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Posts posted by Fergie86

  1. Good to see Zsa Zsa Gabor at the top spot.

    I hope she accepts the DL's Committee decision to appoint her No:1,

    and replicate what Ronnie Biggs did when he made the top of the list, by giving us a hit��


    Surely this year must be Zsa Zsa's year after seeing those photos of her a few weeks ago she looks like she is just hanging on though in fairness we have been saying that for the last decade and knowing Zsa Zsa we will probably still be saying it on the 1st January 2025.

  2. Ah, the rumour mills...but is the source they're quoting Tabasco or just some cold bargain basement sludge masquerading as proper sauce.


    Congestive lung problems come with immobility and the Parkinsons won't help his lungs clear the fluid. But he was active in public not that long ago, so this isn't necessarily the death sentence starting.


    The reality is probably something in between it is obvious he is much poorly than his family are making out because according to them he is in perfect health but i'd be surprised if he is quite as bad as Radar Online are saying. I suppose it all depends how long he is in Hospital for, if he is out in the next few days then it is unlikely he stopped breathing etc as there is no way they would of let him out so soon afterwards. One thing is for sure Muhammad Ali is getting closer to the end sadly but i think he will recover this time but having Pneumonia even if Mild on top of his Parkinson's is not a good sign.

  3. Well Aherne has had cancer three times and lung cancer is pretty grim in terms of prognosis and she has had a long history of mental health and substance abuse and Liz Smith is frail and elderly so it`s a real possibility.


    Ricky Tomlinson could be a good outside bet, he has a Quadruple Heart by Pass a few years ago, is Overweight, is 76 next year, also didn't his son die a few years ago as well. Unlikely to die next year but one to keep an eye on.

  4. Paul Gascoigne-Although he says he has stopped Drinking and all his vital organs are fine, he looks terrible and will no doubt start drinking sooner rather than later and his body must be near packing in despite his claims.


    Muhammad Ali-Getting towards the back end of Parkinson's disease would be surprised if he lasted much longer.


    Richie Benaud-Fighting Skin Cancer and looks terrible.


    Zsa Zsa Gabor-Has pretty much everything wrong with her and has to go eventually maybe 2015 will finally be the year, plus she is one of the Death List Favourites in my view if she did die and we didn't have her on the list would be a big miss.


    Ian Brady and Peter Sutcliffe-Both are scum of the earth but both would be big misses if they weren't on the list, both said to be in bad health.


    Ken Kercheval- Looks like death warmed up, has only one lung but still smokes, is an Alcoholic and is 80 next year could be his time.


    George Kennedy-Big hefty guy who is 90 next year surely can't go on forever.

  5. SO at last the end comes.We will all miss you Nordster. A life cut cruelly short. RIP DENIS NORDEN


    So Denis Norden has 'died' again seriously the guy has made more returns from the dead than Jesus Christ himself.

  6. The question is should we swap Brady for Sutcliffe or keep them both on?


    I'd say keep them both on. If one dies next year and he isn't on the list it would be a major miss for the death list although both of them are scum when they do eventually go it will be big news and a high profile death, best to play it safe.

  7. Ok is probably an overstatement. What I read from it was that he is very frail but not in the final stages of Parkinson's yet but he is getting close. His illness is clearly slow so it won`t be a quick demise but like the DR said he could suddenly get life threatening complications such as pneumonia. Does everyone think he is worth a shot on next years list?


    Yes think he should be on the list for next year, he is too big a name to miss off and it is obvious despite the denials he is getting closer to the end. It may well happen next year, he could decline quite quickly if he carries on declining, the weight is dropping off him which is never a good sign. I agree he probably isn't at the end stages yet but if you look at photos of him from beginning of last year till now there is a dramatic difference and he is getting older, i think both his parents died in there mid 70's as well, though Ali will have the best medicine and treatment money can buy so that might slow things down a bit.

  8. It is hard to believe looking at that Photo that Dick Van Dyke is 90 years old next December, should get him of the list, wouldn't be surprised if Dick Van Dyke lived to be 100 years of age.

  9. wow he has aged alot in the last few months and looks even worse than usual. My grandfather looked better and younger than him at 76 when he died.


    Sorry but the body language of that woman he is with clearly shows her pulling away from him and holding his hand but trying keep a great distance between them and look at those hunched up shoulders. Clearly a gold digger and it will be more heartbreak for gazza.


    I think he missed his last chance when he was sent to America and was clean for a good few months , think its only a matter of 2 to 3 years now. Sad really but to me it seems he is trying to relive his football days of going out and getting drunk and partying he just can't except he is getting older and his football days are behind him.


    Gazza does look terrible, you are right he has aged an awful lot over the last few months, i think his body is finally giving in on him which is not unsurprising given the amount of abuse he has put his body through over the years with the Drugs and especially the booze. I don't think it will be 2 or 3 years until he kicks the bucket though if he is still with us this time next year, i will be amazed. If he doesn't stop drinking which i don't think he will as he is too ill and too far gone then i'd be amazed if he isn't dead by the time he is 50 years of age.


    Gazza also has a lot of mental health issues that i think need addressing and putting under control if he is to have any chance of beating the booze but the thing is i don't think he wants to stop drinking and knowone can stop a person drinking long term if they don't want to, so really it doesn't matter if his new girlfriend genuinely loves him or is a Gold digger who is tagging along to get famous, she won't help Gazza in my opinion. Also a 3 day detox and stay under the mental health act won't help Gazza one bit he needs a lot more help than 3 days.

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  10. Paul Gascoigne has been sectioned again after falling of the wagon this week, he is on an emergency 3 day detox, said to be in a "Bad Way". Surely Gazza can't carry on like this for much longer his body must be on the verge of packing in.


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