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Posts posted by wendylaDIE

  1. Funny you should mention Tammy Fae...I was debating her since she is the youngest person on my list...how long do you think one could survive inoperable lung cancer? I just think that sounds quite serious...I tried to find a balance of people who have serious health issues and people who are just...old. It's a hard decision when there is only 10 spots. give me 20 and I'd be happier. As far as the grammar and spelling on this thread, I tend to avoid the most serious of blunders (capitalizing the beginning of a sentence and punctuating correctly) but I know I have made a flaw somewhere and I say he without sin...you know. (Although it is a fun hobby to make fun and thus shed more light on our respective higher collective intelligence.) Ok, now that that load of crap was said...(and no one had better tell me crap isn't a word), I am really enjoying this thread I started. Forget about me, just have fun pointing to the ones you think are history!


  2. Thanks all. Pinter is already on my list, forgot about the brain dead prime minister (wonder if that is ethical since he is technically already dead...who cares?). that's a good idea. Will investigate the other guy. a note about the wasserstein "victory"...I swear on my mothers grave to be that I didn't know she had died yet when I picked her...but since she died on the same day that I picked her...no points. but at least they let me pick someone else (they aren't technically supposed to do that)


  3. Ok, I am out and out cheating (if you look at it that way) I need any tips I can get. Will anyone who cares to help name the one person you are pretty sure will not see the year out? Keep in mind this is the person you think will die, not who you want to die (I know it is tempting) I was thinking sadaam but his trial might not even be over this year with the way they are going, and frankly, I don't want to pick on gerald ford any more...I need 1 more hit!!!!!


  4. Hi, I am new and I am sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this...but does anyone know of any sites where you can make your own list/contests to see who had the most on their list die, etc? I am interested in something that resembles fantasy football (with or without betting money involved). Thanks,



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