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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Leukemia, withdrawn from public life...http://uk.mobile.reuters.com/article/idUKKCN0W42RB I think the Kid's got alzheimers. http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=8677&page=111#entry256634 Ummm... I think what KorbidMid was asking is how is his cancer progressing? Has he got a week, has he got a year? I'm with Cat.
  2. I can hardly believe I'm responding to this but since the onion was red and not brown, I'll go with the vagina as the source. If you think an anus can't bleed, you obviously haven't really gotten the most out of the internet. It seems quite obvious that any body part can bleed. I'm considering probability not possibility. But yes, I'm sure I haven't gotten the "most" out of the internet.
  3. I can hardly believe I'm responding to this but since the onion was red and not brown, I'll go with the vagina as the source.
  4. deadsox

    The dead of 2016

    Don't be orry. Nobody will ind.
  5. deadsox

    A Joke

    Read that three times now and still don't get it. He who laughs last had the joke explained to him. Indeed. That, or he just didn't find it very funny. Not a "knee slapper". I liked it. I understood it, didn't find it that amusing and to be honest I've never been much of a knee slapper. Weak in the knees?
  6. deadsox

    A Joke

    Read that three times now and still don't get it. He who laughs last had the joke explained to him. Indeed. That, or he just didn't find it very funny. Not a "knee slapper".
  7. deadsox

    The dead of 2016

    http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/earl-hamner-jr-dead-waltons-7625803 Qualifying Obit for the DDP team who picked him So, it's Hammer time! You indeed hit the nail on the head there. For those who remembered the 1980s kids TV series 'Trap Door' (narrated by the late, bearded 'Celebrity Squares' regular Willie Rushton) , the shows co-creator/animator Terry Brain has died. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-35907091 (Awaits the obvious remark...) Brain dead? Urm.. yup, that's the one. Once again I'm Master of the Obvious.
  8. Hope you recover quickly Mr. Creepy. Try public transport next time. FTFY Public transportation doesn't work for American who buy trucks. Try bringing home a deer, bear or moose on a bus. Oh I don't know, there are some *Americans* that are considerably fatter larger than a deer, bear or moose and they fit on busses there, right? * Applies to the British too. Point taken but it isn't the room, it's the blood and guts.
  9. Hope you recover quickly Mr. Creepy. Try public transport next time. FTFY Public transportation doesn't work for American who buy trucks. Try bringing home a deer, bear or moose on a bus.
  10. Hope you recover quickly Mr. Creepy. Try a Toyota Tacoma next time.
  11. deadsox

    Happy Easter!

    Good for you TadGuy. Happy Easter.
  12. deadsox

    The dead of 2016

    http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/earl-hamner-jr-dead-waltons-7625803 Qualifying Obit for the DDP team who picked him So, it's Hammer time! You indeed hit the nail on the head there. For those who remembered the 1980s kids TV series 'Trap Door' (narrated by the late, bearded 'Celebrity Squares' regular Willie Rushton) , the shows co-creator/animator Terry Brain has died. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-35907091 (Awaits the obvious remark...) Brain dead?
  13. deadsox

    A Joke

    Read that three times now and still don't get it. The jester is a "wit" and the king had his way with the wit's "end".
  14. deadsox

    American Football Players

    A former player, selected several times in our Death League, Kevin Turner. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/15059587/kevin-turner-46-dies-long-battle-als
  15. deadsox

    Political Frailty

    Yeah he needs to get demoted to Mayor. And smoke some crack.
  16. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Cases like this are a primarily example of why DDP rules needed changing, it was never intended to include people like that poor bairn. It's a celebrity death pool for famous people, not anyone whose had any coverage of their illness in the history of man. This year I will be compiling an alternative DDP leaderboard at the end of the year which excludes anybody whose team includes non-famous people. I'd dispute that, given the very first DDP ever had an 11 year old score points. That suggests it's always been considered a free for all. You're opening a can of worms, Deathray, though a rule requiring one to be famous other than for their illness is typical in most other DPs. But you sound like the whiny bitches in MY DP I run, whaaaa that person isn't 'famous'. What the fuck is 'fame'? For the record, I've never heard fuck all about 90% of the people we post about in here. For my money, being elected doesn't make someone 'famous'. Why would anyone in Britain know who the FUCK Steve LaTourette is? But no one flinches when he is on a team. I'll grant you I've NO business receiving points for Hassan Asif. I can give you dozens and DOZENS of names of people I'd never heard of in my life and never would have if they weren't ready to die. Jenny Diski? Peter Esterhazy? Jeannie Little? OJ Brigance? Ray Columbus? All nobodies. And all on Sir Creep's Shadow List -- and why? Cuz they're dying and that fact has been made public, nothing more. So who is going to determine who is 'famous'? The only criteria you can use is demanding the obit be published in a limited supply of authorities. I should say I believe the list DDP uses is TOO GENEROUS (though it SHOULD include the NYTimes, but I get it, it's a UK thaaang). Cut it down to half a dozen major news sources and that will eliminate the fluff of some guitar player named Fekett from some band no one ever heard of. No one would dare list them, they'd know better. Why should Rob Ford be allowed? He was a mayor, big whoop. Do you have a population minimum for cities or can I list the mayor of Climax, French Lick, and Intercourse (MI, IN, PA respectively)? I think the obit requirement takes them outta play, and that is enough. I agree a little clean-up is in order, and I say add a rule saying 1) you can't be famous simply cuz you're dying (ahhh, but who is Andrew smith then?) and 2) REDUCE the sources allowed even further, be Draconian as hell about it if you want 'real famous people only'. I think all that does is dummy down DP to the level of those who aren't willing to do their homework on a daily basis. Does the shoe feel like it fits? *descends soap box* SC Not a bad argument until the part about Rob Ford. Mayor Ford wasn't a celebrity because he was mayor of Toronto. He was a celebrity because he openly smoked crack and became a sensation internationally. If Rob Ford isn't a celebrity, I don't know who is.
  17. deadsox

    A Joke

    The US version is "Joe" and "Joe's Bar and Grill, Chattanooga, Tennessee".
  18. deadsox

    The 6th death of 2016

    The Thai king will thai one on.
  19. deadsox

    The dead of 2016

    Ah indeed, it'll be the 20th anniversary since her album was unleashed upon the more discerning, listening public.. and a damn fine album it was too ! The lyrics to 'You Oughta Know' still ring through my ears when I left my ex-wife.. after I caught her muff-ruffling with another woman, as ya do. (I only left her 'cos she wouldn't share) Obviously you don't mind sharing ST.
  20. deadsox

    Doctor Doctor

    Isn't there a 'Famous For 15 Minutes Thread'? That would catch all sorts of nonentities. There is actually a 'Docter Docter' titled thread by Banshees on the extra curricular thread. I thought it sounded familiar. At least you can't blame Mr. Creepy for not finding it in search.
  21. deadsox

    Yoko Ono

    Saying once again that she didn't break up the Beatles. http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/yoko-ono-break-beatles/story?id=37191773
  22. deadsox

    Sophia Loren

    so? open another one, i don't see a problem......what's with you people, why are you all so angry all the time? someone lights a match and you all explode...... Yes, things like "why did you post this here?" and "can't you look up the proper thread?" Some of these folks should chill a bit.
  23. deadsox

    Deathrace 2016

    Congrats DDT and thanks Mary.
  24. deadsox

    Denise Robertson

    So if must of use know, why bother to post it again? I daresay there's a thread for agony aunts somewhere anyway. why bother posting Paul Daniel's cancer agin. Why post Sidney poilters poor aging but if you must ask it's because I don't want to repeat this year by forgetting a shit load of celebs with cancer i.e Dan heggerty and Pat Harrington. Well, keep a fucking list then, like the rest of us do. This forum is not your personal note pad. Any chance you could pm me your 2017 list Toast? This business of doing any work is what has prevented me from submitting a team on time the past couple of years. I mean obviously I'd make a few changes, that can't be too much effort. Actually the offer is open to anyone. I'll send you a list En. Of course they'll all be young, healthy celebrities but maybe one of them will die in a car crash or something.
  25. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    ???? Tell us more, oh master-of-celebrity-sex-weirdness? Debbie Does Doggies? You'll like this, Winalot! Debbie Does Dog food??????? Not quite, however, there is a grainy old 7mm film purporting to show a young Linda Lovelace at it with Lassies cousin, another alsation, And there's those rumors about Catherine the Great..........

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