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Posts posted by Weebl

  1. I think the point is, there are so so many good picks and it's so easy to miss even good picks. I'll probably forget about people like Jacques Delors and Gaston Glock and Ross Perot who are all Deathlist-able types when making my list.


    I think it's important to concentrate on the good picks: the obviously ill, the obviously old and frail, and drop the picks that are not that good (Lester Piggott type picks).


    Anyway, that's enough Deathlist forum for me for today folks!


    Oh and one last thought for the day: would King Michael of Romania, being a pretender to the throne of his country but an actual head of state during World War II, get a UK obit?


    Just read that full list again of the 70 prisoners serving whole life sentences...


    What a bunch of sick bastards. Britain may be a soft touch but at least we still have the balls to lock up scum like that for life and keep the public safe from them


    If you read it a bit more carefully, about a third of those scum were jailed for "life", released on licence and then murdered some more people. I don't think "we" have enough balls.



    Very well observed

  3. Death Slam Form Guide #17


    Justin Beiber:



    This is the devil. His annoying voice with the generic and bland music makes him both one of the most beloved and hated artists of all time (hope everyone goes with the latter). Having been through a lot of controversy, will a drug overdose on Christmas Day end his purpose in life to torment us?


    You don't seriously think Justin Bieber is serious Deathlist material, do you?

    • Like 3

  4. Death Slam Form Guide #16


    Clare Hollingworth




    One of the first high profile female British journalists.Worked for the telegraph in 1939 and was the first journalist to break the news of WW2.Her career carried on across the cold war and she reported from nearly every country in the world.Currently lives in Hong Kong after moving thinking China would be the next big superpower.Now 105 completely blind suffering from dementia and has suffered several heart attacks and strokes.Is a tough old bird who can still walk with assistance and travel to a nearby restaurant for champagne.


    Wow, she's quite something!


    Not saying I would like :ph34r:


  5. Death Slam Guide #6


    Zsa Zsa effing Gabor!





    Multiple marriage specialist and long-standing toppler tease who's rapidly running out of extremities to stand anything on. There are those who claim her to be immortal and more pragmatic types who'd argue we should pay out the points the second the selected amputations around her body tip 51% of what she used to have.


    Then again, she might die in December!


    Scary looking - looks like she's had plastic surgery done to her face so it kinda looks younger but the rest of her looks as old as she actually is


  6. Death Slam Form Guide #11


    John Wetton:




    Prog rocker who collaborated with bands such as Yes, Roxy Music and Genesis. However, his most famous stints are his time as lead singer of King Crimson before Robert Fripp disbanded the band for a while, and as the front man for Asia, a band that is still around to this day.


    Recently, he has gotten a ton of health issues, ranging from metastatic cancer, heart problems, and most recently, septic shock. Only time will time if he'll get the Christmas gift of death.


    If he gets picked for the main DeathList and does indeed pass away in 2017, the title headline should be "The Smile Has Left His Eyes" referring to the Asia song "The Smile Has Left Your Eyes".


    Also, I'm presuming you meant to write "only time will tell" instead of "only time will time"? Because "Only Time Will Tell" is also a song by Asia, from their debut album.

  7. Just read that full list again of the 70 prisoners serving whole life sentences...


    What a bunch of sick bastards. Britain may be a soft touch but at least we still have the balls to lock up scum like that for life and keep the public safe from them


    Decided to update my thoughts on the remaining candidates, and then choose my 25 if I was a member of the comittee

    Zsa Zsa Gabor: She'll make it to 100, but I think 2017 might finally be her year

    Olivia De Haviland: No way. I could easily see her as the next Zhou Yougang (age wise of course). She'll get picked anyways

    Billy Graham: He can be tricky, but he might die in 2017

    Herman Wouk: Centenarians are tricky to tell. He doesn't have any health concerns as far as I could tell

    Javier Perez De Cuellar: I hate this pick. I'd like him off, but nevertheless, he'll get picked every year despite no health updates what so ever.

    Richard Adams: I see 2 or 3 years left in him, but he isn't a bad pick.

    Kirk Douglas: If I trust my instincts, he will go either in late December 2016 or early January 2017. My instincts were correct on Castro when I got my genereation game team after all.

    Liz Smith: Isn't going anytime soon.

    Mary Tyler Moore: I know many will disagree, but I feel she was only put on there to please forum users. If she was really that ill, wouldn't she have a health update once every two months or so?

    Peter Sallis: I see him going in 2017. He's really frail.

    Prince Phillip: Too big of a name to miss

    James Randi: I don't think he's that ill

    Lord Carrington: Old. A lot lie Wouk except he isn't a centenarian.

    Clive James: Cancer won't kill him.

    Bob Dole: He's frail, but he'll make 2018

    Joost van Der Westhuzien: Great pick. May not be the most well known, but he's certainly famous enough to get coverage from the BBC, and ALS is getting near the end.

    Prunella Scales: I'm not sure when she'll go.

    Jimmy Carter: Yes, he's in great health now, but his cancer could easily return. Plus, at his age, he could have a stroke

    Henry Kissinger: He's fine. He'll make it to 2018

    Tommy Chong: Wasted pick. His cancer isn't even that bad.

    Doug Ellis: Literally just an old dude.

    George Bush Sr: Like Sallis, I think frail Bush will be leaving in 2017

    Vera Lynn: Alledgedly frail.

    Leslie Phillips: Frail, and he sounds miserable in his interviews

    Sandy Gall: Certainly an intresting pick, but I don't think he's dying soon

    Fats Domino: He'll be that one guy that deathlist drops, and then he drops as well

    Robert M Pirsig: Despite being frail, there are better picks than him to make deathlist

    Desmond Tutu: Constant hospitalizations and saying he want to have the right to die.

    Lester Piggott: Why is he on here? He is literally the worst pick on here

    Glen Campbell: Hopes he survives till 2017. Then, the glory will come.

    Stan Lee: Despite being old and absolutely not frail, I wondder if he is a name too big to miss

    Jake Lamotta: Outlived almost every boxer. How isn't he dead yet

    Denis Norden: Not sure on his health, but I think he's one of those picks with only one way out.

    Murray Walker: Cancer won't kill him

    Jimmy Greaves: Cancer is starting to get worse

    Gordon Banks: Cancer won't kill him

    Jacques Chirac: Haven't heard anything about his health since his hospitilization

    Stephen Hawking: Outlived literally every ALS case. He has a little longer to live

    Paul Gascoigne: I don't like drug addicts on here. They are way too risky, and he might make it to 90 if he continues to make deathlist appearances. Plus, they block other terminal health cases

    John Noakes: Alzhiemers will kill him, probably next year

    Bruce Forsyth: I'm not entirely sure he'll make the starting line.

    So here's my 25 who should be on deathlist next year if they make the starting line

    1. Zsa Zsa Gabor

    2. Olivia de Haviland

    3. Billy Graham

    4. Richard Adams

    5. Kirk Douglas

    6. Peter Sallis

    7. Prince Philip

    8. Lord Carrington

    9. Bob Dole

    10 Joost van der Westhuizen

    11. Prunella Scales

    12. Jimmy Carter

    13. George Bush Sr

    14. Vera Lynn

    15. Leslie Philips

    16. Fats Domino

    17. Desmond Tutu

    18. Glen Campbell

    19. Stan Lee (I think he's too big to miss)

    20. Jake Lamotta

    21. Denis Norden

    22. Jimmy Greaves

    23. Jacques Chirac

    24. John Noakes

    25. Bruce Forsyth

    Tough, especially with Castro gone. I wonder what you guys think of my opinion on these people, and then, because I know some people will disagree, stae your opinion on these.



    That is a pretty sound analysis. Can't fault you for any of those picks at all.


    Question is, if that's your 25 from the 2016 list, who would you choose as your other 25?

  9. Never mind Rolf, its his wife that should be on the radar....


    PS, is Mrs fritzl still kicking?


    No idea if Fritzl's wife is still about, would assume she would be.


    Was like the time I asked if the Edgar Griffin (b. 1921) father of Nick Griffin (from the British National Party, not to be confused with Peter Griffin from Family Guy) was still alive. He was as of 2009 but that was a long time ago.

    • Like 1

  10. Question: Is Raul Castro famous enough for deathlist?


    Of course he is. Actually, many people less famous than him are still very much deathlist-worthy.


    I think someone said it before that Fidel Castro really had a lot in common with Jimmy Saville in terms of his fashion style - both were old men who wore tracksuits and smoked cigars...

    • Like 1


    Biggest death of 2016 debate settled then.


    Also, first Thanks 2016 of the year. Whilst he had some good policies, his human rights abuses were inexcusable.

    International level? Sure. Personal level? I still think Bowie.



    Bowie, Muhammad Ali and Castro have got to be the three biggest contenders for this year's most iconic death in a year of many celebrity deaths

    • Like 1

  12. Biggest death of 2016 debate settled then.


    Also, first Thanks 2016 of the year. Whilst he had some good policies, his human rights abuses were inexcusable.


    There have been lots of big name deaths in 2016...


    Is Castro really the biggest name out of the lot? For a certain amount of time in history especially during the Cold War, Castro was a highly significant figure and particularly in the 1960s, but Cuba is a small nation and there have been many other contenders this year.

  13. Glad to see others are rooting for John Wetton - honestly I'm amazed he's made it this long already with metastatic cancer, recent bouts of sepsis, a history of heart disease, diabetes and alcoholism.


    Let's put it this way: if Wetton is still alive on January 1st, 2018 I will be shocked.


    In fact, I am so convinced that Wetton is on the way out, I would put him up there in the top 5 with Zsa Zsa et al.


    Apart from him though...


    AA Gill - the "full English of cancer" - sounds like a dead cert

    Leah Bracknell - terminal lung cancer - obviously a very good pick


    There are countless other names - but it's a question of picking the good ones.


    Hopefully the Committee will pick names like Wetton, Gill and Bracknell who are obviously seriously ill and highly likely to die as well as the old and frail like Peter Sallis, and all the other ones we already know about, and those that we don't.


    The Deathlist this year was poor - in a year of many celebrity deaths - because the Committee didn't go for the obviously ill and the obviously old and frail - they went for a lot of names who were in their late 70s and early 80s and not really in such a poor state of health to be prime Deathlist material.


    There have been some really bad misses in recent years. For example:


    2016 - Howard Marks

    2015 - Sir Nicholas Winton

    2014 - Ariel Sharon


    Hopefully the Committee will learn to avoid missing obvious picks like these...


    If you read his Wikipedia biography all he does is slag off different peoples and places like the Welsh and the Manx people and generally get himself into trouble by being politically incorrect and pissing people off.


    Personally I think he'd be a good pick for 2017 - hope that the committee doesn't do a Howard Marks again and makes the sensible choice. That soap actress whose name I keep forgetting who has lung cancer, AA Gill and prog rock musician John Wetton are three absolute musts for 2017. Why the committee leaves good picks off I'll never know...

    Leah Bracknell



    Why do I always keep thinking she's called Zoe something?


    82 and cancer, yet another good potential pick for 2017...


    A lot of famous people keep it quiet when they are ill. It's our duty as deadpoolers to take note of those that go public about it, and take each person on a case by case basis.

    I personally wouldn't bother with him right now. It is prostate cancer, which is more often curable than not.



    Prostate cancer is one of the most treatable cancers isn't it? Especially if caught early.


    One of the most difficult cancers to treat would surely have to be pancreatic cancer.


    Other cancers vary as far as I'm aware, but a lot depends on how early it is caught and whether it's spread or any number of other factors. One thing's for sure, cancer sure is a horrible illness.


    I'm not an expert on cancer or anything but I do have some basic knowledge about it.




    Dennis Nilsen says that he owes it to his victims to spend the rest of his life in jail, according to the Aberdeen P & J.



    Does he owe it to us to suggest when that life might end. Given the performance of penitence he's staging here he might just be prevailed upon to help us hit the mark for once.



    If any information does come up, he's worth keeping an eye on. He's in his seventies now and in prison, can't be great.


    Infamous Austrian dungeon incest dad and rapist Josef Fritzl is 82 next year - and he will probably be on my own personal list for 2017.


    Talking of older people that are in prison, how's Rolf Harris doing? He's 87 in 2017 and is set to go on trial again in January for further sexual assault charges.

  17. 82 and cancer, yet another good potential pick for 2017...


    A lot of famous people keep it quiet when they are ill. It's our duty as deadpoolers to take note of those that go public about it, and take each person on a case by case basis.

  18. If you read his Wikipedia biography all he does is slag off different peoples and places like the Welsh and the Manx people and generally get himself into trouble by being politically incorrect and pissing people off.


    Personally I think he'd be a good pick for 2017 - hope that the committee doesn't do a Howard Marks again and makes the sensible choice. That soap actress whose name I keep forgetting who has lung cancer, AA Gill and prog rock musician John Wetton are three absolute musts for 2017. Why the committee leaves good picks off I'll never know...


    Cat O'Falk, on 11 Nov 2016 - 11:25 PM, said:

    I can't believe no-one's done a Rick-roll yet. :lol:

    I can. It would be too obvious. Is the old ass meme even still alive or should we put it on the list too?



    Rickrolling will never die as long as the internet exists. It never really gets old, because once you've forgotten about it for a while every now and then it comes back, fresh as a daisy. And since "Never Gonna Give You Up" is such a cheery, happy song, it never fails to put you in a good mood.


    Or maybe that's just me





    I kind of had a feeling that Leonard Cohen was going to pass away soon. After listening to that album, I thought it would be a farewell, which was correct. I didn't think it would this imminent though. I thought he would hang around till about January next year, announcing something like terminal liver cancer in December so he would be a must have for next year. Another possibility for my DDP team (although he was more instinct than ill health) gone.


    Wonder if the whole concept of the "near death album" that we've seen with Blackstar and You Want It Darker will become a more common thing in the future as a whole generation of popular musicians near the end of their lives?


    If so, I can't wait to hear what Rick Astley's attempt will sound like...



    No dissing Rick girl-says-no-no-smiley-emoticon.gif



    Not dissing Rick at all actually - just can't imagine him ever making that type of album.


    Anyway, he looks like a picture of health and I would not be at all surprised if he sees 90, if he can look that good at 50.


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