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Banshees Scream

When Your Lovers Gone

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I wonder if this man has got any money left?

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Boudicca explain to me, and i'm dead serious, what is your signiture about? I want a detailed story, from what I have read, you know Cerf Bennet personally. So that would mean you know Bruno Brimley?

Apparently nobody has seen fit to answer you Bazaletrobe (your latest new name) so I will not do so either. Anywhos I have been sitting here watching the fan as it moves to the left and then the right and then back to the left and then back to the right and then back to the left and then back to the right and then back to the left and then back to the right...well you get the general idea of how that is, how it moves one direction and then the other...well the thing here is I was wondering how your romantic yearnings are going. It's been a few days since you posted your query so I thought right about now maybe life has/had taken a turn for the better (or the worse). Do tell, if you get a chance.


Oh and here is the item of which Bazaletrobe spoke...


I first met Cerf in a park in Wycombe. It was the summer of 91. LL Cool J was in the charts, and John Major had just passed the Dangerous Dogs Act. The real dog was Bennett, had I but known.


The first thing I noticed about him was his eyes, and the fact that he was wearing an old Mac with his penis exposed. I was crying because I had just got my GCSE results. I was lonely, and needed a shoulder to cry on, so we struck up a conversation.


We had so much in common, despite the age gap, and that evening he took me for a romantic dinner for two at the Happy Eater. It was all so perfect. I thought, “I hope this night never ends.” He seemed so different from boys my own age, with his Community Service order, and his knowledge of moths. He swept me off my feet. But when the bill arrived he climbed out of the window and ran off without paying.


I still loved him, though, and I stood by him even when he was charged under the Sexual Offences Act. I always forgave him. I was always there for him. He later left me for some boss-eyed tart from Maidenhead, because of their shared interest in moths.


That is how he repays people who care about him. He doesn’t love me, he doesn’t love her, he doesn’t love anyone. ALL HE CARES ABOUT IS MOTHS!


He isn’t worth the heartache, my sisters.

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Just to clarify, i'm fine. I have learned that Lady Die is counting the minutes untill her husband drops dead... no offense it's just the impression that I got.


Right now i'm just hoping for the best and I hope everything works out. That is all I will say.

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I have learned that Lady Die is counting the minutes untill her husband drops dead... no offense it's just the impression that I got.

Banshees, you've got me all wrong. I love my husband to bits .... but it would be nice if he was just a teensy weensy bit richer. :angry:

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