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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders

  1. Merry Christmas from ISIS?


    A British-born explosives expert who went to fight for Islamic state is boasting of having enough radioactive materials to make a "dirty bomb" which they want to detonate in London.




    Reports the Daily Mail.


    Oh right. Yeah I was waiting for the first line like that.......


    Well unless you're saying they faked the tweets in which the guy boasted about the material (despite the fact they were reported elsewhere) then I'm not really sure what your point is.

    • Like 2

  2. With the state of the world at the moment with the middle east,the general lack of compassion for fellow humans and people like kim kashardian being seen as role models humanity is long since lost. Its actually a good time to be alive as humans are still near the top of the mountain that we are slowly descending. Falling birth rates around the world apart from religious nuts and diseases like ebola and antibiotic resistance spells a very bleak future for all concerned. Who knows in 10000 years time humans may not exist at all and could have been replaced by the machines we created and if so then that is evolution in practice . Human beings replaced the Neanderthal's afterall and someone will replace us .


    Humans are turning more like machines everyday anyway I see it with every newer generation (yea and i'm only in my mid 20s) people becoming more socially awkward and withdrawn that equals less friends /girlfriends / boyfriends and see japan for their fertility rates and the result of that. But when argumentation comes along if we get that far then what? If a human being has more robotic parts than human parts is he or she still considered human ?


    That's a shockingly (mostly) accurate state of events, bro...


    The two biggest problems are fundamentalist nutjobs having 18 kids per family and naming them all Muhammad, and people gawping at their smartphone screens like a bunch of lost, confused sheep who've just been injected with super-autism.


    It's amazing how fast (only about 20 years) I've gone from being a meek scared kid who was in awe of everybody and couldn't wait for the future to happen, to a scared, pessimistic adult who holds almost everybody in contempt and thinks we're going to see a Rome-style-collapse before I've even got time to go half-bald.


    Of course let's not lose track of what Hawking was complaining about in the first place, super-geeks in Silicon Valley creating something too powerful that goes wrong because their demented egos can't admit they can ever do wrong, or because a lifetime of bullying has left them with too low esteem to be able to handle the idea that something they create can do damage.


    He's practically a cyborg himself, he's in a good position to judge...


    Uh, did you mean to post that in the George Osborne thread?

    • Like 2



    Documentary at 9 on Channel 5 tonight - about his last hours, and his autopsy.

    Not sure if repeat or not but should be interesting to see about The King......... of All Heart Attacks.

    There were - unauthorised - videos of his autopsy (as in the real thing) available on VHS in the eighties. He'd have been 80 next month. I was busy last week planning a radio show to mark the 80th birthday, we've managed to source an album of a séance in which Elvis - apparently - comes through, and the album by Jimmy "Orion" Ellis (i.e. the recording that fooled a few people into thinking Elvis was alive and still recording). Truly, there is no end to Elvis related tack and strangeness. Myself and young MPFC may well be checking out Channel Five tonight.

    So........ I'm guessing if it had survived through to the internet era I would have heard of it/seen it by now? Or not?

    (p.s. just finished watching the documentary, fairly grisly but could have been a lot worse I guess.)

    Channel 5 have some really good stuff sometimes. Better than Channel Whore Four

  4. SH correctly warns again that machines with "Artificial Intelligence" could run amok and end humanity, or at least put us all out of business.


    New film about Stephen Hawking starring Eddie Redmayne is being tipped as an outsider for an Oscar nod.


    Could it do with a bit of extra publicity like the Nelson Mandela movie?


    Wow........ a film in which a severely disabled man known for his incredibly limited communication abilities and the robotic unintelligibility of his dialogue........... plays a famous scientist.

    • Like 1

  5. A bit of the Davros look imo..




    Haha, wow I knew it looked like something just couldnt fink wat.


    And he looks waaaaay better than the last pics of Mandela.


    He probably won't be doing a cover of JJ72's "We Don't Need Oxygen" any time soon though. For two obvious reasons.

  6. 1984.... Foucault or Indira Gandhi being the most significant death.... That's an interesting one to ponder.... They were both extremely influential up until their demises, unlike many on the "most significant deaths" lists. Foucault's thought is still having an enormous impact on the western world and Gandhi was the leader of a country of over a billion people. I'd have to call it a draw.


    Oh yeah whoops. Can't believe I forgot her. That's the last time her family hired anyone from Sikh Help.

  7. 1963: JFK, duh
    1964: Herbert Hoover, Douglas MacArthur
    1965: Winston Churchill
    1966: Who cares
    1967: Robert Oppenheimer
    1968: Martin Luther King
    1969: Dwight Eisenhower
    1970: Jimi Hendrix/Janis Joplin
    1971: Jim Morrison
    1972: Harry Truman
    1973: Bruce Lee
    1974: Sam Goldwyn
    1975: Bernard Herrmann
    1976: Mao Zedong
    1977: All the people in Lynyrd Skynyrd/That fat singer guy with the quiff (not Morrissey)
    1978: Keith Moon (not that I give a shit)
    1979: John Wayne, Sir Alfred Broughton MP
    1980: Karl Doenitz, Colonel Sanders, Jesse Owens
    1981: err... Bill Haley
    1982: Philip K. Dick
    1983: Louis "Red" Deutsch
    1984: Michel Foucault
    1985: Orson Welles, Cus D'Amato
    1986: L. Ron Hubbard
    1987: Rudolf Hess, Andy Warhol
    1988: Robert A. Heinlein
    1989: Salvador Dali, Mel Blanc, Emperor Hirohito, Ted Bundy
    1990: Roald Dahl, A.J.P. Taylor, Keith Haring
    1991: Miles Davis, Leo Fender
    1992: Isaac Asimov
    1993: James Hunt, David Koresh
    1994: Ayrton Senna/Kurt Cobain/Bill Hicks/Dick Nixon
    1995: Fred Perry, Bob Ross
    1996: Timothy Leary, Carl Sagan
    1997: Henri Paul/William S. Burroughs
    1998: J.T. Walsh, Phil Hartman, Lloyd Bridges, Barry Goldwater
    1999: Owen Hart/Gene Siskel/Joseph Heller/Stanley Kubrick
    2000: Joe C, Billy Barty
    2001: Morton Downey Jr.
    2002: Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
    2003: Strom Thurmond, Crash Holly
    2004: Ronald Reagan
    2005: Richard Whiteley/Richard Pryor/Pope
    2006: Saddam Hussein
    2007: Ian Richardson, Bernard Manning
    2008: Arthur C. Clarke
    2009: Billy Mays, Les Paul
    2010: Alex Higgins/Dennis Hopper/Leslie Nielsen
    2011: Christopher Hitchens/Seth Putnam/Jimmy Savile
    2012: Bob Holness, Andrew Breitbart
    2013: Margaret Thatcher
    2014: Fidel Castro

    Ok I cheated and used more than 1 name for some but who careeees

  8. Have you noticed that PD is the 3rd peer to die in as many months following the deaths of Dickie Attenborough and Ian Paisley.Any more peers on the list?


    Good spot, that. Wonder how Thatcher's doing.

  9. Lol, yes he was 'that' good. A generation ahead of his time, but not playing in Europe and black and white footage was against him.


    Not as good as Maradona or Cruyff imo, but v the opposition he had he was lethal.


    Giggs is probably the best black footballer I have seen live, for the record.


    Yeah but in those much more homophobic times, lack of video technology also helped him, cos it means the guy who took his virginity couldn't put the session on Xtube.

  10. I'm actually finding this a bit annoying. Was he really that great? He's definitely not the best black footballer I've ever seen that was Tony Fuckin Yeboah, thanks.


    He's probably not gonna die but they're gonna report every time he's in hospital over the next decade until he does.....

    • Like 1

  11. PD James was a woman?? I had no idea.




    Yeah I agree "Death comes to PD James" is a good one.


    BTW hold on that update TMIB, Pele might be fuckin next...... as though this day hasn't been destructive enough or something.

  12. I read the other day on Twitter that there are plans afoot to remake Highlander with Tom Cruise being considered for the role that Sean Connery played in the original.


    Firstly Highlander does not need remaking the sequels were bad enough but infintely ignorable.


    Secondly when has any film been improved by the casting of Tom Cruise.





    If Cruise is playing the Connery role then that makes no sense because as we know he's a total midget.


    I didn't care for that film, I remember the sequel better, one of the most aggressively incomprehensible movies ever made. And as Roger Ebert used to say... "Highlander II: The Quickening. What a title!"

  13. This is crazy. Poor guy, RIP.


    Had a bad feeling he wasn't gonna make it though. Some of the crass comments in this thread look a bit stupid now......... I mean it's not like this guy was Schumi or something - i.e. not a cunt.....

  14. I was in the pub yesterday talking to a sad, middle aged man whose huge debts had driven him so bonkers, he had hit rock bottom and was talking desperate gibberish as he stared down into his 19th glass of Guinness.


    He said "Maybe if I...... spend all my spare time in the sperm donation clinic......... they........ they pay money don't they? I can make enough money....... by the end of the year I can....... I can pay it all off"


    I said "oh come on, that's just rubbing your Peter to pay Paul!"


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