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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox

    Who Will Be The 5th Hit Of 2014?

    Had to go with Sam Simon although Billy Graham is my sentimental choice.
  2. deadsox

    The Dead Of 2014

    Bel Kaufman, author of "Up The Down Staircase" has died at 103. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/26/arts/bel-kaufman-up-the-down-staircase-writer-dies-at-103.html?ref=obituaries
  3. deadsox

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Blackie, Thanks for your work in hosting the DDP. You've done a great job and it's good to see deadpoolers expressing their appreciation.
  4. deadsox


    I'm Spain, amigos.
  5. deadsox

    Casey Kasem

    Casey Kasem Kicks June 25.
  6. deadsox

    Robert Mugabe

    That's a very odd way of phrasing that Robert Mugabe's biographer has died. Just saying. If En@lish isn't your first language, then not so............... I didn't mean to offend, as I wrote, "just saying".
  7. deadsox

    Robert Mugabe

    That's a very odd way of phrasing that Robert Mugabe's biographer has died. Just saying.
  8. deadsox

    3rd Death of 2014

    I voted for Sam Simon.
  9. deadsox

    The 100 Club

    Here's a Guardian Obit: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/17/rachel-bunny-mellon-dies-103-edwards-aristocrat
  10. deadsox

    How Old Are DL Users?

    People who use Drill Instructors are usually 18 to 20.
  11. deadsox

    2nd Death Of 2014

    It'll be Rev. Billy Graham. After being a huge tease for 18 years or so he will finally come through.
  12. deadsox

    The Graham Slamwich

    It seems as though the Reverend will beat out the Superstar.
  13. deadsox

    Nancy Reagan Or Barbara Bush In 2014?

    You never know for sure but Nancy's a much better candidate than Barbara.
  14. deadsox

    The Weather

    We're currently experiencing a very significant snowstorm here in the northeast US. It looks like we'll get 2-3 feet of snow and the winds are up to 85 miles per hour. It reminds me very much of the Great Blizzard of 1978 when my wife and I got our first apartment together. Fortunately, I don't have to go anywhere and we haven't lost power .....yet.
  15. Not currently but who knows what's in store?
  16. deadsox

    Derby Dead Pool 2013

    I didn't get a confirming email when I submitted my team. Is there a problem or am I just paranoid?
  17. deadsox

    Deathrace 2013

    I say let them play (especially since I might be one of them).
  18. deadsox

    Deathrace 2013

    Here's Mine: Van Cliburn (Joker) Bonnie Franklin Penny Marshall Katherine Crowe Clive James Mary Tyler Moore Guy Innes-Ker Bernie Nolan Zsa Zsa Gabor Buddy Ryan Norman Spinrad Jack Pardee Michael Weiner Hugo Chavez Sir Henry Cecil Sub #1 Annette Funicello Sub #2 Salvatore Iaconesi
  19. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2013

    There are a lot of different ways to handle this issue. In the league that I'm in, at least half of the other contestants must say they've heard of a new candidate or he/she is permanently banned. Once a celeb has been in the league, they can't be challenged. My league is small so we can use a rule like this. Other options are like what the Derby Dead Pool uses, they must be mentioned in one of several national newspapers/websites. Another idea is that any celeb must have a wikipedia page. I would suggest that the New York Times could be used as a yardstick. It seems to me that anyone of any real celebrity is mentioned there. On the issue of extreme old age, my own feeling is that if a person has lived to a remarkable age, that is an accomplishment worthy of celebrity. Others, obviously feel differently. I hope you reach consensus.
  20. deadsox

    The Dead Of 2012

    Delightfully irrelevant. Thank you Banshees and Happy Thanksgiving to you and all my deathlist friends.
  21. deadsox

    The 10th Death Of 2012

    Hosni Mubarak.
  22. deadsox

    Sun Myung Moon

    Dead now. http://www.latimes.com/news/obituaries/la-me-sun-myung-moon-20120903,0,619774.story
  23. deadsox

    Hollywood Possibilities

    I suggest you leave the name alone and put deaths in "The Dead of 2012".
  24. deadsox

    Andy Williams

    Sounds like things have taken a turn for the worse... http://www.express.c...ms-tells-family
  25. deadsox

    Deathrace 2012

    Congratulations Spade. (As you can see, I'm a man who's not afraid to call a Spade a Spade)

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