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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders

  1. It's the thought that counts...


    There was barely any thought involved


    Just ignore him (charon that is)


    BTW I've had to suffer through that level of shite almost every single day I've known my mother, so....

    He's obviously "not all there"....... (your brother in law that is)


    From ever since I could remember until my 18th birthday, my mum gave me a birthday card with a football theme on the front; she was an avid football fan and she knew I couldn't stand the game.


    On my 18th birthday I got up late and rushed out of the house having forgotten to look at my card. On getting back home that evening she started an argument and I opened the envelope to reveal a football themed card. I pointed out to her that she knew I hated football but every year I get a football card. The following year I got a card with a plane on the front having been a total aviation nut for at least 12 years.


    I don't recollect ever receiving a birthday present during all those years.


    Wow.....fuckin ell.


    Well, I never got shafted that badly at birthdays but the other 364 days of the year must pull my mum at least equal with that, and probably many miles further ahead.


    Don't feel like going much further into detail at the moment cos I'm in a good mood today, but, this sounds like a hell of an entertaining "contest" for a DL con though.

  2. It's the thought that counts...


    There was barely any thought involved


    Just ignore him (charon that is)


    BTW I've had to suffer through that level of shite almost every single day I've known my mother, so....

    He's obviously "not all there"....... (your brother in law that is)

  3. Worth sticking him on the list for the prospect of a father, son, and grandson hit (over a 20 year period).


    Dunno, prolonged ill health a distinct possibility since he's part of a personality cult and it's hard to say no to him. But, for this to kill a 31 year old is asking a lot. Even this borderline fuckwit is likely to be savvy enough to take on board some medical advice. Apart from owt else it's surely obvious - even to him - that plotters lurk close by.


    If the guy's stupid enough to eat himself into such shit shape at such a young age, he's stupid enough to ignore his doctors advice too.....

    And if not, he'll find some other way to fuck himself up. He really is a colossal retard.

    Youse is just letting a few purges of his family members/a few colonels (thought up by his toadies, not him) and his Stalin/Mao-esque outfits fool you into thinking he actually has a significantly higher degree of intelligence than a Kardashian.

  4. I do not want to be cynical but there is a book to sell and if we stray into Wilko Johnson territory then we should summon The Inquisitor


    Trial of a Time Waster?


    Yes, didn't Wilko say that he wasn't going to have any treatment, or something along those lines? Then he goes on an apparently never-ending tour, puts out an album, and ...... I mean, good luck to the bloke and all that, but you can't blame people if they feel a bit misled.


    Erm.... no. Actually I think what happened is he said he wouldn't have any (more?) chemo, which quite a lot of people do because chemo is awful, but then they did some sort of "experimental" surgery to remove the tumour this summer. So it's not quite really "misleading" the world into thinking he was dying, just he thought he was gonna die cause he didn't want to suffer through chemo then some other option came up.

  5. Dunno if the elevated company I was hanging with yesterday want to rename this thread (How About "Train Robbers: Cash stashers soon to be ashes") to take in the handful of train robbery associated survivors, but it seems an appropriate place to post the revelations of Douglas Gordon Goody (85 year old robber) who has finally named the "Ulsterman" (Patrick McKenna) and confirmed he's dead. Goody himself is 85 and "in frail health" though clearly robust to the point of being able to tell his own story and stand upright for the cameras.





    Oh yeah why don't we just rename the Mona Lisa while we're at it.... fucks sake man!




    It's fuck's sake (the apostrophe signifies possesive, as in belonging to "fuck"), comprende amigo?


    Ask yourself this. Would St. Ronald himself have given a fuck?


    If not... why should I?


    Dunno Dr Z


    1 - It'll improve your job chances - in professional areas anyway


    2 - It might make clearer any point you are trying to communicate


    3 - It'll save you from sucker punch retorts like the last two from me


    Y'know...just because, basically.


    LOL, can't believe you're still sticking at this. I have solid enough grammerz when I want to. I think my point was pretty clear without needing to be 1000% "gramatically correct".


    And those "sucker punches" weren't exactly Mike Tyson left hooks. One apostrophe missing? Man, I'll never live that one down!





    Yeah, but your main point was an argument we continue to celebrate the deceased Mr Biggs on a thread when there's no more need to speculate about when we'll cash in points. There are clearly some other obitable/point scoring types associated with Bigg's highest profile criminal escapade who continue to breathe (just). This thread has hosted some fleeting discussion of their current state and might usefully be adapted to see them out now, for which it'll probably need a new title to mark its change of focus. Call me pig ignorant but...I'd say there's a difference in cultural longevity between Da Vinci's masterpiece and the - now largely redundant - name of a threat on an internet forum.


    Really? You should have been able to guess I was only referring to it in the notional sense of a masterpiece. I think most people, like me, find the Mona Lisa a piss-boring piece of old shash that the Froggies can shove up their fucking arses for all I fucking care. This thread is way more amusing and precious than it, so yeah I agree there is a huge difference between the two.


    And anyway I never said you shouldn't discuss them here I just said you shouldn't rename the fucker. Nobody's renamed the Jimmy Savile thread yet have they despite how it's become a place for discussing other unspeakables...


    If you started using my bedroom as an out-of-the-way place to flog cheap smuggled Vi@gra to all the aging rockers you probably rub shoulders with, that wouldn't mean I had to rename it "The Old-Codgers One-Stop-Shop for A Rock-Hard-Cock Until-You-Drop" it'd still be my fucking room first and foremost. O-fuckin-kay?

  6. Dunno if the elevated company I was hanging with yesterday want to rename this thread (How About "Train Robbers: Cash stashers soon to be ashes") to take in the handful of train robbery associated survivors, but it seems an appropriate place to post the revelations of Douglas Gordon Goody (85 year old robber) who has finally named the "Ulsterman" (Patrick McKenna) and confirmed he's dead. Goody himself is 85 and "in frail health" though clearly robust to the point of being able to tell his own story and stand upright for the cameras.





    Oh yeah why don't we just rename the Mona Lisa while we're at it.... fucks sake man!




    It's fuck's sake (the apostrophe signifies possesive, as in belonging to "fuck"), comprende amigo?


    Ask yourself this. Would St. Ronald himself have given a fuck?


    If not... why should I?


    Dunno Dr Z


    1 - It'll improve your job chances - in professional areas anyway


    2 - It might make clearer any point you are trying to communicate


    3 - It'll save you from sucker punch retorts like the last two from me


    Y'know...just because, basically.


    LOL, can't believe you're still sticking at this. I have solid enough grammerz when I want to. I think my point was pretty clear without needing to be 1000% "gramatically correct".


    And those "sucker punches" weren't exactly Mike Tyson left hooks. One apostrophe missing? Man, I'll never live that one down!




  7. Dunno if the elevated company I was hanging with yesterday want to rename this thread (How About "Train Robbers: Cash stashers soon to be ashes") to take in the handful of train robbery associated survivors, but it seems an appropriate place to post the revelations of Douglas Gordon Goody (85 year old robber) who has finally named the "Ulsterman" (Patrick McKenna) and confirmed he's dead. Goody himself is 85 and "in frail health" though clearly robust to the point of being able to tell his own story and stand upright for the cameras.





    Oh yeah why don't we just rename the Mona Lisa while we're at it.... fucks sake man!




    It's fuck's sake (the apostrophe signifies possesive, as in belonging to "fuck"), comprende amigo?


    Ask yourself this. Would St. Ronald himself have given a fuck?


    If not... why should I?

  8. Dunno if the elevated company I was hanging with yesterday want to rename this thread (How About "Train Robbers: Cash stashers soon to be ashes") to take in the handful of train robbery associated survivors, but it seems an appropriate place to post the revelations of Douglas Gordon Goody (85 year old robber) who has finally named the "Ulsterman" (Patrick McKenna) and confirmed he's dead. Goody himself is 85 and "in frail health" though clearly robust to the point of being able to tell his own story and stand upright for the cameras.





    Oh yeah why don't we just rename the Mona Lisa while we're at it.... fucks sake man!

  9. I hope he gets MRSA and dies a slow and painful death on Christmas Eve and that they withdraw any pain medication!Surely Brady is the most universally despised DL candidate of all time?


    The most despised Britisher. Don't forget people like Pol Pot, and all the African dictators they've had over the years. Although some of them may have only killed "people who had it coming", I dunno..... I haven't checked with Stewart Lee, Joan Walsh or The New York Times editorial board so I don't know What To Think™ about those guys yet.

  10. He should be shot on sight the filthy pedo!


    Jonathan King is not a paedophile. Fact.


    Bit of a grey area all round, The Daily Mail seem content to use the words "child sex abuser" in the context of his conviction for abusing teenage boys:




    There's no grey area at all, Tempus is just being weird for the sake of being weird on this particular matter.....

  11. Osteosarcoma a cheerful diagnosis but that MoFo does not deserve a nice prognosis !


    OTOH its cancer or the heart that mostly does for us. :)


    So you also saw that Guardian readers' comment indicating he might have osteosarcoma?


    Also, just found this indicating he loves horse-riding. Brilliant, didn't tons of medieval warlords and kings die falling off their horses?

  12. Ha Good old National enquirer talking shite again! Why do they always say "sad last days" with regards to very elderly celebrities. Surely most people who are in their last days aren`t happy??? If this is true though they had more time to resolve the family feud than most people do.


    And they always have some "guilt" or "anger" too, like this classic.



    • Like 1

  13. National Enquirer is reporting that she's experiencing her sad last days... which means she'll probably live to be 105.


    Sorry but for the 500th time we can't view the Enquirer website over here in Yoorup. We just get a blank white page with the message "service not available in your area". Could you guys please copy+paste some of the article or something next time.....? Even if you are saying it's crap..... :rolleyes:

    • Like 4

  14. It's widely acknowledged that he is currently battling addiction with, of all things, Swiss cheese. Massively unhealthy, walking with a limp and obese to boot.


    Half a pound of Swiss cheese is healthier than half a pound of cheddar; what with all them holes in it there ain't as much. sfood_eating_100-101.gif?w=99&h=89


    "That's no problem. I just eat twice as much!"



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