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Posts posted by Fergie86

  1. 6 minutes ago, Joey Russ said:

    If Deathlist doesn’t pick Pele in 2022 it’ll be a huge WTF

    Agreed I would be surprised if he was still with us this time next year, the statement when he was released from Hospital a couple of days ago wasn’t as positive as they usually are, usually they go overboard about how healthy he is and put out some cheesy statement about how he is “Ready to play his next game and score a few more goals”, were as this time it just mentions he has been released and will have more treatment for his Colon Cancer. I think they have sent him home to enjoy one last Christmas, I wouldn’t be surprised if he is readmitted to Hospital in the New Year. 

  2. 1 minute ago, ladyfiona said:

    If it were to happen it would be after June next year.

    Will almost certainly start to see less and less of her from next June, after the Jubilee I think she will reduce her public appearances significantly, don’t think she will ever abdicate as she isn’t the type but Charles, William and rest of Royal family will take on more responsibility. The Queen is 96 next year and that will be the same age as Prince Phillip was when he retired from Public appearances, after 70 years on throne makes sense she slows down a bit. 


    • Like 1

  3. 2 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

    I’ve heard Julie Goodyear has been selling stuff for charity a fair bit this year. Maybe a sign she is on the way out. I can’t see her lasting many more years.

    Wouldn’t surprise me to be fair, surprised she has lasted as long as she has to be honest remember a few years ago she was on a soap quiz show between Coronation Street and Emmerdale and they brought Julie out she looked like they had dug her up and didn’t seem to know what was going on, remember thinking then ‘She hasn’t got long left” but she keeps on going. I think she smokes about 100 cigarettes a day, surely her lungs must be fucked and can’t go on for much longer. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    Practically sprinted up to the stage when he was giving his speech at COP26 today.


    Should be kept off the list next year.

    Agreed he looks in fantastic shape for a 95 year old man, I know anything can happen at that age but would be surprised if he doesn’t reach his 100th Birthday he could easily pass as 15 years younger. 

    • Like 1

  5. 5 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:

    The two previous cases where children of long lived monarchs succeeded their parents (George IV & Edward VII) both only ruled for 10 years. Do we even think Charles will make that?

    Depends how long the Queen goes on for if she lives as long as her mother did she will be around until late 2027 or early 2028 meaning Charles will 79 going on 80 when the Queen finally goes, if that is the case I can’t see Charles lasting 10 years on the throne as he won’t live as long as his parents have as I don’t think Charles is as healthy as Philip or the Queen were at the same age. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, MortalCaso said:

    Everyone seems very desperate to say this is nothing and she is fine. Obviously something is going on. Fatigue is one thing, but it seems like quite a chain of events no? Since Oct. 20th the negative headlines have been steadily building. Wouldn't be surprised if she retires from official duties in the near future.

    Been thinking for a while now she will retire or at least drastically reduce her workload after the Jubilee celebrations next summer, think she will be Queen in name only after next year as she will never officially abdicate. I think it is just old age catching up with her at 95 she is too old to be doing all the Royal duties. 

    • Like 1

  7. 2 hours ago, the_engineer said:

    Kieron Dyer. Seems to be a spike of these in recent weeks and months.:o Rio Ferdinand is also in hospital.



    Not surprised about Kieron Dyer was meant to put him forward as a someone to keep an eye on the other week but i forgot, was on Tv as a pundit when Newcastle played Tottenham and he looked ill then his eyes were yellow so Jaundice is a given maybe even Liver trouble, he and Ginola were talking about the bloke who had a heart attack in the stand and i remember thinking he will be next and needs to get to the Doctors ASAP. 

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

    Rossi gone in the last 12 months as well. Beckenbauer arguably IMO. After that probably the likes of Van Basten even allowing for his injuries.

    What about Sir Bobby Charlton got to be up there with Beckenbauer if/when Pele goes though how long Sir Bobby has with his dementia who knows? I agree though when Pele goes it will be like the end of an era. 

  9. Poor man know one deserves to die in such tragic circumstances, he was only doing his job helping his constituents and the community, thoughts are with his friends and family who would never of thought this morning when he left his house that he would never comeback so sad and tragic. RIP. 

    • Like 1

  10. 13 minutes ago, gcreptile said:

    Well, my mother just sent the walking stick photos in our chat group and thinks that she has declined lot. Let's see if it's indeed the beginning of the end.

    I think she has a while to go yet but hardly surprising she is declining she is 95 so bound to happen eventually. I just told my 94 year old Grandma the Queen has to use a walking stick too she has just started to have to use one as she is struggling to walk now, and she can’t get her head round the fact she is slowing down and can’t do what she use to be able to do. The family have all told her she has been lucky to have been able to walk unaided for so long but it’s like talking to a brick wall, she just seems to get more and more depressed about it. We’ve told her she can still do more than most 94 year olds as she can still do most things for herself like preparing food for herself etc only response I got from her about Queen is “Well she’s old you can’t expect anything else.” When I told her they were practically the same age and you can’t expect anything else too I got an earful for my troubles. I also got told how Queen has staff to help her and luck after her and she hasn’t even though we go up everyday to see her and take her to her appointments and help her with anything she needs even though she won’t let us help her as she says  can do it herself. It is so frustrating she is never happy with anything we do for her, I know it’s her age but it’s hard work. Anyway rant over just good to get it of my chest, sorry if bored anyone. 

    • Like 4

  11. 1 minute ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    And then there were 8...

    George Cohen
    Bobby Charlton
    Geoff Hurst
    Ron Flowers
    Terry Paine
    Ian Callaghan
    Roger Hunt
    George Eastham

    Who will be the last one standing?

    Would say Sir Geoff Hurst and probably by some distance. 

    • Like 1

  12. A great actor Boycie was one of the greats, he was pivotal to only fools and Horses success he was superb a sad loss was only watching an old episode of only fools this morning and wondering how John Challis was doing thought he would last a bit longer to be fair. 

    • Like 2

  13. 5 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:

    So, that's Diego Maradona, Gerd Muller and Jimmy Greaves dead within 10 months of each other, and Pele's still in and out of hospital. Quite a year for footballing deaths.


    Rest in Peace, Greavesie.

    There is some goals there, sad news a true footballing legend, surprised he lasted so long, you thought he would linger on forever. RIP To England’s greatest ever striker. 

  14. Just now, msc said:

    Christian Erikson has just collapsed on the pitch during the Euro 2020 game with Finland and is getting CPR. TV cameras shoudnt focus on it so much ffs. Bit grim.

    Awful hope he recovers poor bloke, always liked him as a player, terrible news, get well soon but not looking good at all. 

  15. 22 minutes ago, Miranda lass said:

    I keep getting this sinking feeling that Bill Roache will die (i will be very upset by the news) but it's like a foreshadow of what's to come :(

    Doubt he will live to be 120 or 200 or whatever rubbish he has spouted in the past due to his Pure Love movement but I think he has a good few years left him I think he will live until he is 97 or 98, but I suppose a lot will depend how getting Covid-19 has affected him as he is 89. 

  16. Mother in law died yesterday aged 68, a miracle she lived as long as she did to be fair as she has been on her ‘last legs’ since about 2010 when she had cancer the first time, cancer took her in the end almost certainly brought on by her decades of alcoholism which she almost died of several times, she was told time and again she needed to stop drinking but she never listened or tried to stop. Sad she died but she could of prevented it or at least tried . 


    • Sad 8

  17. 8 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

    Currently on BBC One at Windsor. Looking well for a man who's 95 in a few weeks

    Really wouldn’t surprise me if he reached his 100th Birthday, I know a lot can happen in 5 years but he looks in fantastic shape for his age. 

    • Thanks 1

  18. 3 minutes ago, Exu said:

    If you can find refuge in sky or bt sports. At times like this I'm glad I've got them !

    Hope they don’t cancel the Darts or football tonight like you said it is times like this it is a relief to have Sky and Bt Sports. It has only been just over an hour since it was announced that Phillip had died and I’m already fed up of the Over the top coverage, making out he was saint. It will be 100 times worse when the Queen dies. 

  19. 19 minutes ago, Rhys said:

    Well now that Phil's gone, she's either got 3 weeks left or will carry on for another 15 years.

    Probably another 15 years her Alkie Mother who was in worse shape than her when she was at her age lived to be 101, will be surprised if she doesn’t live until she is at least 105. 

    • Like 1

  20. 1 minute ago, Drewsky1211 said:

    Only 2 months shy of turning 100, just like fellow longtime DeathList name Zsa Zsa Gabor.




    (P.S.: Watch the guest count explode)

    Zsa Zsa and Prince Phillip reunited in heaven if rumours of them having an affair are true. Zsa Zsa lived 12 days longer than Philip, Zsa Zsa lived for 36,475 days compared to Phillips 36,463 days. 

    • Shocked 2

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