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Anubis the Jackal

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Everything posted by Anubis the Jackal

  1. Anubis the Jackal

    DL Members' Secrets

    I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
  2. Anubis the Jackal

    The Dead - 2007

    Maybe the assorted acid-trippers were just hallucinating Jeremy Beadle?
  3. Anubis the Jackal

    The Weatherman Death Pool

    Hacky, I dimly recall you being based in the backwoods of Kent, do you have any inside news on the health of the inimitable Mr Knott?
  4. Anubis the Jackal

    Sir Bobby Robson

    How did that get through the profanity filter? Do Cockermouthians suffer from The Scunthorpe Problem?
  5. Anubis the Jackal

    Sir Bobby Robson

    Have you ever been to, or better still entered the World Gurning Contest ?
  6. Anubis the Jackal

    Sir Bobby Robson

    Give my regards to the horse. Is Egremont near you, Maryport?
  7. Anubis the Jackal

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Terminal? I must have missed that. Crap. Indeed, it isn't like he's got his own thread or anything.
  8. Anubis the Jackal

    The Dead - 2007

    Could I suggest that you leave this subject well alone for the moment, Windsor, and come back to re-read it in a few years when you're perhaps a little older and wiser? I can only think that living where you do, you have not come into contact with many of 'those people' who may have lost family in or even survived one of the most horrendous periods of inhumanity ever. No apologies for being a condescending bastard. You deserve it.
  9. Anubis the Jackal

    The Dead - 2007

    I sincerely hope by 'those people' you do not mean holocaust survivors or their families.
  10. Anubis the Jackal

    Robert Mugabe

    Might be worth keeping an eye on Pius Ncube , Catholic Archbishop of Bulawayo and outspoken critic of the Mugabe regime. If only because he sounds like he should be a games console.
  11. Anubis the Jackal

    The Dead - 2007

    Tread carefully...I'd wager that you know nothing of the background of the original poster and over-arching generalisations are always dangerous. Besides, as her own son said in that obit, So it's probably fairly safe to say she was a sh*t. Incidentally, Grimbert is a spectacular name.
  12. Anubis the Jackal

    The Dead - 2007

    Are you quite sure, Barmcake? You don't seem banned to me.
  13. Anubis the Jackal

    Great Gigs In The Sky

    But not so long until we can call him a soulless, passionless, cynical, bloated old bag of rat-jizz. Mate, you're still young...go and live a bit.
  14. Anubis the Jackal

    The Dead - 2007

    Then does the idea of definitive historical evidence, thousands upon thousands of sources, confessions, eyewitnesses, photographs and more not suggest to you that The Holocaust happened? I pity you and your weak and gullible mind.
  15. Anubis the Jackal

    The Dead - 2007

    Did you actually bother to follow that link Windsor? Oh and Mr / Ms. Townie... you are an imbecile. So tell me, what did she do to upset you personally? Was she responsible for the death of your grandfather or something? Or are you just another one of those people scrambling for some sort of moral highground?
  16. Anubis the Jackal

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    I'm sure Messers Parker and Stone are shitting goldfish in fear. Just to think, they may have to cancel that weekend break in Fraserburgh.
  17. Anubis the Jackal


    Probably something supposedly shocking, controversial and transgressive which isn't actually funny in the slightest. It's Paul Kaye. He nearly bought my mates house, but his Mum, who accompanied him on every look around, advised him not to. Big Girls Blouse.
  18. Anubis the Jackal

    Bob Woolmer

    Latest news reports suggest that the Pakistan team have all given up Cricket and taken up Bobsleighing.
  19. Anubis the Jackal

    Too Many Moderators ?

    What first attracted me to this forum was witty, pithy, sometimes articulate, sometimes moronic banter; not needless drivel about who said what to whom, what was said, and could someone please stop that member doing all those horrible things to me. You're not unique in annoying me, but you annoy me uniquely.
  20. Anubis the Jackal

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Maybe because you continually provoke people? Just a thought.
  21. Anubis the Jackal

    The Dead - 2007

    So if a fruit isn't an apple, it must be an orange? Explain your logic.
  22. Anubis the Jackal

    Bob Woolmer

    Inzamam-ul-Haq and assistant coach Mushtaq Ahmed are being held for extra questioning over the death of Bob Woolmer. I though Inzy may have been somewhat less than truthful when he claimed that he couldn't eat for 3 days after Woolmers death. He looks like he likes his food, that one, and once attacked a fan who called him a big potato.
  23. Anubis the Jackal

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Shouldn't that be 'Abdicated?'
  24. Anubis the Jackal

    Fascinating Creatures - Squids

    I'd guess Ernest Borgnine. He's been in so many duff disaster movies, the law of averages says that one must have been a tad squiddy.
  25. Anubis the Jackal

    Bob Woolmer

    In the immortal words of Nigel Tufnell in This is Spinal Tap "You can't dust for vomit."

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