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Posts posted by Weebl




    I know I put her on my list this year, but right enough, she does look good for 99!


    Expecting the usual responses of "I would" to this photo...

    Who gave her the pearl necklace? :blink:



    Well spotted! Hope there are more astute observations like this to come...

    • Like 1


    What do you think the odds are that this time next year, a whole series of revelations about Paul Daniels will have become public and he'll have been accused of molesting young girls, raping women, and so on?


    I mean, there does seem to be a pattern with these "light entertainment" stars...


    Daniels was too busy being racist to nonce, imho



    It just said on the news that he "couldn't be sure that all the women he slept with were over 16"

  3. What do you think the odds are that this time next year, a whole series of revelations about Paul Daniels will have become public and he'll have been accused of molesting young girls, raping women, and so on?


    I mean, there does seem to be a pattern with these "light entertainment" stars...




    Everyone knows about the 27 Club...


    Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, and perhaps Amy Winehouse...


    How about the 69 to 71 Club?


    David Bowie, Lou Reed, Jack Bruce, Keith Emerson, Edgar Froese, Lemmy...

    What about the slightly less exclusive 18 to 99 Club?

    Doesn't have the same ring to it.

    how about the 8+ club.



    Steady on now...


    Everyone knows about the 27 Club...


    Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, and perhaps Amy Winehouse...


    How about the 69 to 71 Club?


    David Bowie, Lou Reed, Jack Bruce, Keith Emerson, Edgar Froese, Lemmy...


    What about the slightly less exclusive 18 to 99 Club?



    Doesn't have the same ring to it.

  6. Everyone knows about the 27 Club...


    Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, and perhaps Amy Winehouse...


    How about the 69 to 71 Club?


    David Bowie, Lou Reed, Jack Bruce, Keith Emerson, Edgar Froese, Lemmy...

  7. Why is this moved here? The thread I posted in was our PROG Rock thread and some newbie rolled in and created this for no reason. I refuse to acknowledge its existence and I posted in the Next Piper at the Gates thread which was correct. Why this thread hasn't been deleted is anyone's guess so please don't post my crap here.



    Who the fuck do you think you are calling a newbie?


    I've been reading this forum since 2007 or earlier. And I actually created an account on here in 2007 and made some posts.


    And if that other thread is such a great thread then why the fuck were major deaths in the musical genre (like Chris Squire for example) NOT EVEN MENTIONED in that thread at all when he died?


    It's obvious we needed a new fucking thread.


    It's only an internet forum, can you stop being such a whining cunt? Thanks.

    • Like 8

  8. Keith Emerson dies aged 71




    They are dropping like flies! A lot of them seem to be dying in their late sixties or early seventies: JJ Cale, David Bowie, Jack Bruce, Lou Reed, Edgar Froese, Chris Squire, Ray Manzarek, Lemmy are eight that come to mind right now from the past 3 years or so... and now Keith Emerson can join them


    Suppose there might be a few punk fans celebrating tonight though

  9. Was thinking of including George Martin on my personal list this year, but was put off by someone saying "every time we check on him he seems to be fine". Well next time someone says something like that about a potential candidate, they're going straight on my list.

  10. John Wetton still undergoing chemo, 8th round, according to Twitter... good luck to him, he'll need good luck to survive the year IMHO




    Had meant to check Damo Suzuki's blog again, as this time last year he was ill in hospital but the most recent update on there is, strangely enough, about the death of Lemmy. Nothing about Damo's health but he didn't look good the last time there was news...







    With all the recent discussion of Michael Moore and how by his seventies he'll be no Moore I've decided to open a topic.

    He might be gone before then. He's only 61 now.

    You cant knock the Kids enthusiasm though, hes a good lad.

    Michael Moore. Horrible thing to say but, If I was asked to describe what a typical American kiddy fiddler would look like, Id have to show a pic of Moore.

    Baseball cap hiding unkempt hair, beard barely disguising the chins and a fat bastard, yeah, he has it nailed on.

    Never thought about it like that but yeah you're dead on, got that down to a tee. As you might have guessed, I really don't like Michael Moore at all. Everything is the fault of the evil white people, and capitalism, and racism. Yeah fuck off you fat cunt

    weebi may I ask what the hell are you talking about Micheal Moore has never said those things. Seems that you associate the left wing with sjws.



    No, but it's the type of thing that people like him say - all that crap about there being a "big bad establishment of evil white men" out to oppress poor innocent minority groups. It's absolute shite, and these people make a fortune off of promoting these kinds of ideas


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