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rockhopper penguin

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Posts posted by rockhopper penguin





    He got angry because he didn't get a big sugary cake for his 69th birthday early this month.


    So am I actually, it may well have finished off the diabetic charlie.

    the part that surpises me is when the article said he had a friend




    The tonnage of credulous fools willing to befriend seriously demented criminals is already well recognised. Sutcliffe, Brady et al will have friends for as long as young people have useless parents!


    Cult of celebrity I'm afraid. Were any of these people to be exposed to someone with real 'mental health issues' at home/work they'd run a mile.




    6 in 6 weeks. Come on DL statos is this the most productive (or destructive depending on your point of view, or if you are rleative/friend of teh deceased I suppose) period ever?


    In roughly six weeks (cheating by a few days), 2003 saw for Idi Amin, Warren Zevon, Leni Riefenstahl, Edward Teller, Johnny Cash and Elia Kazan.


    But I direct you towards 35 days in 2002:


    23rd Feb - Chuck Jones

    27th Feb - Spike Milligan

    27th March - Milton Berle

    27th March - Dudley Moore

    28th March - Billy Wilder

    30th March - The Queen Mum


    All Deathlist picks.


    I knew you wouldn't let me down. Next bit of homework then, when does the 7th hit have to come for it to be a record?



    From BB King to now - 44 days


    Between Kramer and Secombe in 2001 - 50 days


    Off the top of my head, I think thats the record. Proper stat-folk like Ali might know better though.


    Thursday 25th and Mugabe gets it, brilliant!


    6 in 6 weeks. Come on DL statos is this the most productive (or destructive depending on your point of view, or if you are rleative/friend of teh deceased I suppose) period ever?


    In roughly six weeks (cheating by a few days), 2003 saw for Idi Amin, Warren Zevon, Leni Riefenstahl, Edward Teller, Johnny Cash and Elia Kazan.


    But I direct you towards 35 days in 2002:


    23rd Feb - Chuck Jones

    27th Feb - Spike Milligan

    27th March - Milton Berle

    27th March - Dudley Moore

    28th March - Billy Wilder

    30th March - The Queen Mum


    All Deathlist picks.


    I knew you wouldn't let me down. Next bit of homework then, when does the 7th hit have to come for it to be a record?


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