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Posts posted by Weebl

  1. More news regarding John Wetton ...



    John Wetton today released a statement announcing he is withdrawing from Asia’s tour and from Cruise To The Edge both scheduled for later this year in order to undergo more treatment for his cancer.


    I am disappointed to announce that, on the advice of my medical team, I have to withdraw from Cruise to the Edge, and from the first leg of the Journey tour, March 15 – April 4.
I will soon be starting a new medical chemotherapy procedure, under which I will not be able to fly.

    I am grateful to the promoters of the cruise. I wish them pleasant sailing and I know my friends on the cruise, both artists and fans, will have a ball on the ocean wave, I will be with you all in spirit.

    My good friend Billy Sherwood will fill in for me within Asia, keeping my seat warm during the initial 12 Journey dates. While I am naturally disappointed to miss the beginning of what I know will be an historic ASIA tour, I am intending to return to the stage with Asia later in 2017, dates soon to be announced. I know this decision will be in the best interests of my health and our fans, in the long run.

    John Wetton



    January 11th. 2017




    Not at all surprising. I'd have been more surprised if he could have done the tour at all given how ill he is.


    The last time Billy Sherwood filled in for someone on tour, that someone - Chris Squire - was dead within a short while from cancer.


    If we lose Wetton this year, which I think is likely, then prog rock will have lost three of its best bassists - Squire, Lake and Wetton - within the space of less than three years. And of course King Crimson, who are preparing to embark on a tour of the USA in 2017, will have lost their two most important vocalists in their classic original period.


    That being said, Wetton still seems optimistic. He seems to think he'll be able to tour again later in the year - possibly in the UK if he's not able to fly. But I'll believe that when I see it...


    Sometimes, being optimistic can be a very positive thing, like clinging on to the last bit of hope that things will improve. But far too often, and I say this as a pessimist by personality, being optimistic is just not being realistic.

    • Like 1

  2. Soares and Hollingworth were easy and obvious picks and should have been on the list. Both - particularly the latter - were definitely undoubtably famous enough and received UK obits.


    It was like when Sir Nicholas Winton was left off, that was a really bad and glaringly obvious miss, too.

    • Like 2

  3. There's three episodes of Wallace and Gromit, featuring the voice of Sallis, on the iPlayer right now. Worth a look. I hadn't seen them in years, and was impressed by how clever they were. One of those rare TV series that could appeal to children and adults alike.


    If you're soft hearted, the episode "The Wrong Trousers" might even make you cry (not that I'm owning up to nothing here, like!) during the moment when Gromit decides to leave home after Wallace allows a lodger to move in. That is one evil penguin!

    • Like 3

  4. I'm going to do the unthinkable - amend my list for 2017. Since no one's died yet, I'll be alright if I change my list to this:

    1. Zhou Youguang
    2. Michael of Romania
    3. Peter Sallis
    4. Kirk Douglas
    5. Billy Graham

    6. Herman Wouk
    7. Clare Hollingworth
    8. Leah Bracknell
    9. Jacque Fresco
    10. Olivia de Haviland

    11. Vera Lynn
    12. Raymond Smullyan
    13. Prince Philip
    14. Peter Carrington
    15. I. M. Pei

    16. Javier Perez de Cuellar
    17. Bernard Lewis
    18. Jake Lamotta
    19. Mario Soares
    20. David Rockefeller

    21. Pierre Cardin
    22. Stan Lee
    23. Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
    24. Beverly Cleary
    25. Denis Norden

    26. Jimmy Carter
    27. George Bush Sr.
    28. Fats Domino
    29. Chuck Berry
    30. Hosni Mubarak

    31. Glen Campbell
    32. Robert Mugabe
    33. Doris Day
    34. Dick Van Dyke
    35. Timothy Dudley-Smith

    36. Bruce Forsyth
    37. Lyndon LaRouche
    38. Henry Kissinger
    39. Hugh Hefner
    40. Benedict XVI

    41. Desmond Tutu
    42. Gudrun Ure
    43. Ian Brady
    44. David Attenborough
    45. Nicholas Parsons

    46. Desmond Morris
    47. Errol Christie
    48. Ian St John
    49. Rolf Harris
    50. John Wetton

    I had to sacrifice some good picks to make room for people who I thought were even better picks!


    Removed: Charles Aznavour, Tony Bennett, Gaston Glock, Sidney Poitier, Jacques Delors, Norman Tebbit, Josef Fritzl
    Added: Bernard Lewis, Jean Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Beverly Cleary, Denis Norden, Lyndon LaRouche, Errol Christie, Ian St John

    Hope it pays off...

  5. I'm going to do the unthinkable - amend my list for 2017. Since no one's died yet, I'll be alright if I change my list to this:

    1. Zhou Youguang
    2. Michael of Romania
    3. Peter Sallis
    4. Kirk Douglas
    5. Billy Graham

    6. Herman Wouk
    7. Clare Hollingworth
    8. Leah Bracknell
    9. Jacque Fresco
    10. Olivia de Haviland

    11. Vera Lynn
    12. Raymond Smullyan
    13. Prince Philip
    14. Peter Carrington
    15. I. M. Pei

    16. Javier Perez de Cuellar
    17. Bernard Lewis
    18. Jake Lamotta
    19. Mario Soares
    20. David Rockefeller

    21. Pierre Cardin
    22. Stan Lee
    23. Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
    24. Beverly Cleary
    25. Denis Norden

    26. Jimmy Carter
    27. George Bush Sr.
    28. Fats Domino
    29. Chuck Berry
    30. Hosni Mubarak

    31. Glen Campbell
    32. Robert Mugabe
    33. Doris Day
    34. Dick Van Dyke
    35. Timothy Dudley-Smith

    36. Bruce Forsyth
    37. Lyndon LaRouche
    38. Henry Kissinger
    39. Hugh Hefner
    40. Benedict XVI

    41. Desmond Tutu
    42. Gudrun Ure
    43. Ian Brady
    44. David Attenborough
    45. Nicholas Parsons

    46. Desmond Morris
    47. Errol Christie
    48. Ian St John
    49. Rolf Harris
    50. John Wetton

    I had to sacrifice some good picks to make room for people who I thought were even better picks!


    Removed: Charles Aznavour, Tony Bennett, Gaston Glock, Sidney Poitier, Jacques Delors, Norman Tebbit, Josef Fritzl
    Added: Bernard Lewis, Jean Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Beverly Cleary, Denis Norden, Lyndon LaRouche, Errol Christie, Ian St John

    Hope it pays off...

  6. Overall it's a pretty solid list, I'd be surprised if the tally wasn't at least in the high teens...I just can't help but think Queenie Liz has got years left in her though


    High teens? I thought young people were all about iPads and smartphones these days and didn't need drugs to amuse them.

  7. I think Mary Wilson widow of British Prime minister Harold Wilson could prove to be a bit of an unnecessary miss.


    Do people qualify for being on the list simply for being related to someone famous?


    Some people were talking of including Roberta McCain, who at 104 is famous for being, what, the mother of a US presidential candidate? Mary Wilson is a similar case. Are they really famous in their own right to qualify for the list? Both have Wikipedia articles and McCain did some some help with campaigning and Wilson is a poet but there is nothing major that makes them stand out as particularly notable other than who they are related to.


    If you could include them, why not include John Wetton's 101-year-old mother on the list? Where do you draw the line?


    I suppose it's possible to contrast cases like that with relations who are obviously notable, like US First Ladies, who are always clearly deathlistable.

  8. I may only have joined this forum officially in 2015, but actually I have been looking at this site on-off since late 2006, and I was a member on this board in 2007. That's ten years ago don't you know!


    Anyway, regarding Wetton...


    I heard an album by the project Blue Rose Code today, and was stunned to learn that the main man behind that project is a friend of Wetton and he plays on the album. Even if you compare pics of Wetton from earlier last year, he looks relatively healthy back then.


    Wetton, May 2016:




    Wetton and his wife, Nov 2016:




    Wetton and his wife, Dec 2016:




    The decline in his physical health is visible. Although he may plan to play some gigs in 2017, he is clearly quite seriously ill and will struggle to survive the year IMHO. Definitely should have been picked for the 2017 list.



    One of my musical heroes, John Wetton lead singer of Asia / King Crimson /UK etc , ex-Roxy Music bassist has been fighting cancer throughout 2016. He married his girlfriend in November and Asia have an USA tour scheduled with Journey.

    However his recent Christmas photo on twitter and November wedding photo on twitter suggests it may be a short tour. He should sadly definately be on the list for 2017

    I couldn't believe it when they announced an Asia tour. How will he be well enough to travel, stand up on stage and sing and play bass?


    Maybe he's not as ill as he makes out, but he certainly looks it. I'd be pretty surprised to see Wetton make 2018 at this stage - would give him a less than 50% chance of being alive at the start of 2018.

    Bonus points for not making it out because he is on teams such as David Quantick Showbiz Pals and The Living End.



    Whose teams are those? Don't fully understand all these teams, deadpools, etc. I prefer to keep things simple!


    I heard an album by the project Blue Rose Code today, and was stunned to learn that the main man behind that project is a friend of Wetton and he plays on the album. Even if you compare pics of Wetton from earlier last year, he looks relatively healthy back then.


    Wetton, May 2016:




    Wetton and his wife, Nov 2016:




    Wetton and his wife, Dec 2016:



  10. One of my musical heroes, John Wetton lead singer of Asia / King Crimson /UK etc , ex-Roxy Music bassist has been fighting cancer throughout 2016. He married his girlfriend in November and Asia have an USA tour scheduled with Journey.

    However his recent Christmas photo on twitter and November wedding photo on twitter suggests it may be a short tour. He should sadly definately be on the list for 2017


    I couldn't believe it when they announced an Asia tour. How will he be well enough to travel, stand up on stage and sing and play bass?


    Maybe he's not as ill as he makes out, but he certainly looks it. I'd be pretty surprised to see Wetton make 2018 at this stage - would give him a less than 50% chance of being alive at the start of 2018.

  11. Initial thoughts:


    • Kirk Douglas: A decent shot on age.
    • Vera Lynn: Reportedly in frail health and unable to attend things now. A solid pick.
    • Rev Billy Graham: Will probably survive the list, but have another few “Please pray for” moments.
    • Lord Carrington: Think he’ll see 100 but I thought that about Healey.
    • Peter Sallis: I thought he was a goner in 2016, I certainly do in 2017. One year I might be right...
    • Prince Philip: Undroppable.
    • Denis Norden: Seems in good enough nick for his age.
    • Pierre Cardin: Ah, he’s back.
    • Stan Lee: Seems in good enough nick for his age.
    • Olivia de Havilland: Seems in good enough nick for her advanced age.
    • Herman Wouk: Quite old.
    • Tony Booth: Falling to pieces, if he makes 2018, give him a medal.
    • Bob Dole: Survived the Republican nomination thing.
    • Leah Bracknell: Stage IV cancer and reliant on shamans. Fucked.
    • Jimmy Carter: Seems in good nick, but at the upper limits of Presidential longevity.
    • Gord Downie: terminal glioblastoma. A cert.
    • Leslie Phillips – Not only quiet since those strokes, but pics of him in the Mail were hideous last year. On the road out.
    • Robert Mugabe – will see 2018, in my book.
    • Javier Perez de Cuellar – zzzzzzzz
    • Jake Lamotta – Not sure how he made his 96th year.
    • King Michael – leukaemia in a 95 year old is probably trouble.
    • Betty White – in fine health for her age, best I know.
    • Nobby Stiles – Said to be “gravely ill”.
    • Queen Elizabeth II – Should be undroppable from now on.
    • Jill Gascoine – Husband said she was in the final stages of dementia. Difficult to judge these things in time.
    • Bob Barker – Seems OK for his age?
    • Doug Ellis – Quite old.
    • George Bush Sr – Somewhat frailer than Carter, but still going strong. Would be a bad miss, though.
    • Honor Blackman – Really awful health for a long time, so I am led to believe, but seemed highly perked up in her recent TV appearances. Getting better, or her previous was exaggerated – who knows?
    • Ian St John – bladder cancer spreading after surgery. Fecked.
    • Hugh Hefner – Old.
    • David Prowse – Ill, but not quite as badly as was made out to believe. Apparently he still tweets.
    • Jerry Lewis – Oh, he’s back.
    • David Rockefeller – Very old.
    • Sandy Gall – I think this is an attempt to out-jinx the Deathlist jinx, by keeping on someone who would usually be dropped and then die.
    • Pope Benedict XVI – Said to be in very frail health.
    • Bruce Forsyth – Probably a banker, imo.
    • Fats Domino – Still no idea how he’s outlived most of his contemporaries. His healthier contemporaries.
    • Hosni Mubarak – Dont trust him, but he’s getting old.
    • Desmond Tutu – Too big to miss, imo, and accumulating old age health issues.
    • Akihito – General view? If the Japanese government committee are suggesting he can abdicate, in Japan, then he’s fucked.
    • Gay Byrne – Think he was being over dramatic tbh.
    • Glen Campbell – A must for 2017, surely.
    • Liz Dawn – First time on the Deathlist, despite many years of folk asking for her. The Ali gambit once more?
    • John Noakes – Said to be very poorly with dementia when he disappeared in Summer 2015. He was found, and survived 2016, but it suggests 2017 might be a tough one for him.
    • Valerie Harper – Well she is still terminal, just how slowly terminal?
    • Joost van der Westhuizen – Frail at Christmas, lasted 6 years with ALS now.
    • Mary Tyler Moore – Her again!
    • Errol Christie – “Year to live” sometime pre-May 2016. A cert.
    • Ian Brady – Says he is terminally ill. I say he’s a scumbag liar, but a hit here would be lovely.


    I'm thinking 15/50, conservatively, and a record breaking year.


    Good analysis. I also think this year has got the best chance possible of breaking the record.

  12. Really strong list though the exclusion of John Wetton when he looks like Sam Simon/Barry Gibb in their last few months and meets the fame requirement is a head scratcher like Marks last year.


    He'll probably die this year without having ever made the list - a crying shame.

  13. My thoughts on the 2017 list?


    As others have been saying, it's a good, solid list - not least because of significant overlap in choices with my own personal list! Much, much better than last year's list. The crap picks have been kept to a minimum, and 90% of them are fairly solid picks.


    I'd agree with others who say that this year has the best chance of any in recent years to break the record of 14 deaths. So many good picks on there. Tired now as back from a crap party, too tired to go into any great detail of analysis. But overall I get the impression that this list has been thought about more carefully than last year's, which had many poor choices on it.


    Any bad choices? I don't think the Queen will go in 2017, despite some minor ailments recently. Emperor Akihito, Gay Byrne, David Prowse and Liz Dawn are new picks with known health issues but could quite easily go either way.


    Disappointed about the non-inclusion of John Wetton, Zhou Youguang, Clare Hollingworth, I. M. Pei, Mario Soares, and others.


    His Wikipedia biography says that in 2014 following cancer his bladder was removed. Now I'm not even sure that I want to know this, but how exactly does a person without a bladder go for a piss or hold urine?




    Your guess is as good as mine.


    Is there any other health info on St John other than what's said in his Wikipedia biography?

  15. His Wikipedia biography says that in 2014 following cancer his bladder was removed. Now I'm not even sure that I want to know this, but how exactly does a person without a bladder go for a piss or hold urine?

    • Like 1

  16. We should watch out for John Goodman if we are thinking about likely hood of a heart attack.


    Not as fat as he used to be. You could equally say Robbie Coltrane, Brian Blessed, anyone else who's larger than life.

  17. Would be shocked if he died in 2017 but I think he may well not make life expectancy.Worth keeping an eye on.It is difficult to know how much he actually drinks and smokes as they seem to be a gimmick.I am sure it is a lot but difficult to quantify.The plane crash damaged his back which could eventually lead to immobility.I can see him living to 70 odd though.


    Yeah - you do wonder whether the "hard living lifestyles" of certain people (like, say, Keith Richards as a good example, or Lemmy as another) have been exaggerated in the media. The same could quite easily apply to Farage with his love of a fag and a pint!


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