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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox

    The dead of 2016

    Then you will be condemned to give your house to the burglar if he's wounded or to his relatives if he's dead, at least in Italy, where everyone is concerned about the rights of poor robbers but no one cares about hones people (Not populism, only truth). http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2015/11/05/ermes-mattielli-morto-il-commerciante-condannato-per-aver-sparato-ai-ladri/2192908/ abolishing the death penalty is a slippery slope. Shooting people is a slippery slope.. Jehovah's Witnesses, trick or treaters all become fair game. <snip> You say that as if it's a bad thing . More seriously, I have ranted about gun control on a few occasions around here. However even I have a problem with this one. I fully understand Toasts viewpoint and anyone else who sees it that way. "If you don't want to get shot, don't break into my house, particularly at night whilst I'm in it and add a huge amount of fear to the intrusion and loss I would already feel if you did it whilst i was out at work". If you do this in a country where the gun ownership is as high as it is in the US, and the right to defend ones property with firearms is enshrined in law, you have to at least consider that this may be the consequence. This is in fact one of the key arguments that the NRA propound for gun ownership "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun". Now I don't agree with that principle, we don't have it in this country, and I believe the NRA to be disingenuous about it in any case (they use this but actually they care about flogging guns), however, this is exactly the type of case that lends weight to their argument not detracts from it. What concerns me more is the case where the gun that was held in the property ostensibly for the reason this one was used but is then found by little Jemima and used on little Johnny or Ralph comes home from the bar shitfaced and argues with Marge and one shoots the other etc etc. So whilst any death is sad (I don't know why this guy was so badly off he felt he had to break into somebody elses house and scare the bejesus out of them whilst trying to steal their property, I should imagine that your circumstances have to be pretty dire to set out on this course, but even in America there must be better ways...) this one is unlikely to be used in any argument for gun control. Tazer's instead of guns in the house for self defence against burglars ? Effective, cut down on the clean up, end up with someone to have your day in court with and a chance little Johnny or Jemima might survive the play time accident. Just a thought. The one advantage of a taser is that you probably won't kill someone by mistake. There are several disadvantages, however. What if you miss your first try or hit a chair or table in your excitement? You're probably finished. What if there is more than one intruder? (a likely chance) and in that case you're beaten. A multi shot handgun or shotgun in trained hands gives you a much better chance to defend yourself if the unthinkable occurs.
  2. deadsox

    The dead of 2016

    Then you will be condemned to give your house to the burglar if he's wounded or to his relatives if he's dead, at least in Italy, where everyone is concerned about the rights of poor robbers but no one cares about hones people (Not populism, only truth). http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2015/11/05/ermes-mattielli-morto-il-commerciante-condannato-per-aver-sparato-ai-ladri/2192908/ abolishing the death penalty is a slippery slope. Shooting people is a slippery slope.. Jehovah's Witnesses, trick or treaters all become fair game. <snip> You say that as if it's a bad thing . More seriously, I have ranted about gun control on a few occasions around here. However even I have a problem with this one. I fully understand Toasts viewpoint and anyone else who sees it that way. "If you don't want to get shot, don't break into my house, particularly at night whilst I'm in it and add a huge amount of fear to the intrusion and loss I would already feel if you did it whilst i was out at work". If you do this in a country where the gun ownership is as high as it is in the US, and the right to defend ones property with firearms is enshrined in law, you have to at least consider that this may be the consequence. This is in fact one of the key arguments that the NRA propound for gun ownership "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun". Now I don't agree with that principle, we don't have it in this country, and I believe the NRA to be disingenuous about it in any case (they use this but actually they care about flogging guns), however, this is exactly the type of case that lends weight to their argument not detracts from it. What concerns me more is the case where the gun that was held in the property ostensibly for the reason this one was used but is then found by little Jemima and used on little Johnny or Ralph comes home from the bar shitfaced and argues with Marge and one shoots the other etc etc. So whilst any death is sad (I don't know why this guy was so badly off he felt he had to break into somebody elses house and scare the bejesus out of them whilst trying to steal their property, I should imagine that your circumstances have to be pretty dire to set out on this course, but even in America there must be better ways...) this one is unlikely to be used in any argument for gun control. Tazer's instead of guns in the house for self defence against burglars ? Effective, cut down on the clean up, end up with someone to have your day in court with and a chance little Johnny or Jemima might survive the play time accident. Just a thought. Yeah why not. I'm not against self-defence, far from it. My issue is you set out with the intention of executing someone. What if they run when discovered;do you shoot them in the back as they're jumping over the fence? Most places in the US do not allow a civilian to shoot a suspect who is escaping under the assumption that he's no longer a threat. I think police are allowed to shoot escapees if there is an assumption that the person is an immediate threat to others (like a guy with a machine gun escaping a mass murder scene e.g.).
  3. deadsox

    The dead of 2016

    Then you will be condemned to give your house to the burglar if he's wounded or to his relatives if he's dead, at least in Italy, where everyone is concerned about the rights of poor robbers but no one cares about hones people (Not populism, only truth). http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2015/11/05/ermes-mattielli-morto-il-commerciante-condannato-per-aver-sparato-ai-ladri/2192908/ abolishing the death penalty is a slippery slope. Shooting people is a slippery slope.. Jehovah's Witnesses, trick or treaters all become fair game. Anyway back on topic Dean Martin is dead http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-isle-of-man-36404621 It is true that shooting people is a slippery slope. It should never be undertaken unless you're sure you need to defend yourself or others. I remain against the death penalty but here in NH, unlike Italy apparently, we still have the right to defend ourselves.
  4. deadsox

    The dead of 2016

    Drawing the line may seem difficult to some but if someone breaks into my house, that person is going to get shot. It seems pretty obvious to me.
  5. deadsox

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Does anyone think he is beginning to look a little haggard these days? He is indeed. I love a bit of rough though.We're still talking about Sir Creep, right? Hmmm. Talking about yourself in the third person, or logged into the wrong account? As a rule, speaking about yourself in the third person is an indication of a huge ego. Just sayin'.
  6. deadsox


    Thanks for the update ... http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=5316&p=266076 You are quite welcome Mr. Creepy.
  7. deadsox


  8. deadsox


    Dick McAuliffe http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/18/sports/baseball/dick-mcauliffe-stalwart-of-68-tigers-dies-at-76.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fobituaries&action=click&contentCollection=obituaries&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=8&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=0
  9. deadsox

    Overrated People

    I just started Malala's book so I'll weigh in on her when I'm finished. I finished Malala's book a while back and almost forgot to come back to this. Unless the facts of the story are vastly exaggerated or untrue, I cannot see why anyone would want to call her "overrated". She seems to be a courageous young woman who took personal risks to improve women's education in a violent and male-dominated culture. The fact that she now resides in the west would not cause me to doubt her courage, only applaud her prudence. I never read anyone's biography or autobiography, they are generally whitewashes. How did this teenager hold the UN in thrall? What has she actually done of any consequence since she was shot? She doesn't risk her life, she's no heroine, she sits in her comfy home preaching to people who already believe in her schtick. Has she gathered a political movement around her? No. Is she attaching herself to those in her home country, leading by example? No. Is she fundraising and providing schools in her place of birth? Not as far as I know. She's a teenager stating the bleeding obvious - no figurehead, nothing. I'm assuming though she will be able to put a deposit down on her own house in the UK from the sale of her books. Which is more than can be said for many teenagers today who might also espouse the simple tenet of education for girls around the world. When she does some good, when she gets some results, she might even qualify for rated. She's overrated. IMO. You are certainly entitled to your opinion Willy. As I state, I don't know about the veracity of her story. While many autobiographies are certainly whitewashes, not all are. Before you pronounce her overrated, you might want to actually read it. I thought it had a feel of truth and certainly the UN and other entities think so. I am not so quick to condemn people who after years of struggle, decide to do what's best for themselves after fighting injustice. But that's just my take.
  10. deadsox

    Overrated People

    I just started Malala's book so I'll weigh in on her when I'm finished. I finished Malala's book a while back and almost forgot to come back to this. Unless the facts of the story are vastly exaggerated or untrue, I cannot see why anyone would want to call her "overrated". She seems to be a courageous young woman who took personal risks to improve women's education in a violent and male-dominated culture. The fact that she now resides in the west would not cause me to doubt her courage, only applaud her prudence.
  11. deadsox

    Ask A Deathlister

    I can relate Lardy. I've convinced myself on a number of occasions that I've had brain tumors, heart attacks and Lyme disease. Always good to make life style changes gradually. You can do it if it's important enough to you. Hang in there.
  12. I'm not sure what is wrong with paid ads praising Allah. We certainly see billboards here in the US praising God do we not? Did Dr. Zorders steal SC's sign in?
  13. deadsox

    The dead of 2016

    She's alive. I just saw her on TV singing the French national anthem and crying. She's still a babe too for her 90's.
  14. It's a good analysis of a sad situation.
  15. Odds are that Hillary will win the general election not Trump. I agree with your comment on Trump but decorum forbids me from labeling Clinton. It doesn't prevent me , whist Trump is a cock (according to the above), Hilary hasn't had any because her husband was too busy sticking it up interns. Not where I was going En, but OK.
  16. You're not the only one wondering. Failing that America is likely to discover tactical voting with loads of people who don't like either candidate simply going for the less obnoxious (in their eyes) to stop the one they really hate. This is absolutely true Mary, but what do you do when you "really hate" both of them? Vote Green party? Vote Libertarian? Vote Socialist? I honestly don't know what to do but I'll be looking at fringe candidates for sure.
  17. Odds are that Hillary will win the general election not Trump. I agree with your comment on Trump but decorum forbids me from labeling Clinton.
  18. How...? Wait... turkeys are about so-high and your average person is about... *walks away muttering to himself and slowly shaking his head* Turkey hunting is actually the most dangerous of hunting activities. You aren't wearing "hunter orange", you are sitting down so you're on the same level as the game, you are imitating another turkey to draw them close and you may be using a decoy. The fact that you should never shoot unless you're 100% sure of your target is observed by most hunters but there are always a few.........
  19. I'm with you Lordy about hating Hillary except I'm no beginner.
  20. That's an apt comparison. We are reaping the sowing of TV with "reality" shows and the general public's fondness for bad manners and trashy behavior. He reminds me of the president in the movie Idiotocracy. I'm sorry to say that this is where we seem to be headed.
  21. deadsox

    Muhammad Ali

    And you chose know to complain about something the forums been doing for years? It's only an extension of predicting the year someone dies. Its not a complaint, if it was id be hurling a fuck into every sentence.Just an observation, and its been done before but isn't something that has been 'done for years' Twas just a thought. I would love Ali to live forever but it ain't gonna happen. It's sick but it's what we do. Someone went soft.....what happened Lord? Hopefully I never go soft (please, no "sounds like you mean something else there, eh?" jokes). And I don't think I will. After all, I was born evil. My favorite show as a kid was "Thomas the Tank Engine" because I liked watching the trains crash. There's a pill for that I just couldn't resist Me too. While other kids loved St. Nicholas, I loved Krampus. While they loved My Little Pony, I loved vampires (no Twilight or True Blood shit) we are born to help Thanatos and I don't even look morbid I for one don't feel "evil" for doing death pool endeavors. I don't kill anyone and I don't even root for them to die. I simply make reasonable guesses based upon the same factors as any life insurance company uses. I will admit to a certain amount of satisfaction when I'm correct.
  22. deadsox

    World's Oldest

    I'll see your bet and raise you the value of our collective mortgages (yours and mine) I bet you're wrong Seems like a safe bet Mary. Zsa Zsa, Kirk, Fidel and the King have to die on the same day and Susie has to precede them by one day. I'll take a piece of that action and throw my house, truck and investment savings into the pot. (Now with my luck it would actually happen).
  23. deadsox

    Muhammad Ali

    Well Lordy this sounds a lot like what all the non-Dead Pool people say about us. They can't put their finger on it but its.........just not right. So I'll vote for the soft in your old age theory.
  24. deadsox

    World's Oldest

    How drol(l).

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