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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders

  1. TP (I prefer to know him by his initials) is my mothers' favourite (living) author*, so I strongly agree with his choice as a candidate, and in the interests of taste he should be kept on the list until he finally jets off to Discworld. Actually now I think of it, I think she met him at a fan convention once so it's highly possible he broke into some Swiss research lab at night and deliberately injected himself with Alzheimers so he could forget about it.


    *Before that it was Tony Benn (score!).

  2. It's been a good year for deathlist. 21 hits. that could be an all time record!


    For that enlightened post here`s your Christmas present early-Enjoy!



    PAHAHAH. 11/10.


    Based on the fact that it was funny, I'm guessing that isn't actually from South Park (well not recent episode anyway)


    BTW, it's the dear Mr. "If we count the previous years picks who died this year, we're doing great" twat come to push his arsetarded "theory" on us again, for anyone who was confused about the content of the twatguestpost. Twat.

    • Like 1

  3. I would like to put the amount of swearing that goes on on this forum in Room 101. It is a particular hate of mine - and my biggest turn - off in a woman. It is disgusting, common and unnecessary and shows a lack of learning.


    Lucky there's only about 3 of them here and even fewer of them are probably interested in you then.


    Short version: I don't even have a cunt, you cunt!

  4. Can I have my tagline thingy changed to IsCastroDeadYet.com


    Also I might ask you to change it again later in the month. If you're ok with this, signify by getting angry and saying something like "oh for fuck's sake you annoying cunt", etc.

    Could you change my tagline to Zordersisaplagiarisingcunt,com



    I've been hating Castro since before you even had your first cataract. FOAD.


    Unless you were only joking, in which case just die.

  5. http://www.nytimes.c...zing-randi.html


    Incredibly long NYT article here, for his DL fans/admirers..


    Also, I owe myself a fiver for correctly guessing his BF would look about 50 years younger than him.

    All those years they have been playing him on Aus television and I never realised he was a queer... I guess he "outed" so many charlatan clairvoyants, the honky person left to out was himself...


    Yeah well he only came out a few years ago IIRC, I remember seeing it on the NYT or something and not knowing or caring who the fuck he was.


    If he's such a brilliant con-artist-squasher why can't he point out how fake global warming is? He must have his entire retirement fund invested in shares of Al Snore's ClimateBilk PLC or whatever.

    • Like 1

  6. Er, American actor Norman Lloyd (who already looked fucking ancient when he played Dr. Auschlander on 80s hospital drama St. Elsewhere) turned 100 last month. Whoops, no-one spotted that.


    He's appearing in a film next year and apparently still plays tennis twice a week.


    I had him in my Deathrace team this year but have dropped him for next year.


    Thanks for making me feel good about that decision.


    Er, I think he also had a fairly significant role as a teacher or headteacher in Dead Poets Society (never seen it).


    I would have completely forgotten about that movie if Robin Williams hadn't decided to love angels instead earlier this year.


    The other odd thing apart from the fact he already looked half-ready to drop on St. Elsewhere was that his character also had terminal cancer but decided to Carry on Doctoring Regardless just as eagerly as Al Gore and his "scientist" pals did after ClimateGate. So he's "supposed to have died years ago" in many different ways seemingly. I give him until 101 or maybe even 102, then he'll be as dead as serve-and-volleying.

    • Like 1

  7. Er, American actor Norman Lloyd (who already looked fucking ancient when he played Dr. Auschlander on 80s hospital drama St. Elsewhere) turned 100 last month. Whoops, no-one spotted that.


    He's appearing in a film next year and apparently still plays tennis twice a week.

  8. Thoughts?


    1. The Deathlist is a private thing between a bunch of friends who share it with us, and being based in Britain, is likely to be a product of British culture.


    2. Joost van der Weisthuzen is actually South African, discussed by a British based website, picked by international DDPers, and who was a major part of a sporting event turned into an Oscar nominated film by Clint Eastwood in the US. If thats not relatively internationally well known...


    3. I don't like ideas which limit the range of the Deathlist.


    4. John Craven is awesome. I believe, anecdotally, Newsround was seen in the US. It certainly is now (but hes retired from it, presents Countryfile which is...surprisingly popular elsewhere). But people like him and the late Tony Hart and the even later Jeffrey Bernard are the soul of the list. Lose them because some people hadn't heard of them and we lose a bit of us all.


    John Craven is the heart and soul of Deathlist (or something)?


    Makes me laugh to think I was called "arse-chafingly dull" by someone on the forum earlier this year....

    • Like 1

  9. No .. he won't be the next DL favorite.


    Why not? Are you saying he won't make it to 2015? Or that somehow he's just "not special enough" or something? If the second one, then what kind of bonkers mind would say that?


    Oh btw, fuck your mother BS cos I can tell you like the guy. I'll steam your kidneys for twelve hours, lob 'em into an empty McDonalds happy meal bag and serve it to starving Eskimos as "Beetroot Surprise".

  10. I saw Nigel Lawson on TV last week and he did look ropey I must say...


    The fucker's looked like shit for ages. I didn't know he was "ill" though....... are we sure about this?


    To me he just seems like the rough-faced-looking sort. Maybe someone, y'know Cheney'd him on a hunting trip in the 80s and we never heard about it? Who would do such a thing? My money's on Denis.

    .....Well anyway........ whatever.

  11. Can I have my tagline thingy changed to IsCastroDeadYet.com


    Also I might ask you to change it again later in the month. If you're ok with this, signify by getting angry and saying something like "oh for fuck's sake you annoying cunt", etc.

  12. Hi, I'd like to point out an error. On this page, Lord Denning is listed as born in 1903. Yet it says he was 100 years old. Which one is it?


    You like posting in this thread more than BG likes bumping "Deathlist 2014"


    Still good point though, although there's a few errors there in the murky depths of those old pages. You probably shouldn't spend too long poking around in those dusty old things you'll give yourself chronic hackingcoughitis or summat.

  13. Study finds the funniest comedians most at risk from premature death: http://www.abc.net.a...dy-find/5947460


    Was the study simply "looking at Wikipedia"? Cos I think we all could have figured that out really and a lot of us were aware of it to some extent. And if they don't end up dying of drugs or drink they get some other shit luck like cancer, or they get heart attacks from a life of energetic stage antics


    Bill Hicks

    Eric Morcambe

    Peter Sellers

    Tommy Cooper

    Andy Kaufman

    John Belushi

    John Candy

    Graham Chapman

    Marty Feldman

    Mitch Hedberg

    Sid James

    Richard Pryor

    Peter Cook

    Rik Mayall ( :( )

    Phil Hartman

    Robin Williams

    Stephen Fry (tried to off himself)

    Chris Farley

    Phyllis Diller


    Shit, even Benny Hill?


    Also, all of The Goodies are still alive.

  14. I am curious what is the origin of the list cause I had no idea the internet was even a thing in 1987.


    Before the internet they had this incredible thing called pen and paper, and people used to meet in these places called "pubs".

    • Like 4

  15. Sorry but I find this funny as fuck.




    47-year-old gay chef who died of a heart attack after his two younger sex-pals wrapped him in cling-film.


    I know this is terribly prejudiced but there's something hilarious about getting killed by a clueless-looking 23-year-old and a wheelchair-bound fatty.


    Not really sure why this has come to court, other than to give the papers something funny to write about, cos it seems like a genuine accident.


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