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Laurence Simon

Ifoc Deadpool Taking Entries

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I suppose I should extend an invitation to folks interested in the blogging deadpool "IFOC Deadpool" at http://deadpool.isfullofcrap.com/


I figure I'll boost the prize pool when the next two Pajamas Media checks come in.




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While sifting through things today I came upon this thread/topic and noticed it had sat idle and ignored. Feeling great pity I decided to respond.



Thank you Laurence ever so much for the invite to view your pleasant little site and I am of the most sincere hopes that it goes well for you and that you have many years of happiness there. In the event that things do not work out there, keep in mind that there is always space and welcoming death gripping arms to be found here at deathlist. (remember that it is .net, not .com since .com will send you to another place enitirely as I have found with many web-sites to be the case.)

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