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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders

  1. Does anyone else think that this is a little bit North Korean?

    And I can't imagine anyone refusing to go along with it either when asked to volunteer, even though they would be entirely within their rights to for whatever reason, political, practical or otherwise. After all, isn't Remembrance Day about the fight for freedom?


    It's a little weird but not North Korean. You can see one of them though if you look. And he appears to be a....... white male! That gives a lot away!


    I didn't mean it literally Dr Z unless you didn't mean it literally!


    Think the misunderstanding is yours here bruh..... :rolleyes:

  2. Does anyone else think that this is a little bit North Korean?

    And I can't imagine anyone refusing to go along with it either when asked to volunteer, even though they would be entirely within their rights to for whatever reason, political, practical or otherwise. After all, isn't Remembrance Day about the fight for freedom?


    It's a little weird but not North Korean. You can see one of them though if you look. And he appears to be a....... white male! That gives a lot away!

  3. Erm, his death didn't exactly make our TV news so I'm not really surprised.


    Think he's got more important things to worry about at the moment......... like texting pictures of cute ponies to Rebekah Brooks....

    Shows how completely unimportant us colonials are to the mother country! :)


    Yeah..... you said it, not us!

    • Like 1

  4. Erm, his death didn't exactly make our TV news so I'm not really surprised.


    Think he's got more important things to worry about at the moment......... like texting pictures of cute ponies to Rebekah Brooks....

    • Like 1

  5. I kid you not....... apparently Sutcliffe was offended by Jeremy Clarkson's joke a few years back about lorry drivers murdering prostitutes........ https://uk.news.yaho...-114158385.html




    Bit of a delayed reaction, isn’t it? That episode and controversy was from 2009.


    IDK, don't ask me, I was too busy laughing to read the whole article but I think it's just a "release" of old letters he has sent to his female admirers who wrote to him in jail........


    Also I found this from last month, about him being given a personal trainer because he weighs 19st

  6. Oh right.


    Wow, this is like you guys' Thatcher or something isn't it.


    Not really, he was a "progressive" (left-leaning) politician, unlike Thatcher; he had a brief premiership (less than a full term), unlike Thatcher; he was easily outmanoeuvered by his main political enemy etc. Maybe an anti-thesis of Thatcher?


    I meant in terms of reaction upon death, fucknut.


    (p.s. Holy shit, look at the front page... we have "details"! They're followin' and everything!)

  7. How about Schmidt next for a really-fuckin'-old-guy-who-was-head-of-a-foreign-country-but-you've-never-heard-of-his-arse double?


    Also I didn't know Mr Gough and his friend were Vader fans....




    (sorry that's one for the wrestling fans again)

  8. Timothy West is a big name to me, being of the RSC (he's also 80, overweight, and has a highly stressful life, complete with ill wife) but then a lot of the young names that show up in the music threads I've never heard of. So swings, roundabouts, etc.


    Yeah, fairy nuff. Sorry, it's just one of the quirks, or whatever, of having a board that has people of different age groups on it. Even though I know tons of older "famous people" I'm gonna get irritated sometimes cos the guy's not exactly Muhammad Ali is he.


    "That shit's just gonna happen", as they used to say a lot at the BBC in the 70s and 80s. And 50s and 60s and 90s and 2000s. And 2010s.


    You're not going to know everyone that gets mentioned in the forums. half the time I see a name and don't recognise who it is until I google them and then I know who they are.


    I know that I wasn't seriously trying to knock BG for mentioning him, I was just mostly ribbing him as I like to do, he knows that.

    • Like 1

  9. Timothy West is a big name to me, being of the RSC (he's also 80, overweight, and has a highly stressful life, complete with ill wife) but then a lot of the young names that show up in the music threads I've never heard of. So swings, roundabouts, etc.


    Yeah, fairy nuff. Sorry, it's just one of the quirks, or whatever, of having a board that has people of different age groups on it. Even though I know tons of older "famous people" I'm gonna get irritated sometimes cos the guy's not exactly Muhammad Ali is he.


    "That shit's just gonna happen", as they used to say a lot at the BBC in the 70s and 80s. And 50s and 60s and 90s and 2000s. And 2010s.

  10. Appeared on the Strictly Come Dancing results show last night duetting with Lady Ga Ga.


    Need I say more.....


    Yes you do.


    You forgot the obligatory "er, not that I watch that rubbish, I just.... saw that somewhere"

    • Like 3

  11. Could DL be about to have its "greatest" miss? An but nevermind, we've still got Javier Perez de Wine Cellar....


    Christ, if only Angelo Dundee had been at the DL committee meeting last year with a handful of his trademark smelling salts.

    Point of order - corpses not encouraged to attend committee meetings.


    But if they enforced that rule there'd be no committee at all!


    (I had a think about whether to hold back on making that remark because it's really taking committee-bashing to a whole new level. Especially since I just changed my avatar to a picture of a character who got in trouble because he wouldn't stop bad-mouthing a powerful elder. Then I remembered he just managed to get away with it through good fortune.)


    Anyway if any committee members are offended by that remark maybe this amusing picture will placate/calm you somewhat:



  12. All I can say is... "what a w***er!"


    Man Dies at Sperm Bank


    Actually, re-reading the title he wasn't that great a w***er - only 4 times in 10 days killed him!


    You were beaten to it by Galento of all people.




    Probably worth posting twice though. I ask again, what's with the only photo of him being in black and white despite the fact he died in 2012?

  13. Could DL be about to have its "greatest" miss? Ah but nevermind, we've still got Javier Perez de Wine Cellar....


    Christ, if only Angelo Dundee had been at the DL committee meeting last year with a handful of his trademark smelling salts.

    • Like 1

  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk...t-arts-29680507 -Reads Japanese Maple for the BBC.Pay attention to the noticeable wheeze at the end of every sentence.


    If you have to pay attention, it's not that noticeable....?


    Fuck it, in some ways he sounds better than some people I know. Still lots of bass in his voice. Really sick of the non-updates on this guy. Especially this particular one just cos you made me look at Andrew Marr for no reason.


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