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Posts posted by Weebl

  1. As I write this, we are now in the closing hours of 2016, and what a year it's been - the news has dominated by celebrity deaths, terrorism, and of course the election of Donald Trump and the Brexit vote and the as yet unknown consequences of these political developments. The most significant thing to happen in the UK in the year 2016 was of course the vote to leave the European Union, and without Nigel Farage and UKIP, it is highly unlikely that the whole Brexit thing would ever have happened in the first place, as Cameron gave in to pressure to allow a referendum.


    Now whatever your opinions on Farage, although the man may only be 52 years old, he is well worth watching from a Deathlist perspective. Reasons include:


    He survived testicular cancer in 1986 at the age of 24. As a result, he only has one testicle.

    He survived a plane crash in 2010. Of course he lived, but this can't have done his body much good. He also survived a car crash in 1985.

    The man is a heavy smoker and drinks daily. This can't be good for his health at all.

    Although he has now retired as leader of UKIP, he had a high profile and high stress political job for many years. Being a controversial politician who is despised by many is likely to have increased his stress levels.

    He has previously said that he has got the body of a 70 year old due to the plane crash, the stress of his job, and drinking and smoking, and being a cancer survivor.

    Particularly after the Brexit vote, he can't go out in public without a bodyguard due to the very real risk of being physically assaulted or even assassinated - hell, if it could happen to someone as innocuous as Jo Cox, surely a more controversial and influential figure like Farage is a much more of a target?


    Do I think Farage is likely to die next year? No, I do not. Do I think he may well die within the next 10-15 years? It really isn't that unlikely at all.


    I welcome your thoughts...

    • Like 1




    my list -

    1 - Petula Clark - singist

    2 - Cliff Richard - poser

    3 - George Bush - american

    4 - president Sadat - Syrian

    5 - Hilary Clinton - another american

    6 - the king of Tonga

    7 - the king of Thailand

    8 - Goodluck Jonathan - a Nigerian

    9 - Barbara Windsor - a actress

    10 - Paul Mcartney - an ex Liverpudlian

    11 - Roald Dhal - a B-rate writer

    12 - DUKE OF wINDSOR

    13 - Neil Kinnock - ex left winger

    14 - George Michael



    Utter brilliance. I await the next 14 with baited breath.




    He actually got George Michael right!



    He got King Bumboil of Thailand as well :)



    He sure did, but of those two, that was by far the easier one to predict.

  3. With 18/50 dead on my list for 2016, and disregarding everything I've said earlier, this is my final version of my own personal list for 2017:

    1. Zhou Youguang
    2. Michael of Romania
    3. Peter Sallis
    4. Kirk Douglas
    5. Billy Graham

    6. Herman Wouk
    7. Clare Hollingworth
    8. Leah Bracknell
    9. Jacque Fresco
    10. Olivia de Haviland

    11. Vera Lynn
    12. Raymond Smullyan
    13. Prince Philip
    14. Peter Carrington
    15. I. M. Pei

    16. Javier Perez de Cuellar
    17. Fats Domino
    18. Jake Lamotta
    19. Mario Soares
    20. David Rockefeller

    21. Pierre Cardin
    22. Stan Lee
    23. George Bush Sr.
    24. Jimmy Carter
    25. Robert Mugabe

    26. Chuck Berry
    27. Hosni Mubarak
    28. Ian Brady
    29. Henry Kissinger
    30. Nicholas Parsons

    31. Glen Campbell
    32. Timothy Dudley-Smith
    33. Doris Day
    34. Dick Van Dyke
    35. Gudrun Ure

    36. Bruce Forsyth
    37. Charles Aznavour
    38. Tony Bennett
    39. Hugh Hefner
    40. Benedict XVI

    41. Desmond Tutu
    42. Gaston Glock
    43. Sidney Poitier
    44. David Attenborough
    45. Jacques Delors

    46. Desmond Morris
    47. Norman Tebbit
    48. John Wetton
    49. Rolf Harris
    50. Josef Fritzl

    This version will be going in my signature. Good luck to everyone!

  4. With 18/50 dead on my list for 2016, and disregarding everything I've said earlier, this is my final version of my own personal list for 2017:

    1. Zhou Youguang
    2. Michael of Romania
    3. Peter Sallis
    4. Kirk Douglas
    5. Billy Graham

    6. Herman Wouk
    7. Clare Hollingworth
    8. Leah Bracknell
    9. Jacque Fresco
    10. Olivia de Haviland

    11. Vera Lynn
    12. Raymond Smullyan
    13. Prince Philip
    14. Peter Carrington
    15. I. M. Pei

    16. Javier Perez de Cuellar
    17. Fats Domino
    18. Jake Lamotta
    19. Mario Soares
    20. David Rockefeller

    21. Pierre Cardin
    22. Stan Lee
    23. George Bush Sr.
    24. Jimmy Carter
    25. Robert Mugabe

    26. Chuck Berry
    27. Hosni Mubarak
    28. Ian Brady
    29. Henry Kissinger
    30. Nicholas Parsons

    31. Glen Campbell
    32. Timothy Dudley-Smith
    33. Doris Day
    34. Dick Van Dyke
    35. Gudrun Ure

    36. Bruce Forsyth
    37. Charles Aznavour
    38. Tony Bennett
    39. Hugh Hefner
    40. Benedict XVI

    41. Desmond Tutu
    42. Gaston Glock
    43. Sidney Poitier
    44. David Attenborough
    45. Jacques Delors

    46. Desmond Morris
    47. Norman Tebbit
    48. John Wetton
    49. Rolf Harris
    50. Josef Fritzl

    This version will be going in my signature. Good luck to everyone!

    • Like 1


    my list -

    1 - Petula Clark - singist

    2 - Cliff Richard - poser

    3 - George Bush - american

    4 - president Sadat - Syrian

    5 - Hilary Clinton - another american

    6 - the king of Tonga

    7 - the king of Thailand

    8 - Goodluck Jonathan - a Nigerian

    9 - Barbara Windsor - a actress

    10 - Paul Mcartney - an ex Liverpudlian

    11 - Roald Dhal - a B-rate writer

    12 - DUKE OF wINDSOR

    13 - Neil Kinnock - ex left winger

    14 - George Michael



    Utter brilliance. I await the next 14 with baited breath.




    He actually got George Michael right!



    The Committee are amateurs.

    I guarantee both 6 hits in 6 weeks as well as more hits than DL or I won't post 2017.

    While I posted my list with actual SICK people they'll be running out hackneyed popular names.


    Feb 10 scorecard:


    SirCreep 5

    Amateur Committee 1

    Well ya did stuff your team with a bunch of nobodies. The Deathlist wouldn't add people like Hooker or Feek.



    They had Ruby Muhammad in 2007...

  7. I got 13/50. Was ahead by 3 but Liz Smith and Richard Adams reduced the deficit to 1.


    That's not bad - this past week has been quite shockingly fast with the deaths of Rick Parfitt, George Michael and Carrie Fisher making the deaths of poor old 90-somethings Liz Smith and Richard Adams look like non-events in comparison...

  8. My current 50




    Olivia De Havilland

    Billy Graham

    Herman Wouk

    Javier Perez De Cueller

    Kirk Douglas

    Peter Sallis

    Duke Of Edinburgh

    Lord Carrington

    Clive James

    Joost Van Der Westhuizen

    Prunella Scales

    Jimmy Carter

    George Bush sr

    Vera Lynn

    Leslie Phillips

    Fats Domino

    Desmond Tutu

    Glen Campbell

    Jake Lamotta

    Denis Norden

    Jimmy Greaves

    Jacques Chirac

    Paul Gascoigne

    John Noakes

    Bruce Forsyth




    Valerie Harper

    Jerry Lewis




    Tony Booth

    Leah Bracknell

    John Wetton

    King Michael Of Romania

    Jet Black

    Pete Murray

    Nobby Stiles

    Ray Wilson (footballer)

    Colin Meads

    Martin Peters

    Jimmy Snuka

    Sheila Mercier

    David Rockefeller

    Gregg Allman

    Gord Downie

    Desmond Carrington

    Claire Hollingworth

    Monica Vitti

    Jill Gascoine

    Norman Lloyd

    Gerd Muller

    Debbie Reynolds

    Peter Skellern



    Pretty solid list you got there, will have significant overlap with my own personal 2017 list for sure.


  9. So how did we all do?


    With 3 days left of 2016, I scored 18/50. The only hit the committee got that I didn't get was Liz Smith. Admittedly, a few of my picks were possibly not UK obitable, but they definitely died.


    Although it's pretty amazing given people like George Michael and Carrie Fisher have been dying, yet apparently the likes of Peter Sallis and Billy Graham will last the year. Anyway...


    We should use this thread to post our own personal list of picks for 2017 starting January 1st (not before)!


    Deathlist is a great place to discuss culture - after all, famous people who die are people who were famous for a reason in that they contributed something to the world

    I think this one just squeezes into the 2016 awards category which is the ' No shit Sherlock' award.



    Well I don't know - some people might come on here and assume this is some kind of "sick site about wanting people to die". It's not. There's a big difference between wanting people to die and wanting to predict death correctly



    In no particular order I see the following going in 2017 (maybe one in 2016, though time is a ticking): Kirk Douglas, Della Reese, Charlie Sheen, Colin Firth, Olivia de Havilland, Billy Graham, Herman Wouk, Bob Dole, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, Barbara Bush, Fats Domino, Desmond Tutu, Glenn Campbell, Steven Hawking, Jake Lamotta, King Michael of Romania, Greg Allman, Chas Bono, Rodney Alcala (Serial Killer), Carrie Fisher, Shannon Doherty, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jerry Lewis, Ozzie Osbourne and Robert Mugabe,


    Colin Firth? Seriously, why?




    Because he looks like crap and has lost a lot of weight. He looks like death warmed over. There is something wrong healthwise. Noticed it also in his last Jones movie as well. Now he looks even worse. Saw a picture of him just recently. Not good.


    Really? I wasn't aware of that.


    Still don't think he's likely to die soon though.

  12. In no particular order I see the following going in 2017 (maybe one in 2016, though time is a ticking): Kirk Douglas, Della Reese, Charlie Sheen, Colin Firth, Olivia de Havilland, Billy Graham, Herman Wouk, Bob Dole, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, Barbara Bush, Fats Domino, Desmond Tutu, Glenn Campbell, Steven Hawking, Jake Lamotta, King Michael of Romania, Greg Allman, Chas Bono, Rodney Alcala (Serial Killer), Carrie Fisher, Shannon Doherty, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jerry Lewis, Ozzie Osbourne and Robert Mugabe,


    Colin Firth? Seriously, why?


    I would like to see more musicians on Deathlist next year, so here's my list of people who might not make 2018

    Ginger Baker

    John Wetton

    Willie Nelson (first three are from Creep)

    Brian Wilson

    Chuck Berry

    Little Richard

    Outside bets but still possible

    Keith Richards

    Bob Dylan

    Gregg Allman

    Jimmy Page

    Shane McGowan


    I know. Don't trust druggies (look at Gasciogne) but some of these must be on their last legs.


    Wetton may plan to tour in 2017, but he is definitely not out of the red. Would not be at all surprised if the cancer finished him off later in 2017.


    Is Ginger Baker ill, or just old?

  13. Well, 2016 has taken the great and the good. Maybe 2017 will take the bad, the very bad and the downright nasty. Brady, Peter Tobin, Norman Tebbit....


    Josef Fritzl, Thomas Mair, Anders Breivik, Ian Watkins, Ian Huntley, Rolf Harris, Dennis Nilsen...


    And what did Norman Tebbit do that was so bad? Did he do anything worse than what the IRA did in the 80s?


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