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Everything posted by 999picklepuss

  1. 999picklepuss

    Andy Fordham Memorial Darts Thread

    Mr & Mrs Viking have now left The Rose and are looking to purchase another licensed premises. He is being treated for beer on the lung.
  2. 999picklepuss

    Pink Floyd

    Leo Sayer and his family?
  3. 999picklepuss

    Sir Patrick Moore

    By you
  4. 999picklepuss

    Ronnie Biggs

    Apart from Drake & Dicky does the BHB know who else currently resides there??
  5. 999picklepuss

    Norman Wisdom

    Don't think he's made two final performances at the Theatre Royal, Norwich.
  6. 999picklepuss

    Norman Wisdom

    Was this another final, final performance or the one that happened in O C T O B E R 2 0 0 4
  7. 999picklepuss

    Albert Hofmann

    Shame about that - time will tell...anyway, the rest of the article is far more interesting. "Famous for discovering the hallucinatory drug LSD, Dr Albert Hoffman has died aged 100. It was his associate, psychiatrist, Dr Mortimer Hartman, who 'turned on' Cary Grant. An ex-girlfriend of Grant's, 1950's starlet Jacqueline Park, now tells me the Bristol-born actor took LSD thinking it might help overcome his 'shyness' with women and produce a child. Now approaching 80, Miss Park - who also had affairs with Henry Fonda and Ronald Reagan - recalls 'On our first date, he opened the door of his home wearing women's clothes and gold slippers. Later when we met at an LA hospital, where we were administered LSD by Hartman. We slept together but I didn't become pregnant. So Cary moved on and I married Mortimer Hartman. Kitty Kelley said in her book about Nancy Reagan that Ronnie asked me to have an abortion but I was never pregnant by him although we did have an affair while Nancy was pregnant his first child (Patti).' Jackie Park's extraordinary life is the stuff of James Ellroy blockbusters". What a gal! Sounds like an ideal candidate for next years list.
  8. 999picklepuss

    Albert Hofmann

    Just tried to scan this but didn't come out too well. This all seems a bit strange - wonder whether Ephraim got it right as he seems to be the only one to know
  9. 999picklepuss

    Albert Hofmann

    Can I be the only one to read in todays Daily Mail that the good Doctor has shuffled off - increasing this years successes by 100%

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