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Nuclear Nick

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Everything posted by Nuclear Nick

  1. Nuclear Nick

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Funny you should say that. I'm trying to write a script for a modern day Dad's Army, and I've been writing with people in mind. It will be set in Territorial Army Obviously, Ian Lavender has to make an appearance but I was thinking of casting Dicky O as the old boy in the pub who served in WWII and kept moaning at the "weekend warriors". And I thought Robson and Jerome could join the TA, reprising their Soldier, Soldier roles, and would also be merchant bankers / city traders during the week.
  2. And we have another honez! (don't worry Godot, I agree wholeheartedly) p.s. Sentences cannot start with "And". As usual with these issues, the argument is between the way English is used and the way it is "supposed to be". Sometimes a full stop is required to drive home a sentence or give a meaningful pause. And an afterthought like this one gets more impact when it's a sentence rather than a conjoined clause. So when someone tells you not to start a sentence with a conjunction, say: "But I've already done it." ***** Only joking!!!!
  3. Nuclear Nick

    Norman Wisdom

    Here's stuff about the song Norman Wisdom Albanian Ditty
  4. Nuclear Nick

    Norman Wisdom

    He was offered the Albanian throne, I seem to remember, but turned it down. Why on earth would you turn down the chance to be a monarch, I ask???
  5. Yes, that's got me puzzled too. I thought I'd heard he was no longer in control of his mind and body. But I must have heard wrong. Then again, the site in question is a fan site and is hardly going to say that the great Stan Butler now lives in his own filth in a nut-house, is it?
  6. This should help. He lives in Malta and Dartmouth, apparently... Reg Varney "Butler" Bio
  7. Nuclear Nick

    Name Shame?

    I would like to be known as One Ball Adolf, if that is acceptable...
  8. Nuclear Nick

    Richard O'Sullivan

    What is it about Richard O'Sullivan that makes him so popular? If I was being honest, I would have to say that Man About The House was hardly the greatest of comedies. But it is a reminder of a gentler age, I suppose. He is one of the last of that generation left. When he dies, a whole history of Brit-Sit-Com will depart this mortal coil with him. It's just a shame that people who didn't enjoy such shows when they were first shown will never get to see the suchlike again. I feel honoured to have been around during that halcyon era.
  9. Nuclear Nick

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Short of phoning Brinsworth House, it's hard to tell. And I assume they wouldn't give out details unless you were a relative??? You could pretend to be a relative. I don't know. I don't know how things work round here? Has anybody actually called someone on the list to find out their health before?
  10. Nuclear Nick

    Dicky O!

    ModeraTORS as opposed to ModeraTERS.
  11. Nuclear Nick

    Dicky O!

    But surely if you're going to do that then the anal retentive control freak Himler in your post should be a link. Google-bomb is a lovely phrase.
  12. Nuclear Nick

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    You need a bit of subtlety. That's why I prefer my name.

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