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Posts posted by Fergie86

  1. 4 minutes ago, Alex said:


    The longer he's in there the harder it will be for him to come out. 

    Definitely iller than they are letting on especially as there are no updates if he was getting better surely they would let us know, he has been in Hospital a week now like you said the longer he is in the less likely he is to come out, he is certainly getting closer to meeting the grim reaper. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, odeon said:

    he's older than his father ever was, has had multiple hospitalisations, lost a child and legendary soccer players seem to drop like flies. A good one for within the next 3 years i'd reckon

    His mother is still alive at 96. Who knows Pele might follow in her footsteps, I doubt it as I don’t think he is in the greatest health but you never know. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

    This year ? This month seems more appropriate imo

    Depends just how ill he really is, if he is as bad as is made out in that report it could be days or weeks at the most but I bet his Doctors etc will do everything they can to see him reach his 100th Birthday. 

    • Like 2

  4. 5 minutes ago, j0neseur0 said:

    It got boring

    Next 48 hours will be crucial it will either fizzle out into nothing again which will probably happen as he is discharged from Hospital, however if he stays in obvious he is iller than they are letting on and he could be near the end, don’t think much more will happen today.

  5. 11 minutes ago, ECG said:

    What is the latest? I've just finished work and the last I saw was the vehicle waiting outside the hospital.

    The vehicle has left the Hospital but no obvious reason as to why it was there could of been sneaking another member of family into see him or dropping of clothes etc though doesn’t take several hours to do that but know one knows for sure. Phillip still in Hospital. 

    • Like 1

  6. 36 minutes ago, ECG said:

    Just spoken to my mum (care home nurse), and she's reckons they wouldn't be allowing visits unless it's end of life.

    Probably right for ‘normal’ patients and it is sounding like the end is near but if they make exceptions for anyone it will be for the Royals so it is possible we are all reading too much into it. I think if he isn’t discharged from Hospital by Monday or Tuesday he is certainly a lot iller than they are letting on even if he lasts that long the next 48 to 72 hours could be crucial.


    As for Charles visit been short if Phillip is close to the end is possible he is sleeping a lot or dosing in and out of consciousness  could be quite distressing and upsetting and there isn’t really a lot you can do understandable if Charles doesn’t stay long . 

    Knowing Phillip he will be out of Hospital soon and celebrating his 100th birthday in 110 days time though he is getting closer to the end, be amazed if he is still here at the beginning of 2022.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    Betty is also a lesbian but doesn't talk about her private life to the media so it's a little known fact.

    Her partner is Dame Patricia Routledge.

    Wouldn’t surprise me if she was Lesbian not that it matters but I thought Dame Patricia Routledge was going out with Pam St. Clement aka Pat Butcher or Moira Stewart. 

  8. Even if by some miracle he survives this and returns home shortly he is going to be weakened by this as after all he is 100, will be surprised if he makes it to his Birthday in April and amazed if he makes it into next year, just a matter of time. 


    Although i wish him well and hope he recovers, the coverage over Sir Tom Moore's exploits have gone well over the top, a Knighthood for essentially walking up and down your Garden with a walker and all the other accolades, he personally didn't donate a penny to the NHS it was the public who sent the money in. It did get to the stage when he was never off the TV, crazy really, their are people who have done a hell of a lot more for this country during the pandemic than Tom Moore did but don't get the recognition because they are not old and not a media darling like Tom Moore is. 

    • Like 2

  9. Pains me to say this as a Manchester United fan but Sir Alex Ferguson will of just turned 80 at the beginning of 2022, survived Brain aneurysm in 2018 and looks to have aged significantly to me recently, plus don’t see him seeing his mid to late 80’s. 2022 might be too early but do think he will go sometime in next 5 years, too big a name to miss. 

    • Like 1

  10. 26 minutes ago, Beachy Head said:

    I remember her doing Life Stories with Piers Morgan and basically saying she didn't care at all about her current husband.  Who was sitting in the audience and looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up.

    I remember that, didn’t he stalk her beforehand if true could explain it though why you would get together with someone like that is a mystery and very strange though I might be getting mixed up there with the stalking side of things. Goodyear didn’t come across well at all in that Interview came across as a bully and a throughly nasty piece of work. 

  11. Really sad news a true legend brilliant as Peggy in EastEnders and the carry on’s she certainly lived life to the full what with her associations with the Krays etc, I thought she would last a bit longer. RIP. 


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