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Posts posted by Fergie86

  1. Just seen vera on ITV news being interviewed. Bad news for deathlist- she's looking and sounding pretty good for 98 !

    Wouldn't be surprised if she became a Super-centenarian to be honest, built to last that one.

  2. Hope Greavies pulls through, played before my time but still an all time great, seems a nice bloke too. Strokes are horrible things, depends which part of the Brain it hit, how quickly he got hospital attention etc though at 75 even if he survives wouldn't be surprised if it was the beginning of the end for him, could be one for 2016 Death List if he gets there. Still surprising he has lived as long as he has had considering in the 70's he drank 20 beers a day before drinking a bottle of Vodka his liver must of being pickled though not drinking since 1978 must of helped his liver recover.



    Cissy Houston will "fight to the grave" for Bobbi Kristina's inheritance:




    At her age of 81, this might not be all that long...

    It seems that Bobbi Kristina is in fact out of the coma, but still unresponsive. Another article said that this state might essentially last "forever".

    The strain of it all will probably finish the GrandMother of at 81, but if it's true about Bobbi Kristina being unresponsive and being like this "forever" she could still be like that in 50 years time, if she lasts that long it will make Zsa Zsa's time as a coffin dodger seem like the blink of an eye though knowing the Prinz he will still have Zsa Zsa clinging on in 50 years time. Seriously though why do there families keep people like Bobbi Kristina and Zsa Zsa 'alive' it is cruel and serves no purpose at all.


    I do have personal experience of this. My brother was knocked down by a drunk driver while on holiday in Spain. After some considerable time in intensive care, he was declared to be in a Persistent Vegetative State, essentially uncomprehending and unable to carry out any motor functions. My parents were asked if they wished to take him off life support. They said no, for various reasons.


    He then went for rehab (after some heavy fundraising, after all this was Thatcher's Britain at the time) and he certainly demonstrated some comprehension and even got to write his name, all after being written off by the doctors. It therefore becomes harder to look that person in the eye, on the one hand noting their physical incapacity, but somehow also knowing that they have some comprehension of you discussing them, their care etc etc. (a kind of locked in syndrome).


    It was hard going, eventually being cared for at home by my parents who gave up their jobs to become carers, and when my mother passed in 2013, I gave up my job to look after my dad and brother. We had some assistance from professional carers, some family friends, some from companies who all grew to love him.


    He laughed, he cried, yes he had fits and illnesses but he was a real person who gave us much joy and much heartache like any family member. He died in January this year after over 20 years of incapacity. Whether it was the right thing to do, whether he would have wanted to live as long as he did in the way he did, we shall never know. Everybody's circumstances are different, but I think his life wasn't purposeless.


    The times I have thought what it might be like to live like that, some days I say no, some days I say life is too precious and fragile to throw away. These folks will be going through similar things, whatever decision they make, however this girl responds, we should respect that (and gather points at the relevant time).


    So. sad that, that had to happen your Brother, fair play to your family for doing that also, it must of been so tough. I don't know if i would of had the strength of character to do what you did my Dad had a stroke 8 years ago at 52 and although he isn't anywhere near as bad as your Brother was as he can still do the basic things for himself he has major personality change, he has emotional outbursts and Mood swings, he is nasty, a Bully, suffers from severe Depression and turned into a recluse having lost all his friends due to his mood swings, he has also being violent towards me and my Mother since the stroke including hitting me, biting my Mum and headbutting me on one occasion although the violence does seem to have stopped since he changed his medication. My Dad is also starting with the early stages of Frontal Tempal Variant Dementia. I sometimes wonder would it of being kinder had the stroke taken him when it happened. My Dad has never being the nicest or easiest person to live with Pre-Stroke but he is a 100 time worse now. I don't know what the answer is really, i just know if i was like Zsa Zsa or Bobbi Kristina or your Brother i wouldn't want to live like that but i suppose it does depend on the family and if they are prepared to make the sacrifice's that are needed, i'm pleased your Brother still gave you happiness for years post his accident and i'm sorry for your loss.

  4. Cissy Houston will "fight to the grave" for Bobbi Kristina's inheritance:




    At her age of 81, this might not be all that long...

    It seems that Bobbi Kristina is in fact out of the coma, but still unresponsive. Another article said that this state might essentially last "forever".

    The strain of it all will probably finish the GrandMother of at 81, but if it's true about Bobbi Kristina being unresponsive and being like this "forever" she could still be like that in 50 years time, if she lasts that long it will make Zsa Zsa's time as a coffin dodger seem like the blink of an eye though knowing the Prinz he will still have Zsa Zsa clinging on in 50 years time. Seriously though why do there families keep people like Bobbi Kristina and Zsa Zsa 'alive' it is cruel and serves no purpose at all.

    • Like 2



    His daughter said he's had a "big, big relapse" and couldn't attend the opening of her brothel gentleman's club.




    On the other hand, his daughter strikes me as a bit of an attention whore.

    He looks awful, like the living dead, how much longer can he carry on like this, surely if he doesn't stop which seems unlikely he will be dead by the end of the year. Gazza could be a major miss for the death list.



    Frankly I think he looks a lot better there than in some recent photos. Such as the ones with the gold di girlfriend on the beach - he looked really grotesque in those.


    He does look better than the one on the beach, but he still looks dreadful, only a matter of time until he dies, but Alcoholic's like Gazza have a remarkable ability to defy the odds and live longer than seems humanly possible, still would be surprised if he is still with us this time next year though.

  6. His daughter said he's had a "big, big relapse" and couldn't attend the opening of her brothel gentleman's club.




    On the other hand, his daughter strikes me as a bit of an attention whore.

    He looks awful, like the living dead, how much longer can he carry on like this, surely if he doesn't stop which seems unlikely he will be dead by the end of the year. Gazza could be a major miss for the death list.

  7. I want in Brady to live, live like zsa zsa Gabor

    I'm all for Brady losing a leg due to gangrene, suffering numerous strokes, having Pneumonia several times also, coughing up blood, having high blood pressure, having dementia, being in a major car crash and falling out of bed and breaking a hip like Zsa Zsa would be great and well deserved as Brady is scum, looking at all that though how the hell is Zsa Zsa still alive.

  8. We should also start thinking about Keith Richard with all the drug abuse he did, I'd be amazed if he lived past the life expectancy

    I'm sure Keith Richards actually died about 20 years, i mean the man looks like a human corpse. Seriously how that man is still with us is a mystery,the amount of drugs and booze he has had probably is enough to kill 10 men.

  9. I do think Gazza is beyond help much like George Best.My uncle was the same he was told he would die if he didn`t stop but he never got rid of the bottle for more than a few weeks and died a couple of years later.I can`t see Gazza seeing 50.

    No, i can't see Gazza seeing 50 either if he does it will be a minor miracle, Gazza is clearly a very ill man he has so many issues apart from the booze, he is too far gone to be helped if he carries on drinking which is almost a certainty i think he will be dead by 2016. It is so very sad as he had it all and threw it away but mental illness and alcohol addiction doesn't care for status.

  10. I think it is the woman who was meant to 'save' him who he is on about in those tweets, was obvious from the off that something like this was going to happen though. Gazza is beyond help it is just a matter of time until the inevitable happens, i'm surprised he has lasted this long to be honest.



    If that deathteaser Gabor doesn't die this year: :banghead:

    I'll be amazed if she does actually, she is pretty much dead really but Von Anhalt will keep her 'alive' on her machines, he is already planning her 100th Birthday party in February 2017.


    And her mother also got 100 years old.


    Wasn't her Mother 102 when she died, also wasn't there rumours she was actually 109, if true and Zsa Zsa lives as long as her Mum she could live another 11 years +.

  12. If that deathteaser Gabor doesn't die this year: :banghead:

    I'll be amazed if she does actually, she is pretty much dead really but Von Anhalt will keep her 'alive' on her machines, he is already planning her 100th Birthday party in February 2017.

  13. You got it. You have to start asking now what concrete info is available to support the premise that she is still alive. When did we last see her shipped back and forth to the hospital? One year, about 3 years ago it was every other week. Can't think that since the leg off opperation we have ever had any of these mercy trips.

    It's possible Zsa Zsa is dead as like i said in my previous post i wouldn't put anything past Von Anhalt but i do think she is still being kept alive as in December Francesca just before her own death released a photo of her with Zsa Zsa to radar online and also haven't the courts said the "Prince" and Zsa Zsa can live in there house until she dies. Most crucially the real Owners of the house who inherit it once Zsa Zsa dies pay the "Prince" about £300,000 a year to look after her surely they will get some sort of proof she is still alive as surely they wouldn't pay someone all that money every year unless they knew for certain that she was still with us.

  14. I'm pretty sure she died months ago but Von Anhalt was too busy being an asshole to even realize it.

    Maybe we will find out that Zsa Zsa actually died years ago but the Prince never reported it when he dies himself in about 20 or 30 years time, wouldn't put anything past that fruit cake.

  15. I'm pretty sure she died months ago but Von Anhalt was too busy being an asshole to even realize it.

    Nah, she is alive, Von Anhalt would milk her passing to death, probably he'd have a special press conference like he did for her 98th Birthday and he would be all over the TV on talk shows etc.

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