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Posts posted by Fergie86

  1. Today is the day of surgery. :pop:

    Apparently so though i have looked for confirmation of that and i can't find any it just info saying there isn't a date yet. I think though if she is still alive this time next week she has a good chance of reaching her 100th Birthday as there is no way the Prinz will switch of her machines which would be the kindest thing to do all round.

  2. When's the date of the surgery though? It's obviously going to be during or soon after the surgery. If not she'll live on for many more months.

    Don't know when the surgery is to be honest, you would think it would be soon as surely if surgery isn't done then she will get worse, surely days surprised it hasn't been done already unless they are waiting for nature to take it's course. I'm also surprised they are even doing surgery to be honest as this is a 99 year old woman who has severe Dementia, She has high blood pressure and has numerous other ailments if it was any 'normal' person not a famous celebrity with a nutter for a Husband i'm sure they would refuse, this is surely a case of Money talking. Kinder for all concerned if she was allowed to die with some dignity because even if she does survive she has no quality of life. If Zsa Zsa does survive surgery she will surely be weakened by it and being realistic it seems highly unlikely she will live to reach 100.

  3. Oh, if Joao Havelange can survive his lung problems as a 99-year old, so can ZsaZsa...

    I agree if anyone can beat this then Zsa Zsa can, lets be honest if it was any other 99 year old I would say it would be the end but with Zsa Zsa we will probably be still talking about how she is still with us in 5 years time and wondering if her latest Hospital dash will be her last.

  4. Happy Birthday Zsa Zsa, apparently the Prinz has said that Zsa Zsa is doing well health wise and that she wants to surpass her Mother's lifespan and live to be at least 103 years old, seriously this woman will never die, she will still be here in 2030 at this rate.

  5. Really surprised about the news, just heard as i woke up, wasn't expecting this though i suppose it explains why he missed CIN last year as they said it was a Back problem at the time anyway he really was a true TV and Radio legend as he was a fantastic Presenter. RIP.


    The Prinz has apparently been involved in a Car Crash which left him with a damaged shoulder, which means he is "unable to work ever again." He is now sewing the other Driver for $10 million, he must be getting in all the money for when Zsa Zsa snuffs it as he seems to be sewing someone every week.



    sewing? Has he been stitched up?


    Must of been LOL.




    https://twitter.com/GaborUpdate:Looks like the the Abe Vigoda update guy on Twitter has adopted Zsa Zsa.

    At least Vigoda had a website dedicated to him.

    Give her time, Abe has only just died, might take him a few more days to get a website dedicated to her. I wonder how long he will be updating us on her condition until she finally dies, i will give her another 5 years until April 2021, Zsa Zsa would be 104 then surely even Zsa Zsa couldn't go on longer than that.

    I say she'll go somewhere in late 2016/early 2017, before she turns 100.


    After all, her doctor did give her up to 2 years around a year ago when those deathbed photos surfaced.


    I forgot about the doctor giving her only 2 years to be honest, she might not be around as long as i thought though with Zsa Zsa anything is possible and according to the Prinz she is still in good health though i doubt that is true. Also as Zsa Zsa is only a year of been 100, it would be a shame if the old girl didn't make it and i want to see the party that Prinz is going to throw to celebrate her 100th Birthday, it would be a proper freak show.


    https://twitter.com/GaborUpdate:Looks like the the Abe Vigoda update guy on Twitter has adopted Zsa Zsa.


    At least Vigoda had a website dedicated to him.


    Give her time, Abe has only just died, might take him a few more days to get a website dedicated to her. I wonder how long he will be updating us on her condition until she finally dies, i will give her another 5 years until April 2021, Zsa Zsa would be 104 then surely even Zsa Zsa couldn't go on longer than that.

  9. RIP, thought he would go on forever, it is after all only 34 years since he was first announced dead, he has been hanging on longer than Zsa Zsa maybe it is a sign she will finally die though i doubt it. However RIP Abe a true legend.

  10. Will go 30th January to give us a January hit and our first hit of the year, though wouldn't be surprised if he died before the 30th as he is said to be in a Hospice and is no longer taking his medication, just a matter of time, shame as Abe Vigoda is a legend.

  11. I'm 30 currently turn 31 at the end of March and i don't fear Death either to be honest with my past drinking(Which has included being passed out Drunk in the street more times than i care to remember after Drinking the equivelent of a Litre plus of Vodka in 2 or 3 hours leading to Hospital admissions or drinking up to 70 pints of Lager a week, Drink Driving thankfully i didn't hurt or kill anyone, my biggest regret in life and still don't drive now out of choice because of it, being beaten up and mugged and coughing up blood plus numerous other things i have lived most if not all of my 9 lives. Thankfully i don't drink now and haven't touched a drop in almost a year apart from a glass of Buck's Fiz at new year and life is better without it but i know i won't be dry forever and my luck will run out eventually) and Epilepsy(Which included me turning blue on occasions, though i haven't had a seizure in about 16 years ) when i was younger i'm amazed i'm still here to be honesft and if i died tomorrow i wouldn't care but i hope i live for years to come, hope to live into my 70's but i don't want to end up like Zsa Zsa and linger on forever with no end in sight, life is for living and we should make the most of it but being a vegetable like her and not being able to do the basic things in life would be my worst nightmare. As i say don't fear death just hope that when the time comes it is quick and not too much suffering though i still believe i'm indestructible.

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  12. Zsa Zsa really is indestructible the woman will never die or will be allowed to by the Prinz, it is obvious he is keeping her alive for the $300,000 a year he gets from the owners of there house who will take over the ownership once Zsa Zsa dies or in October 2018, surely it would be kinder to let her die, he is obviously money and fame mad. He is also apparently sewing the Hotel Chateu Marmont as he apparently hired a car from them for pre Golden Globe party and the Prinz saw the car down the road with the driver having sex with a woman on the back seat whilst he was drunk, the Prinz was also annoyed as apparently film makers were with him to film a documentary on him which is to come out later in the year. The Prinz has said it will cost the Hotel Chateu Marmont "Millions." The man clearly has a screw loose.

  13. Shocked, knew he had health issues but somehow thought he would get better Lemmy is the sort of person you thought would go on forever and be the one at your Grand-kids funeral well after everyone else from his era had carked it still i suppose a bottle of Jack Daniels a day for 40 years, Drugs and sleeping with over 2,000 women was bound to catch up with him eventually, a miracle he made his 3 score years and 10 really. RIP.

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