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Posts posted by Fergie86

  1. no but you just have to develop some patience.All things will come to those who wait....

    Not necessarily, i have been waiting for about 10 years for Zsa Zsa Gabor to die and it still hasn't happened, beginning to think it will never happen.

  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2961393/Dot-Cotton-turns-dramatically-police-Nasty-Nick-s-death-EastEnders-live-episode.html -June Brown from Eastenders recently turned 88 and was in last night`s live episode.She looks a lot thinner and frailer recently.Maybe on to keep an eye on and consider for next year.She is a chainsmoker is pro-euthanasia and already has a DNR order.


    June Brown looked awful last night in the live section, but apparently apart from being deaf she is in remarkable health for 88, so who knows? doubt she will die next year probably in 10 years time but at 88 years of age she could quite easily decline quite quickly

  3. At a guess, 22nd December 2042, about 7.40 in the evening. Give or take a few minutes.

    Nah, i think that will be when Zsa Zsa snuffs it, surely can't be that long until Sam Simon dies.




    Charles must be fed up by now don't ya think?


    Dunno, he's got to pensionable age without a proper job, manages to sound off about the stuff he cares about and still gets to hang around with important people. And, he's never tasted poverty or lost sleep over the danger of redundancy.


    I can think of worse ways to stumble through your seventh decade.


    Perhaps one day he might get to be king, and the shock of it happening might give him a heart attack.


    With every passing year with his mother alive the chances of that happening grow slimmer. Should he survive her, his reign will be short.





    True, for his age Prince Charles looks bad considering the pampered lifestyle he has had, personally think he looks bad for 66, probably won't happen but i wouldn't be surprised if Charles died before the Queen.

  5. Hardly surprising that a lot of Coronation Street characters have died, yes Anne Kirkbride was a shock but they have quite an old cast and i wouldn't be surprised if a few more Corrie stars died in the next few years Bill Roache is 83, Eileen Derbyshire is 84, Liz Dawn won't go on forever, Jean Alexander is 89 and had a stroke last year.

  6. The next big anniversaries will be 65 years on the throne in February 2017 and the 70th wedding anniversary in November 2017.

    By that stage she will be 90/91, and he will be 95/96.


    If I'm honest, after the age of 90 I think its her duty to give serious consideration to abdicating.

    The Queen will never abdicate she will be on the throne until the day she dies, i suppose she could decline health wise if Prince Philip dies which is possible but i still expect her to live to be 105+. There is also no real reason for her to abdicate as lets be honest she has no real say in how the country is run like the Prime Minister, she does bring in a lot of money into the country through tourism though so i suppose she has some use. As long as she is healthy enough to do her Royal wave every now and then she will never abdicate.

  7. QE2 is now the world's oldest like ving monarch after the Saudi Arabian sheikh's death. She will also beat Queen Vic's record as longest-reigning British monarch if she survives until September): http://www.skynews.com.au/news/showbiz/celebrity/2015/01/24/queen-elizabeth-now-oldest-monarch.html


    She will easily become the longest British Monarch, i'd be amazed if she died before September, her Mum lived until she was almost 102 years of age and i wouldn't be surprised if she lived as long as her, in fact i think she will live to be about 105 years old, so pencil her in for the 2031 death list. Lets be honest though she should live to a grand age as she has never had to work properly like the rest of us, she has the best medical care and enough money to last 10 lifetimes.

    • Like 2

  8. Deirdre from Corrie, Anne Kirkbride. What a massive shock, not even flagged as sick. RIP, only 60 years old too.


    Shocking news, maybe her cancer came back, explains why she left Corrie so suddenly last year, wasn't expecting this.


    Muhammad Ali is back in hospital after being found unresponsive in his bed after being there for 24 hrs, doesn't sound good, hope he gets better soon, could be a massive miss for the death list though.



    He could give us a birthday bonus too.


    True, conflicting reports are coming out though, some saying he was found unresponsive in bed, others saying it is simple re-admission over his urinary tract infection and he could be released tomorrow, so it could be something major or nothing at all, what is clear though is that Ali is much sicker than his family are making out as the insist he is fine.

  10. Muhammad Ali is back in hospital after being found unresponsive in his bed after being there for 24 hrs, doesn't sound good, hope he gets better soon, could be a massive miss for the death list though.

  11. Question: what if Zsa Zsa has been dead for the last couple of years/months and Prince von whatshisface has just been keeping up the appearance of her being alive just to keep the house...


    I am not ussually the person to believe in conspiracy theories but I also don't believe a person can make it to 98 without atleast having a little fight in them... (it could also be that her illness has been highly exceturated)


    I had my doubts, on if Zsa Zsa was alive or not a few months ago but it is obvious she is still alive as Francesca released photo's of Zsa Zsa about a month ago, she is hardly going to release photos of her with a complete stranger, plus like others have said Prince Von Anhalt would milk her passing to death so to make as much money out of it as humanly possible.


    I agree that, you have to have some fight in you to make it to 98, not many make it that far, i agree it is likely that Zsa Zsa's failing health has probably being exaggerated over the years, surely knowone could survive the amount of things Zsa Zsa has, i know she is a freak when it comes to her health but i think Von Anhalt has probably exaggerated her health to make more money and to gain more press interest.

  12. There`s no fortune left when Zsa Zsa dies he will be evicted from their Bel Air mansion so it is in his interests to keep her alive as long as possible.Francesca also had virtually no money either when she died.


    Agree with this, wouldn't surprise me if Zsa Zsa is still clinging onto life aided by Von Anhalt in another 5 years time, depends how strong her heart is as even Ariel Sharon died eventually but i personally think Zsa Zsa will go on longer than any of us thought was humanly possible.

  13. On the Zsa Zsa front, Francesca Hilton's agent Edward Lozzi has said that Zsa Zsa is suffering from 'Total Dementia and can no longer speak.' If this is the case which in fairness it probably is, how much longer can she survive? Then again on the other hand could Francesca's death prolong Zsa Zsa's life as Francesca's agent said she was speaking to her attorney about what to do with her Mother. If Francesca had lived and being successful and entrusted with her Mother's care, i'm sure she would of let nature taken it's cause and let Zsa Zsa die, but now know body will challenge Prinz Von Anhalt, Zsa Zsa could be stuck in limbo for years to come as he seems determined in keeping her alive whatever the cost.

    • Like 1

  14. Zsa Zsa has now outlived her daughter.




    Wasn't expecting that, she seemed to be the only one talking sense about how cruel it was keeping Zsa Zsa alive like that, doubt it will make any difference to Zsa Zsa as she is so far gone that she doesn't know what day of the week it is, so being told of her daughter's death is unlikely to affect her health. Also didn't Zsa Zsa's mum outlive one of her daughter's by a few months but was never told as she was so ill?


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