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Posts posted by Fergie86

  1. 51 minutes ago, Putin said:

    Haven't posted it earlier, but a friend of my took suicide back in march at the age of 18 only. Was a big shock and really sad when I found out about it. 

    Sorry for your loss such a tragic loss of life, mental health is such a massive problem, always hard no matter what the age when someone takes there own life but always seems worse somehow when it is someone who should have there whole life in front of them and should be at the happiest time of there life. RIP you and your friend are in my thoughts.

    • Like 3

  2. 10 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

    Not famous for anyone except me, but my grandmother is turning 100 today. I’ve waited so long to finally say it ! 
    welcome to the 100 club mamie ! 

    Good on her, I hope she has had a great day and has many more birthdays to come. 

    • Thanks 1

  3. 30 minutes ago, roaming_comrade said:

    I think he'll rather make it to a 100 now than 5 months ago, since he lives together with the Queen again (which I think is preferable for him). Also he'll reach 100 just for the sake of reaching 100.

    I think he’s 100 years old in 400 days time, I think he will reach his 100th Birthday now. I thought at Christmas when he left Hospital on Christmas Eve he wouldn’t last long as he looked like they had dug him up but he is still here almost 5 months later and obviously still has some fight and grit in him. I think he probably has another 2 or 3 years in him. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, Spade_Cooley said:

    Honestly think Thorne should have the Eddie Large/Frank Bough "not that old, his illnesses aren't that terminal but Jesus Christ this man is a shambles health-wise" spot on next year's Deathlist.

    Can’t see him seeing 70 which is due to hit in 2024, the bloke seems to be a bit of a walking disaster zone what with his gambling history, suicide attempt years ago due to bankruptcy and his health issues. I would put him on next years list. 

    • Like 1

  5. I’m a recovering alcoholic and I Have been off the booze now for probably two years though must admit I cannot remember the exact date I stopped. I use to be a heavy drinker, drinking up to 70 pints of Lager a week or up to 5 or 6 litre bottles of cider a session before usually passing out drunk. I did this for the best part of 10 years.


    I wasn’t like most Alcoholics in the sense I spread my drinking out over the day I drank my alcohol over two or three hours trying to drink as much as possible before passing out drunk and almost dying from Alcohol poisoning on numerous occasions in fact how I didn’t is a miracle. I wasn’t a drinker who had to have a drink as soon as I got up like many drinkers as long as I got it in through out the day though saying that there was many days when the first thing I did was drink. I didn’t have really bad shakes without it but did sweat a lot, I could function to a point until I got my drink, I suppose I was more a binge drinker. I think if I had carried on it would of got to the stage were I was shaking and needing it first thing, maybe my age helped only early 30’s when stopped this time and I did have other periods of sobriety. I don’t really know but I do know I was getting worse and it was getting longer to recover than before.


    To be honest I was still a mess losing friends, jobs, ending up in hospital and been arrested for drunken and disorderly or stealing booze. It really is no way to live.

    In the end I think I just had enough. I can’t say I will never drink again because I probably will at some point but at the moment I have no desire to drink, I have stopped or tried to stop before and was successful for periods of time but never for as long as i have currently. Although generally I have no desire to drink there are occasions when I think it would be nice to have a couple but generally those thoughts don’t last long were as in the beginning it probably was the only thing on my mind 24/7. 

    life overall is better, quieter more relaxing, boring compared to my drinking days, does sometimes bother me I’m now getting old before my time as I generally don’t go out at all now and don’t have many friends. I do feel life is passing me by. It is hard at times looking at Facebook and seeing other people who I went to School with or whatever getting on with there jobs and going out etc and I don’t do it anymore. Life isn’t perfect but it is certainly better gone are the days of fear knowing I had done something stupid because of the booze but not remembering because I had a blackout and the guilt was terrible so I would drink again to forget it was a vicious circle.


    I do need to start going out more as I do feel I can go out without drinking were as in the beginning I couldn’t as temptation would of been too great. I’m generally happier even if it doesn’t sound like it but do need to get to next stage but it has been a long road and it takes time and at the moment CronaVirus and self isolation doesn’t help but it will pass eventually my goal is to start living a bit more again once it is all over.


    I could do with finding work again though that is difficult as I’m registered carer looking after Father who had a stroke 13 years ago and has dementia and my Grandma who is almost 93, though still fairly healthy for her age she still needs help and it can be hard. I probably need to look at something part time to begin with as full time would be impossible with commitments but will have to figure it out. 


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  6. 22 minutes ago, Deathrace said:

    What about Sir Geoff? I think he's currently in the best shape of them all. 

    I think he could have another 10 years in him was only joking about Jimmy Greaves and Nobby Stiles been the last survivors of the squad if I had to pick one it would be Sir Geoff he seems to be in the best shape of them all so no doubt he will drop dead tomorrow. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Arsewipe said:

    I think Bobby Charlton still has another 10 years in him.

    Don’t know about 10 years, wouldn’t be surprised if he has Parkinson’s though he might have 4 or 5 years in him.

  8. 1 hour ago, drol said:

    Well, Bonetti is gone, Hunter has COVID, Greavsie is in hospital and Nobby is the usual ethernal lingerer. The squad is rapidly vanishing...

    Really is, I think Norman Hunter will be gone soon and possibly Greavies dependant on what’s wrong with him this time. After Bonetti’s death today looked at the 1966 squad of the 22 players 10 are dead and 12 still alive so pretty much half are gone, dependant on the Virus could easily lose another 2 or 3 members this year, by say 2025 I reckon there will probably only be Sir Geoff left and maybe Nobby as he seems indestructible.

  9. 9 minutes ago, CoffinLodger said:

    So it has been confirmed that Dalgliesh is in hospital and he has corona. However it seems he was in hospital for another reason,not the corona  virus, so he might be OK.

    If he isn’t showing signs I think he will be to be honest, wonder what he was in hospital for originally that might be more of an indicator to his overall health.


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