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Political Death With Nothing To Do!!!

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President Bush will have nothing to do and what happens when you have nothing to do,


president clinton will have nothing to bitch about unless his wife becomes president so either way he is a good candidate for the new year.


Rudy Guiliani is a good candidate with his recent medicaol issues and the amount of stress his body has endured the pas six years.


Barack Obama, I am not racist but the simple fact remains that he very well maybe the first african american president and the could be some crazy quack out there who can't handle that the same as it is another good reason to have hillary on there if she wins the are alot of nutjobs out there this year and she may get the royal boot as well from some crazy goon.....


so some of my top choices for the year would have to be some politicias


And nobody forget about Judge Judy!!!

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