netanyahu (WTFF?)


    Further observations:


    Michael Shitparker's off the Drop 40

    Ian Watkins is too

    No-one picked Olly Croft (British darts guy who was one of my uniques last year)....

    Great to see Rob Ford finally getting the trainwreckognition he deserves

    • Like 1

  9. TMIB's epic contribution to the DDP should get him a five hour energy shot or a black coffee .. the guy probably doesn't know where the fuck he is.


    No. Water man, water. Big gasp of fresh air too.


    Oh, um... by the way..... the guy who entered as "I'm 85 In March and I'm Still a Sicko!" last year isn't in this year.....


    Are we to er...presume? :rip:

    • Like 2

  10. I must say the response to the attacks in France has been remarkably swift, widespread and efficient in terms of banners, solidarity, editorial pieces and whatnot, seeing as it all happened less than 48 hours ago...


    Hey-hey! You've got a seconder (er... of sorts) TMIB! Jean-Marie Le Pen, remember him?


  11. This Norn Irish schoolboy is getting "world famous" (i.e. two million Youtube views) for his accent/dialect when a TV channel asked him about the snowy weather........ related to Paisley perhaps?


    • Like 1

  12. 1. Nigel Farage

    2. Alex Jones (American conspiracy theorist........ not the bint off The One Show)

    3. Nigel Mansell

    4. Tom Green

    5. Edward Snowden

    6. Lyndon LaRouche

    7. Nicolas Cage

    8. Michael van Gerwen

    9. Jan de Bont

    10. Daniel Parker (a.k.a. Deathray)


    reserve/substitute: Sir Nigel Gresley



    Is Alzheimer's a deadly disease within 2 years? I thought the average life expectancy was more like in the 5-10 yr range. Though Peter Falk has had it for some time now

    well my grand dad died within a year or so of getting it as best I can remember.Mind you he did die of a heart attack in the end


    Alzheimer's is a slow disease. My gran had it for over 30 years. Towards the end she barely recognised me, she believed that my nephew was me, I was my dad, and she could barely recognise my dad although she knew his voice.




    Well to be fair to her in her condition... 30 years later you tend to look more like you dad than you used to


    By the way, can we ditch these tired Peter Falk jokes now? I mean he was diagnosed over a month ago.....

    • Like 4



    Crime writer Ruth Rendell in a critical but stable condition after suffering a stroke.

    Her condition has deteriorated-she's now said to be 'fighting for her life' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2911356/Crime-writer-Ruth-Rendell-fighting-life-stroke.html


    She should get the Gordie Howe 'serious stroke' cure and the two can be on Dancing With the Stars next season.




    I....... don't think you're really familiar with how our NHS works, are you?


    Sir Creep, you have the greatest avatar in the history of DL.

    Debateable, I'll confess a certain fondness for Josco, Lardy and DDT's avatars, and Eejit's little movie never got tiresome for me either.



    Mass-debateable? Well you've given us so many to choose from there...


    No I'm sorry. S-C wins. Johnny Sauce Pants second, my Xmas avatar from last year gets the bronze. Also I guess Stayin Alive has to be in there somewhere.....

  16. Can I get an anthrax ripple during the interval?




    Charon, I hope you wouldn't consider it "provocation" if I pointed out how fortunate for you it is that my brilliant analogy pointing out how stupid you were to post that PM also got axed in the melee. Cos I don't wanna see any more scenes at such a level of ugliness ...... or see Spade's nice thread get derailed some more.


    Have an aspirin innit.




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