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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders

  1. I dropped this monster turd and just as I tried to flush it it started swimming, hauled itself up the side of the bog and said: "I think, therefore I am."


    This shit just got serious.


    I drew a picture of a turd and it jumped off the page and started talking to me - SHIT JUST GOT REAL!

  2. What about Kirk Stevens the washed up snooker player?

    What about Tommy Kirk the Disney actor who was fired in the 60s cos he liked it up the bum?

    What about Kirk Angel?

    What about Kirk Diggler from that overrated film?

    What about Kirk Cobain, Kurt's secret twin brother who never touched a drug in his life, so we've never heard of him cos the press weren't interested and now works as a janitor in the Michigan Pedalo Museum?


    What about William Shatner (who would probably punch this thread in the face)?


    (Just kidding, if you absolutely must have this thread I would vote for Douglas if I could be arsed. but PLEASE NO MORE)

  3. You just have to craft your own 50 name list well, making sure no more than 25 names are carried over, stick it in your signature, and then wait to see if your own list is better than theirs.


    I only have 13 of last year's picks on this year's. And Castro is number 13 on the front page list.




    And he was born on the 13th.



    Wow great. If the fucking slow-arse Froggy Fundamentalist-Loving Frenchie Fumbling Fuzz Fuckers actually manage to finally apprehend those demented gun-toting cunts I might actually cheer up enough to get somewhat "excited" when TMIB posts the first new update on 2015 DDP...

  4. This is something that has had me fuming for some time now. While I fully understand all the hard work that teachers put in, and work additional hours from home grading students' coursework. It pisses me off to no end the amount of days off during school term that children in the US get. They already get 13 weeks off during the summer, and now just after returning from the christmas / new year break, the school will be closed on Monday 19th and again on January 23rd. This is a list of closures and late starts that fall within school time from the beginning of this year until the beginning of June when they go on Summer break.

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day ……………….…….…………………… Jan. 19

    Evaluation and Planning ………….………….…….….………….. Jan. 23

    Presidents’ Day ……………………………….…….……..…………… Feb. 16

    Late Start ……………………………………….…………………………. Mar. 3

    Evaluation/Planning Day ………………….…...….………..……. Mar. 27

    Late Start ………………………………..…………..……………………… May 5

    Memorial Day ………………………..………….….………………….. May 25


    I don't have an opinion on the complaint in general but I didn't know MLK day was a day off. That's kind of retarded, definitely the kind of guy who would have wanted kids to be learning rather than sitting around right?


    Dr Z, that's just from the start of the year, I haven't bothered to list school closures from September-December. You'd have also thought that Lincoln and Washington would have wanted the same for the children.

    I don't know why they can't schedule the school term properly around the holidays rather than having all these short weeks. It's hard enough getting the kids to concentrate in a normal week as it is. And people wonder why the US is falling behind the rest of the world.


    Also it really ill-prepares them for the future US adult-life where you only get like one or two days off outside of Xmas, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving or something like that, right?


    *notices Robert M Pirsig*

    Funny to see my picks from last year getting chosen btw.... wonder if/how many will have Olly Croft when we get the teams posted...

  5. This is something that has had me fuming for some time now. While I fully understand all the hard work that teachers put in, and work additional hours from home grading students' coursework. It pisses me off to no end the amount of days off during school term that children in the US get. They already get 13 weeks off during the summer, and now just after returning from the christmas / new year break, the school will be closed on Monday 19th and again on January 23rd. This is a list of closures and late starts that fall within school time from the beginning of this year until the beginning of June when they go on Summer break.

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day ……………….…….…………………… Jan. 19

    Evaluation and Planning ………….………….…….….………….. Jan. 23

    Presidents’ Day ……………………………….…….……..…………… Feb. 16

    Late Start ……………………………………….…………………………. Mar. 3

    Evaluation/Planning Day ………………….…...….………..……. Mar. 27

    Late Start ………………………………..…………..……………………… May 5

    Memorial Day ………………………..………….….………………….. May 25


    I don't have an opinion on the complaint in general but I didn't know MLK day was a day off. That's kind of retarded, definitely the kind of guy who would have wanted kids to be learning rather than sitting around right?

  6. Fuckin' 'ell....


    Is this early attack an indication of their schedule for 2015, or just a one-off? If so I KNEW I should have got round to entering that "back-up" DDP team which consisted of only people famous enough to get an obit no matter how chaotic and fucked up things get this year, what with Putin wanting to re-establish the USSR, ISIS, North Korea and all the rizzest.....


    Can't help feeling we might all be too busy counting bodies from shit like this for the press to run a story on the death of the doctor who could never say no to fat-70s-Elvis when he wanted "moar pillz plox"

    • Like 1

  7. some sad news-the old bloke who escaped from his nursing home ot attend the D Day commemorations last year has died at 90 http://www.bbc.co.uk...sussex-30699446

    That 'old bloke' was named Bernard Jordan.


    With all due respect I didn't think anyone would know who I was talking about if I'd just said his name...


    Yes. You're exactly right. And whats with the "due respect"? I guess you didn't want to sully the hero's recognition by saying "Fuck a duck you pedantic cunt". Oh whoops, too late.


    (p.s. fairly sure he would have accepted an affectionate "that old bloke" compared to some of the treatment he would of got from ignorant chavs who don't even know who Hitler was)

  8. I remember when you compared the management to "Lord of the Flies" LFN. That comment really opened my eyes.


    And then when they didn't check in post X-mas to read my PM of suggestions, that was the moment when they were held open Clockwork-Orange-stylee and had a KGB interrogation solution dropped into them.

  9. The death of Luise Rainer on 30th of December is the equivalet of a controversial penelty in extra time allowing a score draw between the nay sayers and the list supporters.


    Getting into double figures is a significant milestone and if we can carry the momentum on into 2015 we could be looking at 12-15 dead.


    In non-diplomat talk (you sounds like one), that means getting onto double figures at the last minute saved their asses.

    Yeah I know I only finished with nine but hey... I'm not the so-called "esteemed" one here am I?


    No idea what's gonna happen with their lot this year but I'm annoyed they didn't put S-*gets shot*

    • Like 1

  10. Was looking at pictures from that era last night as well, again relating to that Wimbledon/Liverpool day, although I was in Hampden at the time for Dundee utd v Celtic.


    Dundee utd had been cheated out of the 1984/5 European Cup final v Liverpool by Roma bribing the ref for the second leg of the semi, but some of the pics/banners are quality :D







    A young Walter Smith bricking it lol, and from a dead pool point of view , the middle of the spags was their captain , who after losing the final to Liverpool, shot himself in the heart 10 years to the day after the Final.


    Excellent and funny, good stuff.

    However maybe the real reason was probably cause he had nothing else in his life. That's why they get all depressed when they retire, not just cause he lost. Sad twat. Sum1 needs 2 lern footballers how to reed n right.


    Wait. This is before footballers getting all depressed was really a "thing". I've never heard of any sportsman being driven to chopsuey-cide by the shame of a loss, bit OTT. I thought the most extreme thing was Ray Finkle in the first Ace Ventura movie.

  11. I had a whole shadow list to my shadow list, another 50 with no room at the inn...


    Al Anderson, Michael Aspel, Tom Baker, Bob Barker, Pope Benedict XVI, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Jim Bowen, Lord Carrington, Julie Chang, George Cole, Judy Collins, Doug Ellis, Louis Farrakhan, Helen Fawkes, Aretha Franklin, Mikhail Gorbachev, Kate Granger, King Harald V of Norway, Alison Hartley (bbc Essex), Jenny Inman, Wilko Johnson, Louis Jourdan, Candye Kane, Henry Kissinger, Helmut Kohl, Phil Lesh, Jerry Lewis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Teodoro Obiang Nquema Mbasogo, John McVie, Shih Ming-Teh, Tracy Morgan, Shelley Morrison, Hosni Mubarak, Jim Nabors, Manuel Noriega, Maureen O'Hara, Peter O'Sullevan, Seymour Papert, Nile Rodgers, William Russell, Robert Schuller, Vojislav Seselj, Micheal Schumacher, Lupita Tovar, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Murray Walker, Sir Nicholas Winton, Chris Woodhead & Malcolm Young.


    That's interesting RA. I was gonna put Carl Reiner on my list this year, however his films The Man With Two Brains and The Jerk are so brilliant, so even-funnier-than-most-of-Castro's-facial-expressions-in-his-recent-pics, y'know...., I just couldn't do the "crossing off" thingy....


    oh and besides he's in really great shape apparently so I guess that's another good reason.

  12. Given all the moving and shaking in Zimbabwe, I voted Mugabe.


    Erm, moving and shaking around is pretty normal for black folks. They're a very musical people, like to get up and dance.


    And now in less serious matters, I should say I hope the January news has something good instore for us. It'll take a lot to top last year when we got a picture of Ariel Sharon with a massive pre-death stork-on.

  13. Zsa Zsa is clearly the one who is seemingly referred to as "immortal" by Deathlisters and is kind of the new Ronnie Biggs in terms of the consensus being "surely they should be dead by now".Sam Simon has the quality of interacting with the site as Biggs did.Castro is like a Clive Dunn pick-many people I know have told me they thought he was dead.


    Umm, vaguely mentioning deadpoolers on Twitter does not mean "interacting".......

  14. Anyone watching WIM-LIV?


    It took me a while to realise "Tubbs" was another striker, thought it was just a nickname they were using for Akinfenwa..


    He's a pipe cleaner compared to Enrique when he came on. Who ate all the paellas?


    LOL. Surprised I didnt get an Akinfenwa fan having a go at me (or just anyone who is inclined to have a go at me) about that gag since anyone who knows who he is knows Akinfenwa's a muscle beast.... I was just kinda hoping it would make someone other than me laugh cos I guess he could to the casual viewer look a little like he might be a fatarse when he dives around and whatnot.....


    If anyone is annoyed I'd like to make up for that misfired joke by posting one of the coolest football pics I've ever seen, from the 1988 final they kept fuckin' goin' the fuck on about.


    (I'll link to it since it's such a large pic)

  15. Jean-Pierre Beltoise, Grand Prix race winner, died this morning. He was 77.


    Being reported he had two strokes.......


    Gotta love those opportunistic winners,unless I'm misrecalling that was one of the rain-affected Monaco races and ended up being his only win.

  16. http://www.etonline...._legendary_dad/ - from November. This is not someone who looks to be shuffling off anytime soon.


    Are you kidding? I'm sorry but all the guy does is shuffle at his age.......


    There's something very wrong about a 98 year old man...... with a pony tail��


    It does make you wonder if he suddenly has lots of opinions about comic books and Star Wars movies these days.




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