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Found 1,001 results

  1. Guest

    Margaret Thatcher

    As an inveterate thanatologist I have been enjoying your website for a number of years and this is the best yet! 13! well done - and the year isn't over yet. My money's on the pope..... For next year's list I would like to suggest Margaret Thatcher as I believe she will not last v. long without her precious Denis. She is already looking very frail (good thing you cannot see the smirk on my face as I write this) so I hope she lasts until January at least. Keep up the good work! all the best, Kate
  2. Lewd_Squirrel

    30. Bob Newhart

    He turned 86, recently, & looks kinda ghastly. I tried to search & see if there was a thread for him, already, but nothing came up.
  3. millwall32

    Alex Higgins (And Snooker)

    I know that last time there was an Alex Higgins thread it turned into a rant fest. So this is more general question, which I suspect will get very few answers-Aren't there a ton of sick and dying snooker players Joe O'Boye, the Francisco's, etc . Suspect this will prove to be a thread to nothing but.......?
  4. LB93

    Kobe Bryant

    TMZ reporting Kobe Bryant has been killed in a helicopter crash.
  5. gcreptile

    Shannen Doherty

    Shannen Doherty, known globally for Beverly Hills 90210 and Charmed has breast cancer: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3203822/Yes-cancer-Shannen-Doherty-44-confirms-breast-cancer-filing-lawsuit-against-business-manager-letting-health-insurance-lapse.html Very interesting case, she sues her former company for lapsed health insurance, so she couldn't visit a doctor for over a year. So it's possible the cancer is already at an advanced stage.
  6. drol

    Ruth Westheimer

    Thread for well known sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer. Dr. Ruth, 95, suffered a minor stroke in September, from which she bounced back. Last month she was made NY loneliness ambassador and is expected to talk to groups of lonely people to cure their loneliness. Anyway she looks very frail and might be a Deathlisty name.
  7. The Daredevil

    Shelley Duvall

    In consequence of Dennis Christopher's mysterious post calling for praying for Shelley Duvall, it seems that this thread is now warranted. In terms of health issues, Duvall, now aged 74, suffers from diabetes, mental health issues and an injured foot that causes mobility problems.
  8. The Old Crem

    15. Glynis Johns

    For someone who is 96, in a nursing home (The location of which seems to be uncertain) and a regular on the Crowd - Sourced list, I was shocked to find she does not have her own thread. But now she does.
  9. Anubis the Jackal

    Christopher Lee

    Veteran Actor, soldier, singer and golfer Christopher Lee is 86. Still working, darling but for how much longer ?
  10. The Great Cornholio

    Des O'Connor

    Very surprised to find there isn't a thread for presenter, singer and comedian Des O'Connor (who turns 89 in a few months). Des is getting pretty old now, plus considering he has a 16 year old son to look after at his age I reckon that surely has to wear him down. A good candidate for 2021 DL?
  11. Etushispushingupdaisies

    Alexey Navalny

    Following the shocking news that Alexey Navalny got poisoned and is on ventilator, I've decided to create a thread dedicated to this brave man and my fellow Russian. In late 2017-early 2018 I've been a Putinist and I've been spreading lies about Navalny being a corrupt racist. However I've been a bit liberal in 2014, than became a tankie just jn order to appease my commie friend in 2015, but than I've become a full-on Putinist in mid 2017, because of... James Woods and Ben Garrison. But a few things have changed my views, and they include retirement age reform and Putin's cr***py handling of COVID-19 situation. I hope this thoroughly good guy whom I've been trying to smear in the past (But I've never worked for Prigozhin/Olgino Troll Farm, I swear to god. I've only turned 20 this July.) recovers, takes over as our President and make our country finally free, democratic and economically prosperous, despite me disagreeing with him on foreign policy andd immigration views (He wants to end visa-free travel agreeements between Russia and post-Soviet Central Asian and Transcaucasian (Armenia, Azerbaijan) countries and he's not opposed to neocons). From what I've heard someone slipped some barbiturates into his tea , while he was in an airport cafe. He started feeling ill while on plane, started screaming and then collapsed. Thank god, the pilots have landed in Omsk, where he was hospitalised and put on a ventilator. He's in ICU and in a coma right now. Thankfully, the Germans have sent in the plane to fly him to a Berlin clinic and rescue him, but the head doctor of the hospital won't allow Lyokha out. https://twitter.com/Kira_Yarmysh?s=09. Please follow his press secretary (this is her account) for updates. She's staying in his room. God help us. Cheers.
  12. Grim Reaper

    Fidel Castro

    This is the place to discuss Fidel Castro
  13. Paul Bearer

    Captain Tom Moore

    The captain is walking round his garden in aid of the NHS. Originally to raise a thousand £££'s now stands at over £8m. Only famous in in his own backyard, but will no doubt get a QO when he snuffs it. Will he make it to the ton?
  14. TomTomTelekom

    Donald Sutherland

    I rarely create new topics, but shortly after his 86th birthday it`s really time to dedicate him his own thread on this page. Donald Sutherland is considered one of Hollywood's most esteemed actors, who appeared in more than 150 films throughout his career, showing no sign of slowing down with old age. The canadian actor rose to fame after starring in films like The Dirty Dozen, MASH, Klute, The Eagle has landed or Dont look Now and is familiar to a younger generation for the Hunger Games franchise. Unbelievable that he never won an Oscar for his work (only for his life's work). It's going to be a sad day when he will leave the stage of life, but unfortunately in last time he's been looking more and more frail and tired.
  15. Poetry Man

    Vera Lynn

    2005 will be the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II, if that is not an omen for Dame Vera, I don't know what is.
  16. Typhoid Harry

    Julia Child

    Just saw her today at a fundraiser. if she holds on till January, she's in my top 5. Of course, I'm showing my hand, but what the hell?
  17. drol

    49. Franz Beckenbauer

    Greatest German footballer to ever live, now in poor health and unable to attend both the World Cup and Pelé's funeral. Though he is very private on his health issues, he has recently revealed he is "doing well considering his condition", which is not so reassuring. Also looking very thin and yellowish. 80 seems a tall order.
  18. The Daredevil

    Françoise Hardy

    It is about time there was a specific thread for this French music icon. She has been fighting laryngeal cancer for years and has recently lost the ability to sing, owing to effects of cancer treatments. In the below recent article, it explains how Hardy now needs help going to the toilet and is in a very fragile state at the moment, according to her son. https://www.public.fr/Elle-a-des-gens-pour-la-toilette-Francoise-Hardy-affaiblie-par-la-maladie-son-quotidien-est-devenu-un-enfer-Un-proche-balance-1750927 And in the following even more recent article, it is revealed Hardy feels too tired to come to see her son. https://www.lefigaro.fr/musique/thomas-dutronc-s-inquiete-pour-sa-mere-francoise-hardy-elle-se-sent-trop-fatiguee-c-est-complique-20221201
  19. TQR

    Michael Mosley

    TV's Dr Michael Mosley has been reported missing on the Greek island of Symi. No signs of him and his representatives are "very worried".
  20. DeathClock

    John Lewis

    One of the most famous and popular congressman, John Lewis, has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He is also a civil rights icon in America. I believe he is deserving to be on the list next year.
  21. Unless you've been living in a cave where you had no access to any sort of media, you probably heard that good old OJ Simpson has been found GUILTY of armed robbery and kidnapping. What say you, OJ? Will OJ finally drop the soap?
  22. Bibliogryphon

    William Russell

    Original Doctor Who assisstant and The Great Escape alumni William Russell is 90 today.
  23. Ulitzer95

    Frank Field

    As suggested... Baroness Meacher today announced to the House of Lords that Frank Field, now known as Lord Field of Birkenhead (wiki), 79, is dying (BBC link). She revealed that he had recently spent time in a hospice and a very reliable Labour friend of mine (same source who told me Sir Gerald Kaufman was dying) says he has aggressive stage 4 cancer (though doesn't know what type of cancer). Field started life out as a member of the Conservative Party, before defecting to Labour in 1960. He was elected as a councillor in Hounslow in 1964 and served for 4 years. He was first elected as an MP (for the constituency of Birkenhead) in 1979. He lost his seat in 2019, owing to the fact that he fell out with the Corbyn leadership of the Labour Party over anti-semitism (the "final straw" according to the man himself, though he had tensions with the party for years). He was forced to stand as an independent, but only captured over 7000 votes. He served as the Minister of Welfare Reform under Tony Blair from 1997 to 1998, his only ministerial position. In 2010, Field became the only Labour MP with a role in David Cameron's government, after being appointed "poverty tsar". He later served as Chair of the Work and Pensions Select Committee from 2015 to 2019, succeeding Dame Anne Begg. He was elevated to the House of Lords in October 2020, and he chose to sit as a non-affiliated member. Somewhat of a legend in the world of politics, and respected on all sides of the political spectrum. Field is from a generation of Old Labour types where it was never deemed acceptable to come out as gay. He's also a firm believer in Brexit, and was one of only a handful of Labour MPs to share this view in the 2017–2019 Parliament (along with Dennis Skinner, Kate Hoey, maybe a couple of others). In my opinion, a must for DL 2022.
  24. Jimh

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Shameless cut and paste from the Popbitch mailout this morning: Don't believe a word of it myself.

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