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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox


    Games. I like puzzles too, but games are more addictive. Fight or Flight ? It depends on how tough they look but the default is "flight". Hunter or Gatherer?
  2. I must say that I am deeply disturbed by the results of this test. It brings out a facet in my character that I had hitherto not recognized. I have an appointment for professional treatment and therapy. Thanks MPFC.
  3. deadsox

    The Fourth Death Of 2010

    Abdelbaset al Megrahi for the 1000th time.
  4. deadsox


    Cheddar, extra mature. Damn these Belgies with their obsession over jong Gouda. Might as well eat wax, it probably has more taste and melting ability. Daddy or chips? Chips. Obviously. Cannon or Ball? Dyan Cannon or Lucille Ball? I guess I'd take Dyan since she's at least alive. Mustard or Mayo?
  5. deadsox

    New Here And Just Saying Hello - 2010

    I'm guessing this is bait? Sounds vaguely familiar doesn't it?
  6. deadsox

    Fascinating Creatures - Squids

    It makes mention that people with allergies should avoid eating Squid Fish [sic]. Learned, as we are, about all things squid, I'd avoid whatever kind of ungodly piscine/cephalopod chimera she ate. It was probably spawned in some radioactive dumping ground at the bottom of the pacific. I also love this quote too: There was an unfortunate young woman of Kottegoda, who inadvertently consumed a rotten great loada curried squid-fish (sic) which ill-advised dish quick- -ly led to the untimely demise of that unfortunate young woman of Kottegoda There once was a man name of Nap whose limerick left a large gap when he wrote of a squid and I'm sorry he did cause his poetry made him a sap
  7. Belated birthday wishes, One Shot Paddy. Hope you had a great day.
  8. deadsox


    The only thing that makes sense in that post was the first line. You really should get your priorities in order, BC. You made the choice to waste three hours. If the guy was dead it would all come out in due time. What's the point of digging for three hours?
  9. Listen to the dulcet strains of Mrs. Miller.
  10. deadsox

    Room 101

    Beautiful. Do you have anything on the Masons?
  11. deadsox

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Call me thick, but what's all this Mormonology all about? Did I miss something? I agree. It's nice doing picture assasinations, but what we really need is a good hit on the list. regards, Hein I thought it was just me who didn't understand all the Mormon references. I even looked up "Mormon Underwear" and read through a site about it and still don't know what the hell they or Godot are getting at. Apologies, I thought it was common knowledge. Quite all right, I love to learn. I didn't know what "dipping your soldier" was either and I'll admit something different entered my mind.
  12. deadsox

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Call me thick, but what's all this Mormonology all about? Did I miss something? I agree. It's nice doing picture assasinations, but what we really need is a good hit on the list. regards, Hein I thought it was just me who didn't understand all the Mormon references. I even looked up "Mormon Underwear" and read through a site about it and still don't know what the hell they or Godot are getting at.
  13. deadsox


    Always without! Would it be better to drink scotch, from the glass, in an alley? Or straight from the bottle, in an exclusive bar? From the glass in an alley, as long as it was a dirty glass. For dipping your soldier, is it best to have the boiled egg pointy end up or round end? Pointy end up. Single paper or double wide?
  14. deadsox

    We Need A Messenger

    Sorry to hear about Yogi LG. Pets really are members of our families and the loss is tough to take. You can take comfort in the fact that he had a long and happy life.
  15. deadsox

    Can Som1 Pretty Ploice Do Me Favure Make My Day

    Something about "men large group" and "look like dracular" made Mitch Miller pop into my head so I thought I'd take a shot.
  16. I got it on the second try. Now I'm going fishing.
  17. deadsox

    Can Som1 Pretty Ploice Do Me Favure Make My Day

    Mitch Miller?
  18. deadsox

    Deathrace 2010

    Unless of course, we find out that he made it to the starting line.
  19. deadsox

    Deathrace 2010

    As one of the teams that stands to lose points, I completely agree with W, except for his use of the word "fowl".
  20. Happy Birthday Cowboy Ronnie.
  21. deadsox

    Dennis Hopper

    Sorry I referred to a dictionary to someone who just used "suckiest" as a word.
  22. deadsox

    Dennis Hopper

    He's not dead yet, is he? Couldn't disagree with you more. I think he is one of the better actors working in hollywood. really? it seems to me they mentioned him being dead on the news this morning. he's still a boring actor even if he turns up alive. Really? It seems as if your taste in actors is only subordinate to your knowledge of current events Bobby old chap. Shows how little you know. It turns out he is terminally ill so ha! Now you aren't so smart are you? So he isn't legally dead yet, he might as well be. By the way he's still the suckiest actor since O.J. How do I put this Bobby? Please check your dictionary (it's a book, used to get used a lot before computers). You'll find that "ill" doesn't have the same meaning as "dead".
  23. deadsox

    New Here And Just Saying Hello - 2010

    Three years and you haven't found the "I'm new here thread" designed for just such a purpose. Sighs. Welcome Death. Never thought I'd be saying that. Now if you don't mind be a good chap and stand in the line over there. Welcome Death. Don't mind Godot. I thought he had gone but apparently not. You wish, Flanders. Me and Death here are getting on just fine without you poking your nose in. I think the expression you use over the pond is this one. I'd forgotten what I'd been missing. I do wish, Godot. In response to your trite challenge, I believe the next line is "Make me" (this is far more entertaining in person).
  24. deadsox

    Dennis Hopper

    He's not dead yet, is he? Couldn't disagree with you more. I think he is one of the better actors working in hollywood. really? it seems to me they mentioned him being dead on the news this morning. he's still a boring actor even if he turns up alive. Really? It seems as if your taste in actors is only subordinate to your knowledge of current events Bobby old chap.

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