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Brinsworth House Baiter

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Posts posted by Brinsworth House Baiter

  1. Doug made his dosh flying relief into Berlin after the 2nd world war alonng with Freddy Laker and the formed a holiday firm called "Ellerman Sunflight" I think

    He apparently still likes a game of tennis

    Doesn't surprise me at all. Sounds exactly like the kind of scheme the old twister would employ to make a few quid, capitalising on other's misfortune.


    Fair play to him mind- if only I'd thought of it & been born earlier. I blame my parents.

  2. Sounds like a sick bunny but not sure if he's famous enough.

    Hear hear. Who's Aston Villa?

    Now, now, there's no need for that!


    As a diehard Villa fan this thread is of great interest to me. Yep, Doug's famous enough all right, for when he goes the back pages of the tabloids will be full of it. He's also very big in the travel world as well, or rather he was until he made his money & then decided to siphon the rest of his fortune out of our once great football club.


    No point in discussing him anyway- the bastard's obviously immortal. :)

  3. Still with us main ones I can think of (with films) plus the ones above.


    Bernard Cribbins (Carry on Jack/Spying)

    Juliet Mills (Carry on Jack)

    Dora Bryan (Carry on Sergeant)

    Leslie Philips (Carry on Teacher/Constable)

    Shirley Eaton (Carry on Teacher/Nurse/Sergeant/Constable))

    Liz Fraser (Carry on Cruising/Cabby)

    Dilys Laye (Carry on Cruising/Spying/Camping)

    Amanda Barrie (Carry on Cleo)

    Sheila Hancock (Carry on Cleo)

    Angela Douglas (Carry on Screaming/Follow that Camel/Cowboy/Up the Khyber)

    Anita Harris (Carry on Doctor/Follow Tha Camel)

    Richard O'Callaghan (Carry on at your Convienece/Loving)

    Patsy Rowlands (Carry on Again Doctor/Henry/Loving/Convienece/Matron/Abroad/Girls/Dick/Behind)

    Jackie Piper (Carry on Up the Jungle/Loving/Convenience/Matron)

    Okay, let's get even more obscure- here's some other oldies still clinging to life who've had parts in Carry Ons:


    Vincent Ball- Oz actor who was in A Town Like Alice. He was the keep fit instructor making the girls go weak at the knees in Carry On Cruising & also, in Follow That Camel, he's the ship's officer who checks Lady Ponsonby's porthole. He's a grand 83 years old this year.


    Windsor Davies- The It Ain't Half Hot Mum star was in Carry On Behind & England & is an impressive 76 this year.



    Peter Gilmore- The Onedin Line thesp was in Follow that Camel, Don't Lose Your Head & Henry. 75 this year.


    Carol Hawkins- The sexy babe from Please Sir was in Abroad & Behind. 57 this year.


    Julian Holloway- Son of Stanley. Was in 3 Carry Ons, but we all remember him as the coach driver who accidentally rips Bab's nightie off in Carry On Camping. He's 62 this year &, rather brilliantly, did some voices for the Medal of Honor:European Assault video game.


    Anton Rodgers- The bespectacled bloke from TV's Fresh Fields 'sitcom', he was a young passenger in Cruising & in Jack he was the recipient of Nelson's deathbed proposition. Anyway, he's a grand 73 this year.


    Elke Sommer- The Russian archaeologist in Carry On Behind & one of my first solitary sexual experiences. Ahem. She's a sprightly 66 this year.


    But this is the one & I'm putting him on my list for 2006!


    Frank Thornton- Most famous for being Captain Peacock in Are You Being Served. He also played the shop assistant in Carry On Screaming who refuses to believe his window dummies are real women.


    Well, I refuse to believe that, at a grand old 85, Frank's coffin dodging can go on for much longer!

    Whatever happens please don't forget Richard O'Sullivan (Carry-on Teacher)

    Lol, Oh, I will NEVER forget Dicky O.

  4. Still with us main ones I can think of (with films) plus the ones above.


    Bernard Cribbins (Carry on Jack/Spying)

    Juliet Mills (Carry on Jack)

    Dora Bryan (Carry on Sergeant)

    Leslie Philips (Carry on Teacher/Constable)

    Shirley Eaton (Carry on Teacher/Nurse/Sergeant/Constable))

    Liz Fraser (Carry on Cruising/Cabby)

    Dilys Laye (Carry on Cruising/Spying/Camping)

    Amanda Barrie (Carry on Cleo)

    Sheila Hancock (Carry on Cleo)

    Angela Douglas (Carry on Screaming/Follow that Camel/Cowboy/Up the Khyber)

    Anita Harris (Carry on Doctor/Follow Tha Camel)

    Richard O'Callaghan (Carry on at your Convienece/Loving)

    Patsy Rowlands (Carry on Again Doctor/Henry/Loving/Convienece/Matron/Abroad/Girls/Dick/Behind)

    Jackie Piper (Carry on Up the Jungle/Loving/Convenience/Matron)

    Okay, let's get even more obscure- here's some other oldies still clinging to life who've had parts in Carry Ons:


    Vincent Ball- Oz actor who was in A Town Like Alice. He was the keep fit instructor making the girls go weak at the knees in Carry On Cruising & also, in Follow That Camel, he's the ship's officer who checks Lady Ponsonby's porthole. He's a grand 83 years old this year.


    Windsor Davies- The It Ain't Half Hot Mum star was in Carry On Behind & England & is an impressive 76 this year.



    Peter Gilmore- The Onedin Line thesp was in Follow that Camel, Don't Lose Your Head & Henry. 75 this year.


    Carol Hawkins- The sexy babe from Please Sir was in Abroad & Behind. 57 this year.


    Julian Holloway- Son of Stanley. Was in 3 Carry Ons, but we all remember him as the coach driver who accidentally rips Bab's nightie off in Carry On Camping. He's 62 this year &, rather brilliantly, did some voices for the Medal of Honor:European Assault video game.


    Anton Rodgers- The bespectacled bloke from TV's Fresh Fields 'sitcom', he was a young passenger in Cruising & in Jack he was the recipient of Nelson's deathbed proposition. Anyway, he's a grand 73 this year.


    Elke Sommer- The Russian archaeologist in Carry On Behind & one of my first solitary sexual experiences. Ahem. She's a sprightly 66 this year.


    But this is the one & I'm putting him on my list for 2006!


    Frank Thornton- Most famous for being Captain Peacock in Are You Being Served. He also played the shop assistant in Carry On Screaming who refuses to believe his window dummies are real women.


    Well, I refuse to believe that, at a grand old 85, Frank's coffin dodging can go on for much longer!

  5. At a guess I would say that Leslie Phillips will not go in 2006. Looks very healthy, but then again Bob Monkhouse looked perfectly healthy.


    This thread reminds me- There is a woman I keep on seeing on the train from Victoria to streatham common. Grey hair in a bob cut, was in couple of carry on films, always played a stupid cockney, Lorraine Chase type before Lorraine Chase if you see what I mean. can anyone give me the name?

    Joan Sims? Im probably completely wrong.


    Infact, i am, just checked. she died in 2001. Silly old Cuppa.

    Died in 2001, sadly, after an operation.


    Ah, the wonders of editing- just ignore me!!

  6. Valerie Leon's still going strong.


    Not exactly a star of the Carry On's, but she was in a few- Up The Jungle & Girls, off the top of my head.


    And on a purely chauvanistic, shallow note, she had a fantastic set of norks to boot.


    Probably not much to look at now mind, but there you go.

  7. I watched the old Christmas Carol movie during the holidays; it's surprising any of them are alive this much later apart from the ones who were children at the time.


    Speaking of which, apparently the kid who played Master Peter Cratchit (Tiny Tim's older brother) committed suicide about 10 years after the movie was released. No details given about method or motive, though.

    Kid was called John Charlesworth & killed himself in 1960, nine years after Scrooge! was released.


    Had a quick flick through Rotten.com, imbd & wikipedia, but can't find any reference to it method etc.


    As for motive, I think it's fair to say that he wanted to end it all.

  8. Hi, just read this whole thread in one sitting (yeah, I know, I really must get a job) & haven't laughed so much in ages.


    I actually got here after looking Mister Sullivan up on Google & you'll be glad to know that you're still the first result. The reason I looked him up on Google was just to see what the old chap is doing now, as this is a morbid fascination of mine- seeing what old, forgotten celebrities are doing now & whether they're about to crawl out onto some reality celebrity format.


    Anyway, found out more about what he's doing now on this thread than on the rest of the web- even his current address & the knowledge that his autograph goes for a tenner a time on e-bay, so by putting two and two together I could make twenty.


    I wish Mister Sullivan well (like he gives a crap about me) but would like to state that I only watch the MATH re-runs because Sally Thomsett (Jo, the blonde one) gives me the raging horn.


    Thank you for letting me drive by.




    Wait, get joined. Apart from that suspect last par you sound like a deathlister in the making. People will take the piss a bit but that's OK. There's all sorts here. Know anything about Mollie Sugden?

    Well, after a sincere invite like that, I thought to myself, why not?


    So here I am, all joined up & my first mission as Death Lister will be to write to Brinsworth House and see if I can get Dickie O's autograph.


    I'll let you know how I get on.


    P.s. Why was my last paragraph suspect? She does give me the horn!

    Maybe it was because I was remembering her like this:




    Ah, point taken, lol.



    By the way, posted my request to Brinsworth House for Dicky O's autograph today, so might have news regarding the star of the thread soon.

  9. There is a member of my family who claims she is a medium, anyway she asked me questions and when i said about deathlist she slapped me and said i predict that you are a sick bastard. She was right.

    Was she in a good mood when she slapped you?


    Cos if she was & you slapped her back...wait for it... would that be classed as striking a happy medium?


    Oh come on, someone had to do it- it may as well be me!

  10. Well that's all fine and dandy and all but we already had a hit with the immortal Lou Rawls (no relation as to my knowledge at least to Bert Rawls who was a postman)


    Do you have a pool of death somewhere where these listings of yours arte posted?  This Cole character seems interesting as a choice.....


    I can see it now..."Cole turns cold" :lol:  ;)  :(  :lol:

    Cole turns cold- like it. How about "Cole In The Hole?"


    Nope, don't have a list as yet- like I said, I'm a newbie, but old George came to mind after seeing him the other night. In fact, he's been perturbing me since the other night.


    Ghastly, quite ghastly.


    Gawd only knows what 'Er Indoors thinks about it all.

  11. Okay, bit new at all this & finding my feet, so to speak, so bear with me. So this is all about who's going to shuffle off their mortal coil & all that, yeah? No flies on me, buddy!


    Well, my first prediction & it pains me to do so as I am a fan, is the wonderful Mister George Cole. As great an actor he might have been in the St. Trinians films & the legendary Minder, he looked at death's door the other night when I saw him on the box. On, not in.


    Shane Richie did a half hour slot on Minder, just after Doc Martin, & George was on it with Dennis Waterman. Dennis looked bad enough (I've commented on him elsewhere) but George looked awful. Granted, he is 80 odd but lumme, his bloodshot eyes made him look like the undead. In fact, it just might be possible that George Cole is the first celebrity vampire.



  12. There was a programme last Thursday night about Minder, presented by Shane Richie and Dennis wasn't looking so good. It wasn't his teeth that bothered me, but the size of his eyes.


    Like saucers they were, as if he was turning into some humanoid mutant Felix the cat. And his face... melting, I tell ye...


    Didn't look well at all- a long way away from the cheeky, Jack the Lad, pull anything in a skirt persona from his heyday.


    And you should have seen the state of George Cole sitting alongside him- sagged face, bloodshot eyes- he looked as though he's already gone to the grave & returned from it.

  13. Hi, just read this whole thread in one sitting (yeah, I know, I really must get a job) & haven't laughed so much in ages.


    I actually got here after looking Mister Sullivan up on Google & you'll be glad to know that you're still the first result. The reason I looked him up on Google was just to see what the old chap is doing now, as this is a morbid fascination of mine- seeing what old, forgotten celebrities are doing now & whether they're about to crawl out onto some reality celebrity format.


    Anyway, found out more about what he's doing now on this thread than on the rest of the web- even his current address & the knowledge that his autograph goes for a tenner a time on e-bay, so by putting two and two together I could make twenty.


    I wish Mister Sullivan well (like he gives a crap about me) but would like to state that I only watch the MATH re-runs because Sally Thomsett (Jo, the blonde one) gives me the raging horn.


    Thank you for letting me drive by.




    Wait, get joined. Apart from that suspect last par you sound like a deathlister in the making. People will take the piss a bit but that's OK. There's all sorts here. Know anything about Mollie Sugden?

    Well, after a sincere invite like that, I thought to myself, why not?


    So here I am, all joined up & my first mission as Death Lister will be to write to Brinsworth House and see if I can get Dickie O's autograph.


    I'll let you know how I get on.


    P.s. Why was my last paragraph suspect? She does give me the horn!


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