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Anubis the Jackal

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Everything posted by Anubis the Jackal

  1. Anubis the Jackal

    People I Was Surprised To Find Are Still Alive

    Balls! I remember that now. Ta Han.
  2. Anubis the Jackal

    People I Was Surprised To Find Are Still Alive

    Rentaghost...From Wiki, so do not blame me for inaccuracies Michael Staniforth - Timothy Claypole (dead 1987 of The Aids) Edward Brayshaw - Harold Meaker (dead 1990 of hapless chumpery) Ann Emery - Ethel Meaker (sister of Dick of that ilk. Alive apparently) Anthony Jackson - Fred Mumford (1976-1978) "He died suddenly on 27th November 2006, having been taken ill during rehearsals of "Waiting for Godot". Hopefully he wasn't playing Godot, that would have been a long performance. Michael Darbyshire - Hubert Davenport (1976-1978) (Old Victorian ghost, Died 1979) Molly Weir - Hazel the McWitch (1977-1984) (dead 2004, surfeit of shortbread) Sue Nicholls - Nadia Popov (1981-1984) (Still very much alive and in Coronation St) Christopher Biggins - Adam Painting (1978-1983; intermittently) (Very much alive) Hal Dyer - Rose Perkins (1978-1984) (Apparently still alive, and a member of the On the Buses fan club) Jeffrey Segal - Arthur Perkins (1978-1984) (Alive) Lynda La Plante - Tamara Novek (1980) (as Lynda Marchal) (Alive and cranking yet more out potboiler crime series) William Perrie, John Asquith - Dobbin the Pantomime Horse (Ah, who f*****g cares)
  3. Anubis the Jackal

    What Are You Giving Up For Lent?

    Nor, indeed, would you ever want to.
  4. Anubis the Jackal

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2009

  5. Anubis the Jackal

    Who Will Be The First Rolling Stone To Die?

    I may have...er...access to a VHS copy H.
  6. Anubis the Jackal


    And of course, the last thing Man City want at the moment is more problems with inanimate objects that end up on the field.
  7. Anubis the Jackal

    Jeremy Beadle

    Pneumonia is a nasty thing to die of. Maybe he just got cold and tried rubbing his hands together to keep warm. Always doomed to failure, that.
  8. Anubis the Jackal

    Derby Dead Pool 2008

    Two joker picks for Beadle! Hats off to Jamie's Dodgers and Oh, What A Beautiful Mourning.
  9. Anubis the Jackal

    Jeremy Beadle

    Beadles Coffin
  10. Anubis the Jackal

    Jeremy Beadle

    And if he's cremated..... of course... "You've Been Flamed"
  11. Anubis the Jackal

    Jeremy Beadle

    Well, if you are indeed God and made man in your image, you didn't really do the best job did you?
  12. Anubis the Jackal

    Jeremy Beadle

    Apparently, in keeping with modern tradition, there will be a minutes applause for him before all Saturdays football fixtures. He'll be getting a big hand for perhaps the first time.
  13. Anubis the Jackal

    The Deathlisters Alternative Footie Thread

    Another kicking for my bunch of feckless mercenaries. It's time for major changes at the famous marble halls of Highgate Cemetery!
  14. Anubis the Jackal

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    I quite like it. It's like a regional accent. Perhaps all our Scottish/American/Australian/Cuban contributors could all establish their own font-brogues.
  15. Anubis the Jackal

    The Dead Of 2008

    Illegitimate? But now in China, quite possibly also illegal. An illegal daughter? Abandoned, certainly, but illegal?
  16. Anubis the Jackal

    Greatest Deaths Ever

    [LES DAWSON] I'm not saying the Mother-in-law is a bad cook, but every Friday night, Amazonian Indians come round to dip their arrows in her soup [/LES DAWSON]
  17. Anubis the Jackal

    Greatest Deaths Ever

    He He, Ponce.
  18. Anubis the Jackal

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2009

    I think I'm going to have to scour my brain with domestos now.
  19. Anubis the Jackal


  20. Anubis the Jackal

    Jeremy Beadle

    As exaggerated by Dave in the Possibilities thread, old 'one-glove,one-mitten' has pneumonia
  21. Anubis the Jackal

    Nazi of SS

    Vladas Zajanckauskas, Lithuanian SS man and alleged war criminal faces deportation from the US. Worth a shot next year, perhaps.
  22. Anubis the Jackal


    Oh, that's lovely, Ronnie.
  23. Anubis the Jackal

    Heath Ledger

    Laurence Olivier to Dustin Hoffman on the set of Marathon Man, after Hoffman had told Olivier he had deliberately not slept for 3 nights to prepare for the torture scene "Have you ever tried Acting, Dear Boy?"
  24. Anubis the Jackal

    The Dead Of 2008

    Now that is a way to go. Can anyone name anyone else killed by a poison arrow in the last 100 years? Apart from him, obviously.
  25. Anubis the Jackal

    Heath Ledger

    Ah Brokeback Mountain, a wonderful film about men in chaps.

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