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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox

    The Dead Of 2017

    Font You!
  2. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    I'm glad that it's not Stalin saying "Send him to the gulag!"
  3. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    I keep seeing this head that looks vaguely like Joe Stalin. Can someone tell me who it is and what message it purports to send? Thanks in advance.
  4. deadsox

    The Death Penalty

    Isn't that what this thread is about?
  5. deadsox

    Robert Mugabe

    Not much use dialing the police if they aren't coming anyway.
  6. deadsox

    The Dead Of 2017

    They'd probably spell "assassination" correctly though.
  7. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    Don't forget Steve Smith born 1964, American Football and Pete Frates born 1984, founder of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
  8. deadsox

    John McCain

    Yes John should be a DL pick next year and I agree that his mother is a fringe pick.
  9. deadsox

    John McCain

    Why you being so racist?
  10. deadsox

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    One of the very few shows that my whole family can watch together.
  11. deadsox

    George A. Romero

    Sure, tell all those people born under bridges that it was a choice. You gonna force them into anti-troll conversion therapy?
  12. deadsox

    George A. Romero

    Easy Joey.....back away from the keyboard.
  13. deadsox

    George A. Romero

    What's wrong with being a troll? Why you being so troll-o-phobic?
  14. deadsox

    Voice Actors

    Dead yes, walking no.
  15. deadsox

    Julia Roberts

    Oh Bobby Muggs scores again!
  16. deadsox

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    Your point is well taken dp. I do believe that Osama and Abu Bakr are dead, however and terrorists are often good Death Pool picks, like al-Zarqawi a few years back.
  17. deadsox

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    How about Jimmy Hoffa? Think he's drinking a Cuba Libre somewhere deadpool??
  18. deadsox

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    Wiki now using past tense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Bakr_al-Baghdadi
  19. deadsox

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    Would this be definitive? http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/628794/ISIS-al-Baghdadi-Iraq-US-Daesh-terrorism-Russia-Middle-East-Nineveh
  20. deadsox

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Five but who's counting?
  21. deadsox

    Pierre, Pierre, Pierre Or Pierre?

    "Ah lucky Pierre, always in the middle".
  22. deadsox

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Agree. Good suggestion by Davy and I'll add William Daniels to my data base. He had a significant role in St. Elsewhere too.
  23. deadsox

    Jake Lamotta

    I'll go Michael, LaMotta, Bush.
  24. deadsox

    Holiday Thread

    Have fun Joey. Hope you have access to AC!

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